Macaronigrill5150 says... #2
Simply had to upvote and comment because I love Titanfall 1 and 2
September 11, 2022 9:01 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #3
Hey, been a while. Ran a few tests in the builder and what I've noticed:
You're a sitting duck for 3 turns. From turn 4 onward you can easily drop a 6/6 per turn. 6/6 is pretty beefy but I worry you wouldn't keep up with the fast pace of the Modern metagame.
I'd cut Domri for some Hierarchs. Ever considered Dismember or Beast Within? granted you have red for removal as an option too. OG Garuk is an underrated gem of a walker, would keep him.
September 12, 2022 9:38 p.m.
Hallowed_Titan says... #4
Definitely appreciate your testing Yamishi. Invaluable as always. I do have some beast within I could use and I've been looking for a reason to cut Mr domri lol.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #1
I'm not sure if this is a good idea given you do have a lot of high-cost cards, but you have enough ramp to make me think you could maybe get away with a few less lands. That's a big "maybe".
July 11, 2022 9:12 p.m.