Steam Izz it

Modern MrKnify

SCORE: 80 | 100 COMMENTS | 19042 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

VinylScratch says... #1

It always makes me sad when I have a great deck, and then someone puts like the same one on tapped out and gets way more up votes than me. #sadness

October 26, 2013 12:30 p.m.

MrKnify says... #2

@VinylScratch you should go check out Tintin his

deck chart I scry, you scry, we all scry (updated)

SCORE: 60 | 46 COMMENTS | 8301 VIEWS
Standard Tintin Playtest

is pretty cool!

October 26, 2013 1 p.m.

VinylScratch says... #3

Yea I made a version of that deck when I was trying to figure out how red blue would work in theros. I based it of that one because I had no idea how to make a wincon out of "scry", like thats what the archetype says it says Scry to get the perfect card for each situation or something like that. Then I wanted to make a Young Pyromancer /Molten Birth combo and noticed that Master of Waves makes and boosts the same type of creatures I ended up taking blue out of it since there were only like 2 blue cards in it at that time. hopefully born of the gods expands on the Izzet Tokens strategy. Pretend There Is Blue In It (Also how did you link your decks like that, is it different than just double brackets?)

October 26, 2013 1:40 p.m.

VinylScratch says... #4

Just figured it out nevermind :3

deck chart Pretend There Is Blue In It


October 26, 2013 7:55 p.m.

JamesBlighted says... #5

You guys should check this one out, too (Y)

October 27, 2013 7:29 a.m.

jchudz says... #6

heh, this looks like a bit more of a straightforward version of my pyromancer burn deck centered around Possibility Storm

So much for your deck being consistent

October 28, 2013 12:32 a.m.

MrKnify says... #7


October 28, 2013 12:53 a.m.

VinylScratch says... #8

Haha jchudz I was considering putting that in mine, I decided against because my wincon is overloading dynacharge with like 10 tokens out, and you can't pay alt cost with possibility storm.

October 28, 2013 8:51 a.m.

Tintin says... #9

MrKnify, 45 upvotes and counting brilliant stuff. My scry deck seems to have hit it's limit for upvotes but i am so happy that it stirred the thoughts of others!

Best of luck with this deck

October 29, 2013 6:32 a.m.

Infinitiv says... #10

I really like your deck and I'm trying it these days. Really fun :)

Are you planning to swap 3x Traitorous Instinct with 3x Voyage's End (or 3x Skullcrack in case of life gain) ?

November 1, 2013 8:30 p.m.

MrKnify says... #11

@infinitive yes.

November 2, 2013 12:28 a.m.

CardsAndStuff says... #12

+1! Nice deck.


November 5, 2013 12:08 p.m.

CardsAndStuff says... #13

Sorry, my bad.


November 5, 2013 12:09 p.m.

b166er says... #14

+1 For Izzet Glory

Devotion to Izzet

November 17, 2013 7:52 p.m.

Izzetsane says... #15

+1 for having the Bossman present at the Izzet end-of-year party.How do you go about dealing with Aggro and Tribal buff? It's my biggest problem with my I'll Take That' deck

November 25, 2013 8:07 p.m.
December 5, 2013 8:08 p.m.

adventfaith says... #17

December 12, 2013 5:23 p.m.

MrKnify says... #18

@adventfaith Armed not so much, it is a great card. I have looked into using it, but as great of a card it also has some downfalls, (i know eh) the biggest is its a sorcery, picking what to remove is just as hard.

December 12, 2013 8:09 p.m.

k9terror says... #19

Wow, an actually cool original deck. +1 for being different from other decks I've seen. I'm curious how it performs at fnm. I run a control build for Izzet. Let me know what you think. It stalls the game really well in my testing against mono black devotion and rdw. Gonna take it to fnm soon when I can. Long live the Izzet!

Anger of the Izzet Playtest

Standard k9terror


January 21, 2014 8:33 a.m.

daemon_panda says... #20

Izzet any good to play? (I seriously can't resist posting that).

I am looking for input on my Esper deck

Just a Phase

It is very different from this one, but a +1 would be welcome. Advice is even more important.

August 6, 2014 9:23 p.m.

+1 dude! I always like Izzet decks. I like the basic plan here. Simple yet, satisfactory. Here's my deck if you'd like to take a look. Han Ensoulo

August 6, 2014 10:22 p.m.

Levelfailer says... #22

The deck looks good... I can't think of anything that you might be missing....nope nothing at all.....wait.......WHERE IS MOTHER!$!$#@!ING KERANOS??!!!

August 8, 2014 12:52 a.m.

Techmage45 says... #23

this seems like a ravnica/theros standard deck that rotated out srly

June 1, 2015 11:36 a.m.

MrKnify says... #24

I have done some re-building, let me know what you think. The new version is here.

Burning Water

Legacy* MrKnify


November 15, 2015 12:31 p.m.

IzzetScholar says... #25

December 7, 2017 5:25 a.m.

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