Jeskai Fog

Standard* Blotterhead

SCORE: 151 | 227 COMMENTS | 25431 VIEWS | IN 88 FOLDERS

Dart3rocks says... #2

I really wanna splash red and play one Chandra, Flamecaller XD for her zero ability

May 15, 2016 4:10 a.m.

Blotterhead says... #3

Instead of Chandra, Flamecaller, could do Forgotten Creation but I'm not sure if there's room for it.

May 15, 2016 4:30 a.m.

spqr5951 says... #4

I would definitely add Forgotten Creation to the mainboard.

I also echo Dart3rocks sentiment, for Chandra, Flamecaller and maybe Fevered Visions

May 15, 2016 3:54 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #5

You said on I should run Evolving Wilds. I decided I would like to splash red for Chandra, Flamecaller.

My question is, how many Evolving Wilds should I run, and should I still keep the Skyline Cascades? How many lands total?


May 16, 2016 3:26 p.m.

Harbynger says... #6

I REALLY wanted to love Chandra, Flamecaller and Fevered Visions for my mono-blue shinx mill... but after some testing, I decided to go back to mono-blue. While it seems it should be powerful, it took too much time to setup and ended up slowing down the milling. I would DEFINITELY put the Forgotten Creation in here. I'm not a huge fan of Pieces of the Puzzle personally, as it won't help you mill. Catalog and Vessel of Paramnesia would be good additions.

Here is what I'm running currently in my mill:

Sphinx Mill

Standard* Harbynger


May 16, 2016 4:35 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #7

Thanks so much for all your help Harbynger, Eggyism83, spqr5951, and Dart3rocks!

Let me know what you think of the changes, especially using Vessel of Paramnesia and Catalog to speed up the tempo.

I feel like there may be too much red mana? Maybe only run 2 mountains?

Also, people seemed on the fence about Pieces of the Puzzle, but it seems helpful for getting to those precious Startled Awake  Flips? I suppose it could lead you to have to throw out Chandra, Flamecaller.

Do I have too many Forgotten Creation? Does it stack? (e.g. can if I had 3 out, could I discard my hand and redraw 3 times?)

Thanks again!!!

May 16, 2016 5:08 p.m.

Harbynger says... #8

Forgotten Creation will absolutely stack. You can drop your hand and re-draw for each one on the field.

May 16, 2016 5:22 p.m.

inari82 says... #9

You are already splashing red. I'd say find spots for Geistblast.

May 16, 2016 5:26 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #10

inari82 -- Yes Geistblast!! Nice one, I think two would be perfect to replace the two Pieces of the Puzzle?

May 16, 2016 5:30 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #11

Scatter to the Winds on the sideboard instead of Void Shatter to replace Negate if needed?

May 16, 2016 5:39 p.m.

Sconeth says... #12

Tormenting Voice over Anticipate. It triggers Tutelage, and I personally think its better.

May 16, 2016 10:06 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #13

Thanks robo12385 -- Tormenting Voice or Catalog on the mainboard? I'm leaning Tormenting Voice? My CMC is a bit high.

May 16, 2016 11:09 p.m. Edited.

I am showing up a little late to the party but seiben mtg on youtube has a deck called izzet on the rocks you should take a look at. I think its similar to this but also has burn as a win condition check it out.

May 16, 2016 11:13 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #15

Hyperalgialysis definitely not too late, I still have a few days! I looked up that deck. It's pretty similar to what I had when I started this deck. Before I posted it, it originally was U/R. I took out Thing In the Ice, because even with 19 sorcery/instant spells, I could rarely get it to flip. Felt like the deck was going two directions.

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on Lightning Axe or Fiery Temper? Is that trying to do too much?

May 16, 2016 11:19 p.m.

With your discard triggers it might work out ok, I think that maybe fevered visions might be worth a few slots because they have to draw also. I don't blame you for the thing in the ice. I have seen a few people use it well but it has mostly been decks abusing 1 drops. Maybe drop the vessel. A 1 time mill effect or forcing your opponent to draw and take damage seems like a simple choice to me.

May 17, 2016 12:02 a.m.

