Stangg, Double the Trouble (Competitively Casual)

Commander / EDH 0rc


0rc says... #2

king-saproling, thanks for the recommendations. I’ve toyed with some of them but many are new. It is very much appreciated!

July 27, 2020 12:56 p.m.

laserdisque says... #3

I think that Felhide Spiritbinder deserves a closer look. There are no ways in the deck to take take advantage of his untap ability besides just attacking. I know this deck wants to make tokens, and this seems like the worst ability that does that, that deal non combat damage with effects, so perhaps something like Furnace of Rath or Dictate of the Twin Gods could be nice instead.

Stalking Vengeance seems to cost to much for the effect on a card that is easily interacted with. For the same mana cost you could run Vicious Shadows. It has the upsides of triggering on all creature deaths and being an enchantment which is harder to interact with than a creature.

Finally, Fires of Yavimaya seems like a cut to me. Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded could be an interesting choice here. It has pretty decent synergy with the decks general plan and grants haste to your bois. Samut, Tyrant Smasher seems a bit better as well.

July 27, 2020 10:46 p.m.

0rc says... #4

laserdisque, thnx homie. You’re right—-Fellhide sux. I was thinking of chopping him. Furnace and Dictate, which you suggested, are better (and I’ll bet Dragon’s Lair has them). Vicious Shadows is in already. What I’m really lacking is card draw now. Maybe the Armasaur.. thnx!

July 27, 2020 11:17 p.m.

king-saproling says... #5

July 28, 2020 10:42 a.m.

0rc says... #6

king-saproling, I like the cut of your jib. Frostfang should definitely go in. Thanks!

July 28, 2020 11:28 a.m.

BigYehaw says... #7

Not even called Stangg-ky leg 0/10

cool deck tho 9/10

July 28, 2020 8:45 p.m.

0rc says... #8

BigYehaw, thanks for your interest. We all know Stangg is Stangg-key, (but I don’t know about his legs). At any rate, I have good decks too—-saddle up. thanks!

July 28, 2020 8:53 p.m.

Deadpoo111 says... #9

Is it weird to say I'm ridiculously honored? I saw your comment on my Staang deck, and I have to say that this deck is better than anything I could've imagined. Fantastically made and fun to boot. I couldn't be more proud to give this an upvote.

August 3, 2020 5:09 p.m.

0rc says... #10

Deadpoo111, that’s so Kind of you! I gave you a shoutout in the afterword on my Stangg deck’s write-up. I wish I would have done so sooner. I have played with your Stangg deck many, many times. It’s a fun deck and ridiculously Stangg-centerred. More so than mine is, for sure :) Thank you.

August 3, 2020 8:02 p.m.

Cool deck, cooler concept. I bet your an awesome person to have in a play group.

Thanks for sharing +1

August 4, 2020 12:06 p.m.

0rc says... #12

October_The_First, thank you very much. I’m good at losing, and every playgroup appreciates that :)

August 4, 2020 12:29 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #13

Love this Jank!

August 6, 2020 10:25 p.m.

0rc says... #14

bushido_man96, thank you. I appreciate that.

August 6, 2020 10:34 p.m.

i love it, thank you.

August 7, 2020 3:10 a.m.

0rc says... #16

No—thank you! :)

August 7, 2020 3:12 a.m.

stupid dumb infinite combo decks got nottin on u

August 7, 2020 3:38 a.m.

MtgHarmacist says... #18

Fiery Emancipation Oracle of Mul Dayaand Beast Whisperer or Guardian Project seem like they could be descent additions

August 9, 2020 10:49 p.m.

0rc says... #19

AllenM8, thank you very much for your interest in my Stangg deck and fir your thoughtful suggestions.

Let’s go through each one by one.

Fiery Emancipation is the most viable recommendation. It would be a welcome addition, were it one-sided. Unfortunately, with a deck as slow and cumbersome as this, we don’t want to give any resource that doesn’t break parity to the opponent. He or she will certainly outclass us with it.

Oracle of Mul Daya is the second most viable addition, however this deck only runs 34 lands. It is less-likely to top deck a land or have extra lands in hand than those decks that benefit most from her. This deck would be more likely to run more immediate land acceleration such as Farseek or Migration Path (which is strictly better than Explosive Vegetation, which we already run). Another mana dork would also be in order.

Beast Whisperer is a house that dominates builds that pump out creature spells. This deck, however, pumps out creature tokens and sparse creature spells. The average CMC is 4-5, so we can only expect to cast a beefy boi every couple of turns. As a result, we won’t be drawing much off of it.

Guardian Project, again, focuses on non-token creatures.

I do really appreciate all of your recommendations. The deck just needs a different treatment. That said, if you have any more recommendations, I am grateful to hear them.

Thank you!

August 9, 2020 11:25 p.m.

MtgHarmacist says... #20

Understandable. I do think if you have a Sylvan Library, it could be an upgrade over senseis

August 10, 2020 9:48 p.m.

0rc says... #22

AllenM8, you read my mind about Sylvan Library!!! It’s in the mail already :) but I’ll run both, or maybe I’ll replace Sensei's Divining Top with Mirri's Guile :)))

August 10, 2020 10:14 p.m.

MtgHarmacist says... #23

Oh yes!! Was trying to scryfall cards with etb do damage abilities. I ran into Vigilante Justice but not sure the 1 damage from stagg and his twins is worth it. Lower costed though. :)

August 10, 2020 10:22 p.m.

0rc says... #24

AllenM8, I considered that one before, but Impact Tremors was better for the value. I really appreciate you though!

August 10, 2020 10:35 p.m.

MtgHarmacist says... #25

Just played with fiery today. It is definitely awesome in this and it says a source you control so only works with our stuff!

August 15, 2020 12:59 a.m.

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