Standard Sliver

Standard burgertron75


Effortless says... #1

Manaweft Sliver add 2 of them and remove 2 Syphon Sliver

Then remove 2 Galerider Sliver for 2 Blur Sliver

Remove all black and blue, and if you dont have access to dual lands i suggest trying to cut down to 2 colour

Remove 1 Battle Sliver and flame of the firebrand for the 2 Bonescythe Sliver in your side board.

August 3, 2013 3:28 a.m.

burgertron75 says... #2

Thanks for the advice Effortless - much appreciated!

I replaced Flames of the Firebrand with Chandra's Outrage as the latter is an Instant. I think the speed of the spell is important.

What I have done is 'bench' the Battle Sliver in favour of one more Manaweft Sliver . I need to play this deck a few times to see if Battle Sliver will be required: e.g. could I have done with 5cmc +2/+0 because I didn't have the mana for 6cmc +3/+3 with Megantic Sliver ! But agree that the Manaweft may be key to getting the black or blue slivers out early, or possibly getting Door of Destinies on the board a turn or two earlier.

As you point out, dual lands (aka: shock lands) are the key. Today, I'll be trying to get hold of 4x Dimir Guildgate plus two each of the Orzhov Guildgate and Selesnya Guildgate to fix that problem.

This way I can keep the Syphon Sliver and Galerider Sliver in. Since I have limited spell space, I believe that these two are necessary to gain/recover life and deal with flyers.

August 3, 2013 6:31 p.m.

apoc7k says... #3

One question - Why wouldn't you run 4 Manaweft Sliver in main deck? At least in my eyes, that's the creature you'd want to be able to always try to drop turn 2 so that you can increase your mana output. Plus if opponents kill one off, then you have 3 others you can play into.

Also, I worry about the practicality of the Guildgates + Maze's End . If you can swing getting some of the necessary duals, I think it could streamline the deck somewhat. Just a thought though!

August 6, 2013 8:24 p.m.

burgertron75 says... #4

@apoc7k: Thanks for your comment! The question of 4x Manaweft Sliver has been rolling around the back of my head, and your comment has brought it to the fore.

I reckon that I could pull out the 2x Sentinel Sliver , the Chandra's Outrage and one of the Maze's End . I can replace these with:

1x Manaweft Sliver for a total of 4, as suggested

2x Demonic Tutor - This could help digging up Maze's End , which in turn, will help me pull gates out of the library. It could also help me get at a particular creature/removal card if necessary.

Pulling out 4 cards and replacing with 3 also brings the deck back to 60 cards - I just realised I had one too many for M14 Game Day comp!

August 6, 2013 9:25 p.m.

apoc7k says... #5

Not a problem, dude! Consistency in mana sources is one of the key things, and the idea of mana-producing slivers (previously Gemhide Sliver ), has been an excellent one for smoothing out the curve. Especially since a set of dual lands will phase out (and the problem of the gates coming into play tapped), this will really help you a lot. Let us know how playtesting turns out!

One other thought about the couple of instants is to gear that more towards getting the deck moving faster. With the few spots you have for spells, you have a few destroy effects, but they aren't something you can rely too heavily on. I like the idea of using tutors, which will help fetch Maze's End which will in turn help you thin out the deck. Being that it isn't legendary, I might suggest experimenting with the numbers of that to figure out what works best... I'd imagine you'd want to be able to get that going pretty quick.

Also, I'm guessing you mean Diabolic Tutor , because Demonic Tutor coming back would be insane. So insane... (I only wish...)


August 8, 2013 4:02 a.m.

burgertron75 says... #6

Thanks again, apoc7k for your input.

Since last update, I've been mulling over the list and had decided that I had to at least sideboard Diabolic Tutor , so I had to think of what to pull out to make that fit. For cost and probable usage in the tourney, I'm sadly going to have to let go of the 2x Gruul War Chant . Also, given the relatively high cost of the Tutor (esp. the 2 black mana :-o ), I can probably only reasonably fit in a pair. At best I'm only likely to be able to play it mid-game anyway.

I really ought to Mainboard the Diabolic Tutor , so I will have to bench Chandra's Outrage and either (a) Take a punt on getting a Galerider Sliver and bench a Plummet or, (b) bench a Steelform Sliver . There is (c) bench: both of the Steelform Sliver for the Tutors, but then I feel this moves away from the point of the deck! I'm leaning towards (b), as it gives me 25 land and 25 creatures, which I think gives a good balance. That way, I have a better chance of getting Plummet , which I'm sure to need in most games.

As for our friend, Demonic Tutor - Thanks for pointing out the error! I did mean the Diabolic one. One possible reason for the error is that I've begun obtaining cards for my next project, which is to assemble the Liliana deck from the M14 DotP computer game. I've just gotten hold of the 'old skool' Grave Pact [STH] and Cruel Revival cards - maybe my typo was a subliminal suggestion from a real-life Demonic Tutor ;) - ROFL!

At any rate, I've missed out on a thorough pre-tourney workout for this deck today as I was too busy rummaging for obscure cards :-S

August 8, 2013 8:12 a.m.

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