WSPanic says... #17

I'm running something very similar and it works great! Very fast! I'll just leave the link here so you can take a look. Maybe you'll find a couple of good nuggets to use.

I definitely recommend Fevered Visions and definitely drop Vessel of Paramnesia. Also, I found Forgotten Creation too slow. Add another Chandra, Flamecaller for this effect. There are better things to play in the 4-slot

Hey check out my deck Sphinx's Disciple

May 17, 2016 12:07 a.m.

Blotterhead says... #18

Hyperalgialysis Thanks! and what do you think of Tormenting Voice over Catalog on the main board for lower CMC?

May 17, 2016 12:07 a.m. Edited.

MagicMike77 says... #19

Fiery Temper and Just the Wind are awesome cards cause it give you the ability to successfully use Tormenting Voice having a Chandra and a Jace is great Oath of Jace is a good card to use too with madness cards. I wouldn't use Lightning Axe just cause you don't want to be too heavy on discard. Pyromancer's Goggles could work well here too.

If you have the money to get or already have Baby Jace then run the hel out of him cause he is just stupid in U/R Tutelage, but I understand the average player doesn't have one.

With extra red I'd look into more Shivan Reefs, Mountains, and Wandering Fumarole.

I also like Radiant Flames and the way Drownyard Temple can work with Magmatic Insight.

Hope these help.

Thing in the Ice  Flip could also be a good win con cause he is a successful blocker, board wipe, and a 7/8 once transformed.

May 17, 2016 12:14 a.m.

Blotterhead says... #20

With another Chandra, Flamecaller, it might be ok to bring back Thing in the Ice  Flip to replace Forgotten Creation?

May 17, 2016 12:21 a.m.

Blotterhead says... #21

MagicMike77 - also would like to hear ur thoughts on Tormenting Voice over Catalog on the main board? Thx!

May 17, 2016 12:27 a.m.

WSPanic says... #22

Hyperalgialysis is right, Thing in the Ice  Flip really only works if you abuse 1-drops or 2-drops. Lots of Lightning Axe into Fiery Temper or Tormenting Voice into some 1-drop madness instant. If you can figure out that balance you'll be flipping Thing whenever you want. I do it with my deck constantly.

May 17, 2016 12:28 a.m.

WSPanic says... #23

Also, you didn't ask me, but Tormenting Voice is just better in this standard IMO. There are too many ways to spend the extra mana you save on killing an opponent's creature or bouncing it back to their hand.

Imagine, a mirror match...opponent just flipped Thing in the Ice  Flip. Your turn you play Tormenting Voice and then discard Just the Wind to trigger it's madness and bounce Awoken Horror  Flip or Ormendahl, Profane Prince  Flip back to its owner's hand. That a huge swing!!

May 17, 2016 12:35 a.m.

TheDango says... #24

spalsh red for harness the storm possibly other wise you could run daring slueth trail of evidence fleeting memory works with the sphinx possibly two to four fevered visions. the thing in the ice definetly works i was possibly going to run thing in ice with fevered visions jori en stormchaser mages and geist blast. you can copy the blast with harness the storm then copy it same with any instant or sorcery with harness, dont forget to sideboard some dispels, disperse for the mirror match honestly i would look up mtggoldfish against the odds on youtube his deckbuild is similar to what i was gonna build but he didnt put in jori en definetly put jori en. fevered visions and jori en both give you card draw and if you have to discard at eot, make sure you run some madness spells that burn or wipe the board avacyn's judgment is good fiery temper you could also throw in a few instant speed creature buffs as well but i like the idea of stormchaser-thinginice-jori en-fevered visions and sphinx's tutelage just of those five cards you can have a lot of flex room to build around the all kind of feed off of each other a two of or one of of chandra is good but if you cant afford her goahead and get forgotten its still a good card and cheaper as well as a lower casting cost. honestly though when rotation happens im going to go with a fleeting memories scribe clue deck probz splash green for cryptolith or that loam and possibly deathcap cultivator for more mana sources get a bunch of clues then crack as many as fast as possible for the fleeting memories.

May 17, 2016 12:37 a.m.

WSPanic says... #25

If you're set on playing Manic Scribe you need to play Drownyard Temple to help with delirium

May 17, 2016 12:37 a.m.

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