Well first, it is not a pauper deck, it is a deck for peasant. It is almost like pauper, but we are allowed 5 uncommons.
Uktabi Drake
: really good. It is like a Shock, but in the lategame, I can keep so the next turn it can attack for another two damages. Also, it can be good with Rancor and Bonesplitter. So, it can beat easily for a surprise 4 damages and stay there after.
Skyshroud Ridgeback
: beat fast and hard, good with Rancor. And reading the wording, I saw that it can attack two times before dying.
Vault Skirge : I need to pay 2 life to play it, but his lifelink ability is good with Rancor and Bonesplitter.
Hooting Mandrills : I know it can looks weird in an ultra-aggro shell, but if the game goes more in the long-game, it is awesome and between the
Uktabi Drake
, the
Skyshroud Ridgeback
and all the pump spells, his delve ability is not that hard to get.
Hunger of the Howlpack
: putting 3 +1/+1 counters on a creature is really good because his morbid ability is not hard to get with
Uktabi Drake
Skyshroud Ridgeback
and all the removals of the format.
Sideboard :
Epic Confrontation
: if I need some removals, here it is.
Feed the Clan : against burn, it is awesome
Natural State : well, against artifact and enchantment.
Wrap in Vigor
: if I suspect my opponent to have some sweeper, here is my answer to their clean the board.
Young Wolf : it is amazing against control because it is really hard to kill with his undying ability.
Corrosive Gale
: I really have a nightmare matchup against token, so I put those to try to clean their creatures, but if anybody have other suggestion, I will take them.
If you have any suggestions or questions about the deck, write it in the comment section and I will answer you as fast as I can.