Standard - Naya Dinosaurs


SCORE: 110 | 53 COMMENTS | 48308 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS

Kizmetto says... #7

Hey! Great to see more dinosaur decks! How has testing with Samut been? It feels good with those abilities, but perhaps her creature form might be better, with the haste and untapping abilities perhaps? Samut, Voice of Dissent

Here is my deck if we wanted to compare! And i definately love the inclusion of Chandra's Pyrohelix! what a great way to trigger enrage.nayasaurusrex

September 8, 2017 9:02 p.m.

HUFFDADDY says... #8

Kizmetto, Thanks for the comment!

Testing with Samut has been good hitting those enrage triggers and tutoring out 2 Alphas. So for now I will keep her in.

I like your deck a lot. I borrowed some of your notes to added it to my description and moved some stuff around, I hope you don't mind.

Keep me up to date on how play testing with the new dinos goes and I'll do the same. I'm really excited to see this creature type being printed.

Thanks again.

September 9, 2017 2:10 a.m.

TepigAggro says... #9

U need the new card Rile instead of pyrohelix. Also, consider Savage Stomp. Consider Raptor Hatchling, use stomp and kill one of their 1 power creatures so u get a 3/3 and hatchling stays alive. such value

September 13, 2017 12:36 p.m.

HUFFDADDY says... #10


Rile is really good, I will test with it. I'm using Chandra's Pyrohelix because I can get 2 enrage triggers instead of only 1 with Rile and if I hit a Ripjaw Raptor then there's my card draw. Also I'm not to concerned with gaining trample since I'm running Khenra Charioteer. But I'll play test with it and see.

Savage Stomp is so good I really want to add it in. Playing off of a Raptor Hatchling is awesome.

Thanks for the suggestions! Keep them coming!

September 13, 2017 1:50 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #11

hey hows it going? your list has changed since i last saw, im glad you liked some of my notes! lets keep working as spoilers come out :D

what do you think of the 1 drop humans, Priest of the Wakening Sun and kinjalli's caller? would you run a split or full set of one or both or...? im not so sure, i really liked the idea of a late game tutor and early life gain but a dino discount and a 0/3 is also damn fine!

September 14, 2017 10:31 a.m. Edited.

HUFFDADDY says... #12

Kizmetto, Things are going good. I am play testing and checking to see of more cards are spoiled everyday.

I do like the 1 drop humans, Priest of the Wakening Sun and Kinjalli's Caller. I don't think I would you run either of them at the moment. I'd don't see either of them having enough value in this deck as of yet. The early life gain is situational although the tutor is nice.

Caller is good, like Otepec Huntmaster I will have to play test to see but I think I'd rather just run the mana dorks instead of either of these.

Thanks for checking back in! And did you see the Deathgorge Scavenger it looks like it might be a good sideboard card.

September 14, 2017 2:20 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #13

I agree more testing needed! that Deathgorger scavenger fills out the 3 drop pretty well in my deck, as well as Ranging Raptors but definately a gopd sb card for dinos (heck green in general) and the fact its repeatable is better! im quite a fan of this card.

What about um, the green legendary enchantment/ gaeas cradle card (the name escapes me right now..)

September 14, 2017 7:43 p.m.

HUFFDADDY says... #15

Kizmetto, The card you are thinking about is Growing Rites of Itlimoc. It's really good but I feel like it will trigger to late before it becomes really useful in the deck.

September 15, 2017 1:05 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #16

HUFFDADDY Thats the one! I agree, bit too late. Also, love how you've pimped out this page, no idea how you did it but it looks great!

I think the full spoiler comes out on Friday, so not too long to go.

September 15, 2017 1:15 a.m.

HUFFDADDY says... #17

Kizmetto, Thanks!

It's just some simple CSS that I have on my server. I can send you the code if you want.

Also, Yes I'm really looking forward to seeing the full set!

September 15, 2017 1:37 a.m. Edited.

TepigAggro says... #25

Dude, our Dinosaur builds are so similar, you should check mine out! Also, the Bellowing Aegisaurs aren't as much value as you think. It would be so much better to drop like a Carnage Tyrant or a Gishath, Sun's Avatar instead of it, which is a 6 mana 3/5. As it does power up your creatures, it is too slow and just acts as a kill target. Run Gishath, Sun's Avatar instead.

October 1, 2017 3:16 p.m.

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