Ah yes, thanks kmcree, I had forgotten about Bred for the Hunt . Any suggestions on what should be removed to make space? I think Primeval Bounty could be removed, what else do you think?
December 19, 2013 7:42 p.m.
I would drop the Primeval Bounty , 1 Plasm Capture , and possibly 1 or 2 Unexpected Results . I'm not sure how the Unexpected Results works for you, but I have a hard time seeing it as worthy of a 4x. Also, your 4 cmc slot is pretty full, so that would help even out your curve a little.
December 20, 2013 1:24 a.m.
I like the idea of Plasm Capture , so I'd like to keep it in the deck. It counters, and boosts my mana. You are right about Unexpected Results , so I may remove all 4. I don't think I should use 4 Bred for the Hunt though, so for now I'll bring up the number of Plasm Capture s to the full 4 and add a Bow of Nylea as well with the Bred for the Hunt s.
December 20, 2013 9:56 p.m.
That set up actually looks pretty good. The only other thing I was thinking was that it might help to throw in a couple 1 drops to speed things up a bit. Maybe Experiment One or Cloudfin Raptor ?
December 21, 2013 1:07 a.m.
I love them both dearly. Given the mana base, I'd be better off with Experiment One , but Cloudfin Raptor does have flying, so it's a tough call, really. But again, what to take out? The deck is, until more testing, looking solid.
December 21, 2013 8:17 a.m.
Yeah I'm not really sure what to take out either. Looking at your mana curve, the 3 and 4 slots are pretty full. I would playtest more, and see if any of the cards in those slots aren't really pulling their weight, and then maybe change it up a little. Does Nylea, God of the Hunt work well for you? I think the biggest candidates for possible cuts are Boon Satyr (don't really need his flash with the Prophets), Renegade Krasis (there aren't that many creatures in the deck to evolve him, and without cheaper 1 and 2 drop creatures already on the board, his effect doesn't help that much), and Plasm Capture . If you really like it and it works well, keep it. It just doesn't seem all that great to me. I'm not sure with this deck that you really need the extra mana most of the time, and 4 mana just to counter seems excessive. Those are just suggestions tho, if you like the deck, it certainly looks like it runs well.
December 21, 2013 9:59 p.m.
Small change:
-2 Boon Satyr
-2 Bred for the Hunt (this does the same thing as Bident of Thassa , but the Bident does more)
+4 Cloudfin Raptor (I think I prefer the flying over the regeneration in this deck)
December 22, 2013 10:12 a.m.
That curve looks a lot better now. The Bident of Thassa is definitely better than Bred for the Hunt , and for this deck I think I like the flying from Cloudfin Raptor better than Experiment One 's regen.
December 22, 2013 8:03 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #10
I'll be honest; with Prophet of Kruphix and Master Biomancer, having consistent card advantage is crucial, and there aren't many better options than Garruk, so getting those should be priority #1. In the meantime, you could add another Prime Speaker (even tho it's Legendary, it's one of the few that's worth sac'ing the old one), and if you have any Jace, Architect of Thought you could add those as well, but if not obviously your $$/trade bait is better spent on Garruk.
Finally, I'm a little skeptical of Plasm Capture here as well as much as I love that card, since untapping every turn with Prophet makes the mana less important. You could keep a couple in there, but I'd swap out a couple for some Simic Charm so you have a cheaper option for protecting your guys but also have more flexibility.
Here's my similar deck if you want to check it out for more ideas- My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)
December 26, 2013 6:12 p.m.
Thanks ChrisHansonBiomancin. I saw your decklist while looking for Prophet decks and ways to keep my hands full. I think, of the two Jaces in Standard, Jace, Memory Adept would be the better of the two, wouldn't it? I'm working on getting Garruk's, but it's a matter of finding people with them for trade at my local store (we're about 20 people or so, and lots of them like their playsets of cards and their netdecks). A third Zegana would be easier for me to find.
