She Who Stole My Soul (Advice Needed!)
Commander / EDH*
Martyr's Cause, Greater Good(has some awesome promo art), Perilous Forays, Drowned Rusalka, Spawning Pit. Those are good sac engines. If you want just value bant cards try Wargate, Stoic Angel, and Empyrial Archangel. Also what's your budget?
November 29, 2015 4:39 p.m.
michael921 says... #3
So I happen to have a Tundra already in my possession... Which is why its in the deck :-D and I don't want to spend more than $100 on the deck, and I am keeping track of which cards I have and can include.
November 29, 2015 4:59 p.m.
It's cool to see this coming together, michael921!
Please note that though I'll highlight any card over $5, I'm not necessarily aiming for budget rec's here. Also, it seems to me Rubinia would want Creatures (for sure) or Enchantments (maybe, just 'cause she's a Faerie) much more than Artifacts (though you could call them 'shiny baubles' and probably get away with it) and other spells, so I kind of focused in that order.
First, with an activated ability, I think Rubinia might want more haste effects (OK, in Bant it's mostly flash, but whatever). You've got the Greaves and Boots of course, but here's some other cards for your consideration: Prophet of Kruphix, Surrak, the Hunt Caller, Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir (>$5), and Yeva, Nature's Herald. Unfortunately, Concordant Crossroads is the only Enchantment I know of, and I don't think much of it's group hug aspect. Maybe a Leyline of Anticipation (>$5) or Vedalken Orrery? Land options include Alchemist's Refuge, Hall of the Bandit Lord (>$5), and Winding Canyons (>$5), which are great if you've got enough mana fixing, because they don't take a spell slot.
I see you've got Illusionist's Bracers and Thousand-Year Elixir to double her activated ability. Rings of Brighthearth (>$5) maybe?
For card draw, I like Mulldrifter, Future Sight, Mystic Remora, and Rhystic Study for Rubinia. Some other good options are Brainstorm, Fact or Fiction, Sphinx of Uthuun (FoF on a stick), Foresee, Ponder, Recurring Insight, and Windfall. Some of the aggro draw-spells might be a really good fit too: Bident of Thassa, Coastal Piracy, Curiosity, Keep Watch, Last Thoughts, Military Intelligence, Ophidian Eye and Tandem Lookout. TOO MANY OPTIONS!!!
In other news, maybe some more untap effects? You've got Murkfiend Liege, but Prophet of Kruphix and Seedborn Muse (>$5) are both great. Not sure there are any land options besides Minamo, School at Water's Edge (much >$5) :-(
Looks like you've got a bunch of sac' effects, but more blink engines might be even better. Nephalia Smuggler for sure, but maybe Cold Storage,Conjurer's Closet, or Synod Sanctum too? And since she's in-between sac' and blink, I think Adarkar Valkyrie is going to be awesome with Rubinia.
Some miscellaneous thoughts:
- For utilities, how about Aura Shards and Aura Mutation?
- Another sac' engine for your consideration: Claws of Gix.
- For fixing, maybe an Obelisk of Bant?
- I see you've got a Mycoloth, so though it won't give you any synergy, it almost automatically makes me want to recommend a Forgotten Ancient too.
- Finally, I've seen a lot of Exalted creatures in Bant decks. If you go that route, maybe a Finest Hour?
Sorry about the wall of text, and thanks for reading this far!
November 30, 2015 11:48 p.m. Edited.
One more thing I forgot to mention: If you haven't already, you ought to take a look at MagicalHacker - Rubinia Soulsinger.
M a g i c a l H a c k e r has built maximum synergy decks ("100% synergy and 0% versatility") for each Commander, plus a bunch of staples lists. Both are just great resources.
December 1, 2015 12:06 a.m. Edited.
Urgh, yet another post:
Garruk's Packleader is a good draw option I forgot about. Echo Chamber is another approach for essentially doubling Rubinia's activated ability. And I really like Cathars' Crusade in almost any token deck that can play it. Also, City of Shadows could be another neat land option.
Not sure how aggro you're going but Flurry of Wings and Beastmaster Ascension might be good fits.
Finally, I haven't tried it yet, but The Great Aurora looks amazing in a token build.
December 1, 2015 8:14 a.m.
michael921 says... #8
Daedalus19876, magiceli and M a g i c a l H a c k e r, what do you think so far? I have a pretty good core with rubinia, (I think so) and was thinking of going with a token theme so that I'm not hopeless against izzet decks and so that I can also finish games. With all of the sacrifice outlets, I have a slight reanimation theme, but I'm not sure if its worth it. The blink effects work well with not having to keep rubinia tapped, and they stay on my field.
If tokens isn't a great path to take, what should I look for instead?
Also what would you reccomend for more card draw? I feel it might be a bit light at the moment.
December 4, 2015 10:11 a.m.
Here are some interesting token generators, that may be of use ...
- ETB: Master of Waves; Spirit Bonds; Blade Splicer; Seller of Songbirds
- LTB: Doomed Traveler; Brindle Shoat; Hooded Hydra; Elephant Guide; Roc Egg
- LTB/Conditional: Voice of Resurgence
- Conditional: Aura Mutation; God-Favored General; Hoofprints of the Stag; Keeper of the Beasts; Brimaz, King of Oreskos; Flurry of Wings; Timely Reinforcements; Waiting in the Weeds; Arachnogenesis
- Just Do It: Beck / Call; Secure the Wastes; Vitality Charm; Call of the Conclave; Selesnya Charm; Supply/Demand; Call the Scions; Pulse of the Tangle; Raise the Alarm; Martial Coup
Also, I know there are scores more, but here are a few interesting ETB creatures I stumbled across: Wall of Omens, Reclamation Sage, Stonehorn Dignitary Coiling Oracle
December 6, 2015 9:20 a.m. Edited.
michael921 says... #11
I've gotten to deck to about $105, (ignore the price on the side), and picked all 100 cards. Time to start growing the maybe board and replacing cards!!!
