Standard WB Deck V.2.0

Standard* silentsnip3r155


TheHelvault says... #1

I think your board presence is taking second place to your removal. You should limit yourself to 8 removal spells max, not including Declaration in Stone. I would take out 4 Unruly Mob for Thraben Inspector. I would also recommend replacing some of your removal with a creature, maybe Asylum Visitor.

May 6, 2016 8:31 p.m.

Chefjohntodd says... #2

Not sure about 20 land... seems light especially with heavy hitters like avacyn and sorin

I would add more land for sure

May 6, 2016 9:16 p.m.

DB_Cooper says... #3


Some hints:- increase land count: 24 is a must for a BW Sorin deck. - Kalitas is a great choice for mid-late game. If you wanna stick with SoI only there is Markov Knight which is pretty powerful to close. - Reduce Bound by Moonsilver to 2. - I would add more Declarations. I play 4. I'd play 5 if I could. :)- If you accept cards outside SOI, Ruinous Path is a must nowadays. 2 copies should do the job.


May 8, 2016 10:07 p.m.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your help. Prior to your comments I was play testing my deck and realized that I was sort of mana screwed just all the time so I bumped the mana up to 22 +1 Swamp and +1 Plains. I also completely removed all Unruly Mobs. I put in 1 Thraben Inspector (because I only have 1), but due to the amount of equipment, though they are three-drops I put in Militant Inquisitors. Looking at your comments I see a lot of similarities between what I found and what you've all said so far, however I know there are still many ways to improve this deck... Thanks for all your help so far, if you see anything else that should be changed, keep the advice coming!

p.s. I'll be updating the deck list soon so that you may see the version I first updated.

May 9, 2016 8:15 a.m.

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