I do love Simic Charm , but it was a matter of finding room for them. I'd prefer to have all 4 of them in the deck over just 2. The Plasm Capture s are there for the mana ramp on turn 3/4, as well as a hard counter. As you've played a similar deck, do you believe the Charms would be more useful over the Captures?
December 26, 2013 9:01 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #12
Both Jaces are definitely playable here. I mainboard Architect since it is more useful against aggro due to its lower CMC and plus, but I have Memory Adept on the side for control since the milling can be another win con if you need it. Since Memory Adept is much less expensive ($$-wise), it might be the preferable "stopgap" until you get Garruk. The other thing I like about Architect, however, is that it lets you dig deeper into your library for the cards you need, which is important in a deck like this since you want to find your threats ASAP.
A 2-2 split between Simic Charm and Plasm Capture seems like a good mix. I have always liked the Charm due to its versatility, which means that it always finds a useful purpose. With 4 Plasm Capture, you run the risk of having them pile up in your hand while you wait for your opponent to play something worth countering, especially if you're playing against an aggro deck with few expensive spells. But it's definitely a flavorful and potentially game-breaking card, so I couldn't blame you for wanting to keep a couple on hand. It depends on your meta, but you could also try 4 Simic Charm main and 2 Plasm Capture on the side, or 3 and 1 main, etc.
December 26, 2013 9:41 p.m.
I only have the one Jace right now. How expensive a card is isn't the issue, it is if the people at FNM have some to trade. I can usually get what I needed, as long as they don't need it. The playset collectors do get annoying though. Why bother bringing a binder if you have only 10% of it available to trade?
I'll try the 4 Plasm Capture s tonight at FNM, and see how they do.You had mentioned waiting until my opponent plays something "worth countering". The spell I counter doesn't necessarily need to be a big spell. Anything played on turn 3 or 4 should be good enough for a mana boost for me, plus their spell is countered setting them back. It also starts a mind game of "Will he counter, or won't he?", which can be fun if the opponent doesn't know the deck.
December 27, 2013 4:17 p.m.
I managed to get a Garruk, Caller of Beasts before we began, and took out 1 Plasm Capture for him.
FNM Results: Good thing I had Curse of the Swine in the sideboard! Finished 7th of 14 people (slow night).
Round 1: Loss 0-2. The first game, I had 3 Forests, but no blue mana. Tried to keep in the hopes of getting a fourth mana, but nothing. Game 2, I took a mulligan down to 5 cards.
Round 2: Win 2-0. An enchantment deck that I was able to control quite well.
Round 3: Loss 1-2. A black control deck, using the black devotion staples. I was drawing too much mana to do anything.
Round 4: Win 2-1.White weenie. I had the board controlled during combat for game 1 and 3. Game 2 I didn't get anything strong out.
Round 5: Win 2-1. Red aggro/weenie. Same as round 4, but Rapid Baconization (Curse of the Swine) and Cyclonic Rift saved my bacon in round 3.
After trying it out, I really do like the hard counter of Plasm Capture , and feel they should stay in the main deck. During sideboarding, I found myself removing the God weapons the most.
December 27, 2013 9:47 p.m.
Thanks, Stimpy99. Do you have any thoughts on cards that should be tried, or cards that may not belong?
May 23, 2014 8:18 p.m.
Well i would add two more Kruphix, God of Horizons
and some more big creatures to your main board, like Mistcutter Hydra
. Artisan's Sorrow
could be a good sideboard if you are facing against artifact of enchantment type decks. I feel that Courser of Kruphix
should stay. I would remove Fleetfeather Cockatrice
to make room for bigger creatures and sideboard it in case your opponent if running some sort of flying deck. Hope this helps.
May 23, 2014 9:31 p.m.
Though things will be rotating out Kalonian Hydra would help. Also, Nylea, God of the Hunt helps with getting your damage past blockers. My deck is here: Evolving Strength
kmcree says... #1
I would either add another Bident of Thassa or maybe Bred for the Hunt . In order to take full advantage of Prophet of Kruphix essentially giving you double turns, you want lots of card draw. Actually adding both of those cards would probably be best.
December 19, 2013 7:30 p.m.