I hate netdecking and my favorite package in Standard is
Hateful Eidolon
Dead Weight
Mogis's Favor
Mire's Grasp
Aphemia, the Cacophony
Tymaret Calls the Dead
. It leads to fun interaction and a lot of value. The creature-based match ups are extremely strong and the control match ups are surprisingly winnable. Right now I play a good amount of Standard with BW, UB, and GB enchantment decks (all on my profile) because I love these cards so much. Here's my UB version also based around
Narfi, Betrayer King
, it was inspired by someone's deck I played on the arena ladder that I thought was cool, I don't know their name unfortunately:
Hateful Eidolon
- So much value for a 1-drop. I often don't run it out on turn 1 if I can follow it up immediately with an aura later. Becomes a must remove threat against creature decks. A very common play pattern, especially against control decks, is to put
Mogis's Favor
on it to have a 3-power lifelinker that will draw a card when it dies.
Dead Weight
- Kills a lot of relevant creatures in the format, great value if it's drawing a card. Fuels Aphemia and Tymaret Calls.
Mogis's Favor
- The more I've played with these decks the more I've appreciated this card. With decks milling us (Rogues) or making us discard (Kroxa), value from the graveyard is clutch. Also, against weenie decks or Anax tokens, for example, it's a repeatable removeable spell that can draw us cards and trigger constellation. I rarely exile it from the graveyard with Aphemia or Tymaret Calls unless there's multiples in there. Can slap it on zombies to make them 4/1's.
Aphemia, the Cacophony
- I think this is a very underrated card. It's easy to fuel in this deck and drawing multiples is fine because they fuel each other. It's an enchantment and fuels our Narfi/Zombie plan.
Mire's Grasp
- Kills lots of stuff and fuels all the enchantment synergy.
Mire Triton
- The milling is useful for Narfi, Tymaret Calls, and Aphemia. Also a zombie itself.
Tymaret Calls the Dead
- Lots of value, stocks the graveyard, goes to the graveyard, triggers enchantment stuff, and gives us lots of zombies to pump with Narfi.
Murderous Rider
- Premium removal spell amplified by being a zombie in our zombie deck. Optimal build certainly has 4.
Thirst for Meaning
- Downside is reduced by this being an enchantment deck, and necessary extra discard outlet for Narfi.
Liliana's Devotee
- These aren't the strongest and could certainly be upgraded to something else, but I think it's a fun card, and the effect can be very strong as we often have 2-5 zombie tokens around. Sometimes I don't play it before combat to coax opponents into taking a trade if I have the mana to also make a zombie with it at end step.
Rankle, Master of Pranks
- The 4-drop slot is a complete flex spot. This is a newer deck so I'm testing out lots of stuff. Rankle is just strong and can help us discard our Narfis.
Liliana, Waker of the Dead
- Discard and -3 abilities are either useful or strong for our deck. Another card I'm testing.
Narfi, Betrayer King
- Surprisingly powerful and difficult for many decks to deal with. We make a lot of zombies and the instant speed pump out of the graveyard wrecks opponents sometimes.
Other 4+ mana cards that could be worth trying are
Nightmare Shepherd
Gravebreaker Lamia
This isn't an aggro deck, so I don't like to play enhancing auras, although
Demonic Embrace
could be worth trying. There's a variation of this deck that definitely could take advantage of
Silversmote Ghoul
. Some other things you could try would be
Priest of the Haunted Edge
(snow AND zombie!),
Liliana's Standard Bearer
Draugr Necromancer
Rune of Mortality
Lurrus of the Dream-Den
Inevitable End
Elspeth's Nightmare
Treacherous Blessing
Rune of Flight
Rousing Read
Sanctum of Calm Waters
Shark Typhoon
King Narfi's Betrayal
(flavor!). Fun flexibility to play the cards you like.
Otherwise the mana base is fine, could be adjusted in lots of ways, but works fine for me. Gotta keep max snow lands for Narfi. The only criticism at this point is that drawing Narfi's is rough because there aren't as many discard outlets as I would like, but it's also not a terrible 5 mana play so it's not a huge deal.
If you try out the deck, let me know what you think!