You Remember That Censor I Cycled...

Standard Zooby9


Zooby9 says... #1

The_Drewbage do you not like sunken hollow or are you looking towards when it rotates?

July 18, 2017 10:26 p.m.

The_Drewbage says... #2

Zooby9 Oh I love the card, but I'm just looking toward to when it rotates out

July 19, 2017 2:08 a.m.

Zooby9 says... #3

The_Drewbage They will be adding a new dual that I would replace the three estuarys and one of the hollows with and I would replace the other hollow with an island.

July 19, 2017 9:33 a.m.

The_Drewbage says... #4

Zooby9 Oh okay, I gotcha. Can't wait to see a revised version of the deck! In the process of building it right now

July 19, 2017 1:32 p.m.

Kittus says... #5

Hi Zooby9! Been playing vs different decks this weekend and I would like to share the results with you to try to improve the deck.

The deck performs well vs creature based decks, I played vs UW Monument, a cat tribal deck (I think it's pretty good) and Naya Exert and I've won most of the games.

However I've lost 2-0 with nothing to do about that vs two diferent decks. The first one was a Delirium Planeswalker Bombs thing which performed pretty well, playing with Liliana, the Last Hope, liliana, death's majesty, Noxious Gearhulk, The Scarab God and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet which was a huge problem as all the creatures with cycling that were killed went to the exile. Now I realise I should have played Scarab Feast in this Matchup...

The other deck was a ramp Eldrazi deck, using sorceries and instants to play more lands each turn and Servant of the Conduit to get to the big eldrazis or to build a huge Walking Ballista. Even thoug I drawed pretty bad these games (couldnt find the early removal for those creatures) I don't think I could have done much.

In these matchups I felt that I was not fast enough early and in the late game they had bigger threats which I could not stop.

July 23, 2017 7:39 a.m.

Zooby9 says... #6

Hi Kittus! I have just updated the deck to try and fix some of the issues you were having. I found that I had a lot of trouble against artifacts, enchantments, and sometimes planeswalkers, so I put in Cast Out to deal with those. I also added Dovin Baan to help stop creatures from doing damage to me or using their abilities. I also think tapping into white allowed access to some really good sideboard cards. I hope these updates help!

July 23, 2017 10:29 a.m.

Kittus says... #7

Okay Zooby9, looks good, gonna try the changes this week. However, I don't want to buy Port Town as it rotates out soon. I am gonna put some Evolving Wilds instead (It can help trigger revolt for Fatal Push too).

Have you considered Grind to Dust?

July 23, 2017 1:36 p.m.

Classiest says... #8

I think 9 tap lands is far too many

July 24, 2017 9:49 p.m.

Zooby9 says... #9

Classiest: The cycling lands are the only ones that always come in tapped, and I often just play those turn 1 or cycle them away. The other lands almost never come in tapped and just make it easier to get access to all of the other colors I need. That's what I think.

How would you change the mana base?

July 24, 2017 9:54 p.m.

Classiest says... #10

Zooby9 I think I was wrong, I playtested it a bit and I didn't have mana problems and since the cycling lands cycle cost is colorless it doesn't hinder your ability to cycle them

July 25, 2017 3:30 p.m.

Calibus101 says... #11

Quite simular to my bu cycle deck for standard.

As a suggestion, you could include New Perspectives it would be useful to get some free cycle for more value.

Im also not a big fan of Hollow One as I personally find it a mediocre card without much going for it to make it worth being 4 cards. I would consider looking at cheaper cycle options. Such as Striped Riverwinder wich can be cast with sarcophagus and with hexproof it can be a great harrasser.

I have a simular deck here:UB Ifnir Cycle

It hasnt been updated quite yet but ive made several changes to the deck which will be made in a few days.

August 5, 2017 1:40 p.m.

Zooby9 says... #12

Calibus101 - I used to have this deck as BU, but I ended up adding white because I found I was having trouble with artifacts and enchantments. I feel like New Perspectives isn't actually that helpful because it's hard to keep 7 cards in hand, and sure it may let me cycle one or two things for free, but I don't think it's worth it. Hollow One is an amazing cycling card and should be at least a 3 of in every cycling deck because if your deck is efficient enough you can play him for free. There have been many games when I have cycled away 3 of them and then play Abandoned Sarcophagus, cycle a few things, and cast 3 of them from my graveyard for free it's amazing. Striped Riverwinder does cycle for cheap, but the card itself is pretty bad. A 5/5 for 7 is really bad to start and adding hexproof still really doesn't make it worth it.

Thank you for your comment though I appreciate the input!

August 6, 2017 10:37 a.m.

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