December 6, 2015 11:29 p.m.
michael921 says... #13
Daedalus19876, you can take a look at Jason Alt's articles on, but the general idea is that the deck is powerful enough to win 1/x games where x is the number of players. Generally there are few to no tutors and infinite combos, and also generally adhere to a theme.
December 7, 2015 11:36 a.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #14
michael921: Seems like it would depend heavily upon your metagame, and that it would be a bit difficult to do under both a budget and with restrictions on the appearance of cards (shrug)
Rest in Peace is pretty and neuters ~half of the EDH decks in existence.
December 7, 2015 3:25 p.m.
There was a pretty good thread about the concept over at So what exactly is a 75% deck?. And yeah, it's totally meta-dependent.
December 7, 2015 3:39 p.m.
michael921 says... #16
75% is totally meta dependent, Daedalus19876, but I'm still going to try to build a decently strong deck that can hold its own against many others. Another reason not to have tutors is that they are expensive from their demand and power, and I'm trying to keep this deck around $100.
What do you think of the token subtheme?
December 11, 2015 11:24 a.m.
michael921 says... #17
Thanks to magiceli, Daedalus19876, clayperce, and M a g i c a l H a c k e r, for helping get the deck this far! Any thoughts on the deck now?
December 11, 2015 11:49 a.m.
I only playtested a couple times and the manabase looked decent. Some relatively inexpensive thoughts, if you need a boost: Maybe the other Karoo (Azorius Chancery)? Or Glacial Fortress, Hinterland Harbor, and Sunpetal Grove. Could even do some of the pain lands: Adarkar Wastes, Brushland, Yavimaya Coast.
Speaking of lands though ... Arcane Lighthouse maybe, either as replacement for/in addition to your Glaring Spotlight? You may also want Ghost Quarter or (and?) Strip Mine too, as somebody at the table will probably have a Homeward Path. Also, are there enough Angels in your deck and group to make Seraph Sanctuary worthwhile?
Reconnaissance, maybe? Especially since you can activate it after dealing combat damage.
December 11, 2015 5:58 p.m.
michael921 says... #19
TheDevicer and Deckologist, I've seen all your help in the edh community, and I wanted to know what you think of this deck, or any thoughts on yeva or meren!
December 12, 2015 8:25 p.m.
Deckologist says... #20
You dare summon me?!
If budget allows I would think about building a better mana base. You run her very similar to my build except I think I ran counters/tutors/ and a bit more removal. All the advice I can really offer is how I piloted the deck. I used her to grab crucial creatures and abuse them until something better came out or until an opponent tried retrieving it. My big game ended was actually Willbreaker and Cauldron of Souls. She plays somewhat politically and just her presence on board will make people think twice about casting anything. Do not be alarmed if you get targeted right away due to her just being in your command zone though. That it why I added so many elements of control to my build. Overall a very solid start. I will attempt to give it another look over when I have the time. I know from a previous post that thedevicer has school work that takes priority and I have a full work load as well.
December 12, 2015 8:45 p.m.
michael921 says... #21
Deckologist, I completely understand having a terribly busy schedule as I'm in the same situation. But thank you for taking the time to take a look at my deck! That willbreaker combo sounds hilarious!
Rubinia is definitally a durdly commander, and I can see how she can be a huge target. I was trying to use the tokens to both pillow fort and offense, but perhaps I should use better pillow fort cards?
And once again, thank you for your time!
December 16, 2015 7:53 a.m.
Deckologist says... #22
With proper control cards it may not be necessary to pillow fort. Chances are you'll have at least 2 or 3 utility creatures out with removal in hand. Another trick I learned was that stealing the biggest attacker often have people enough reason to not try to attack me for a bit. For instance, there was a game where I played against a poorly done momir vig deck. Vig is kinda like pizza. When it's good it's freakin amazing and she it's bad it's still pretty good. So the guy manages to get a very early stormtide leviathan out. All I have is rubinia and thousand year elixer. He has a bunch of creatures that he gave flying via archetype of imagination and I'm sitting here like well, alpha strike for days I guess. Then I realize....
After a few minutes of hating myself for not seeing that I could have done something s long time ago. In response to his attack I stole archetype sacked it out it under mimic vat used mimic vat untapped rubinia and stole his stormtide. He still refuses to play games with me. And this was about a year ago.
Now with all this hot air being blown your way don't assume you shouldn't test pillow fort aspects. Always try. Your meta and my meta could be way different. My mets is all big creatures with a few token decks so pillow fort just isn't worth it. Try it out. See how it goes. Report back to us.
December 16, 2015 11:05 a.m.
MachCaliber says... #23
Loving the look of the deck. I definitely want to give it a shot.
Deckologist, do you happen to have a list up for your version? Id love to see it and compare and see what I can try out in my version.
December 18, 2015 8:15 p.m.
Deckologist says... #24
She actually didn't make it on my account because I built her when I was taking a break from the site. I'll try to find my notes on her to give you an accurate deck list to the best of my ability. Keyword being try lol
December 20, 2015 1:33 a.m.
MachCaliber says... #25
Thanks if you do but if you don't, its ok. Holidays and such. Time is minimal :p
Daedalus19876 says... #1
Um. Tundra? It's worth more than $100 ALONE.
November 29, 2015 4:38 p.m.