This is my take on a standard Grixis control deck. It has a wide variety of control cards with a slew of planeswalkers and sticky win conditions.
-Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver- A massive distraction early-mid game, and a possible win condition in the right match-up.
-Chandra, Pyromaster- Helps us cycle through our deck faster. She can help with control as well.
-Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker- A scary win condition that can also help with control.
Sticky Creatures:
-Keranos, God of Storms- This guy's devotion isn't met commonly in this deck, but his card draw and direct damage output can win games.
-Mogis, God of Slaughter- Mogis also rarely hits devotion. While not as powerful as Keranos, he is still a major issue for opponents to deal with.
-Prognostic Sphinx- A serious threat in the air that isn't easily dealt with. The massive scry is the icing on the cake.
-Silumgar, the Drifting Death- He flies, he's very hard to kill, and he counters Elspeth.
The Fun Cards:
-Anger of the Gods- Fast global damage alleviates the drawback of using Reality Shift or Swan Song.
-Crux of Fate- Sometimes, everything must go... except Silumgar.
-Dig Through Time- Go and find those perfect cards that you need. The 6 delve is very easily attained.
-Dissolve- A solid, no-nonsense counter plus scry. The UU and 3 CMC is a killer early game, though.
-Hero's Downfall- Take down a creature or a planeswalker when in need.
-Magma Jet- Easy, early direct damage plus scry, setting up your next turn.
-Reality Shift- Remove those indestructible targets from the game. A 2/2 is far easier to deal with.
-Swan Song- Same idea as Reality Shift, but with countering the non-creature threats instead of removing the creatures.
-Thoughtseize- For a meager 2 life, remove a threat before it even has a chance.
Sideboard description still to come. Please give feedback, advice, and thumbs. :D