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Stay Fly til you Die *update, suggestions wanted

Commander / EDH Combo Competitive Superfriends


Welcome to my Superfriends deck v 2.0- I am working on making it more streamlined and finding multiple paths to victory. It's hard not to get bored when your early game is all about getting the correct pieces for the rest of the deck to work, so I'm trying to keep it fresh by leaning more towards competitive heads up Edh with a sideboard for multi-player games that will allow this deck to go off and shine when I bring it out to play at a LGS.

Goal of the deck:

This deck was just about dropping bombs. Now it's about creating a board state that benefits me without drawing too much early hate.... but being able to consistently move forward with my main deck strategy (destroy and take everything from everyone and dominate the board) once I have a set base and clear path.

It's key that this deck runs a LOT of disruption right now. That's because my meta is pretty aggressive so I need to have answers. I'm open to new ideas on how to provide answers that stick around, as I have an ETB subtheme with creatures and often have to rely on that to let my Walkers have their room to play.

Some people go enchantments, and I am open to running that variant with multiplayer so if yo have suggestions please let me know!

Deck Mechanics:

This is a Superfriends deck so it is looking to do two things 1) Lay out a protection plan and 2) Drop walkers to do craziness.

Early game: Mana fixing is pretty necessary to start. There isn't traditional ramp via spells so you have to use rocks. Walkers that make mana dorks, untap lands, or search for artifacts are great for your starting hand.

Mid game: Drop a walker, see what happens. They will likely die. Get used to it, and if a walker has to be sacrificed to develop your board state (or stop theirs) then do it. No point in holding them in your hand as this deck is FILLED with great plays so you might not use it at ALL if you don't now (read as, don't save mana, use it all up).

Late game: The way this deck is built now it's meant to have some answers to keep opponents in check and stabilize the board for mid to late game shenanigans.


Draw: drawing more cards is amazingly a problem, and it reeeeeally shouldn't be. I thought putting Cryptic Command would help but the 3U is a big hurdle and unless it's turn 4 or later and I'm already cooking with juice it doesn't solve anything. Simply put- it's win more. Thinking I should trade it out for a draw cantrip so suggestions welcome. Also thinking of trading out Jace Beleren as he draws annoying hate if I don't let other people draw cards and for the cost I could probably replace it with some other draw engine that makes more sense.

Flyers: Flyers are a HUGE problem. Well anything with evasion. I used to have some "no combat damage dealt this turn" as it seemed too situational (when I don't have creatures) and/or not easy to pull up as an answer.

I think my solution for both of these is to simply get some more draw cantrips in to help scoot the deck along. Drawing one or two cards helps me thin things out enough where I usually bumble into something that works out.


Updates Add

WOW. It's amazing how things can happen so quickly sometimes. It helps when I get a couple extra turns through Time Warp, Deploy the Gatewatch into Sorin and Jace AoT with a Doubling Season on the table woot.

The deck worked great against multiple people. I ended up with a Mana Crypt, Sylvan Library, and rystic study in my opening hand, as well as Tezerret the Seeker so things got crazy pretty quickly. I let my first round of walkers get burned so that I could draw less hate, but clearly was the table leader even though no one had any idea how bad it would get nor how quickly.

Awakening Zone was a great little token producer but I am seriously jonesing for Bitterblossom. Getting flyers is worth the damage.

Second game was won by the Nekkusar wheel and deal deck. My reliance on enchantments/artifacts made it hard for me to do a total board wipe of the two so suggestions for cards that destroy (or better yet exile) everyone else's things would be helpful. I have 4 colors here so I feel like there has to be an answer.
