Stop them? I heard Goblin!

Commander / EDH Minjahamster


ZombieCat says... #1

Breath of Fury with an unblocked token is another way to go infinite.

January 22, 2015 4:39 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #2

From playtests, it just seems too fragile to warrant the spot, but thanks for the suggestion!

February 15, 2015 3:12 p.m.

isaelis says... #3

If you're going for infinite combos then add a Basilisk Collar or Gorgon's Head to combo with Goblin Sharpshooter for a infinite opponent creature board wipe!

February 18, 2015 9:17 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #4

I'll try that out! I had Basilisk Collar in there in early iterations but it didn't seem too powerful then, with this more revamped build, I'll see if I like the Goblin Sharpshooter combo more!

February 19, 2015 10:54 a.m.

isaelis says... #5

well the deathtouch combo goes with anything that can deal direct damage. Plus gotta have Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker in there. He himself with Thornbite Staff just creates so many infinite combos! If you do add kiki-jiki, I'd recommending putting Mogg Fanatic for the auto win. Also, kiki allows more auto wins with purphoros because you put out infinite creatures. I don't know how much Ruby Medallion is helping, I didn't see much for it since everything is so cheap anyways. Maybe you could replace with an Altar of the Brood so it adds another win-con with infinite producing combos. Oh, and another deadly combo would be Breath of Fury with a Break Through the Line or a Goblin Tunneler you create an infinite combat phase and infinite creatures with your commander.

If you do decide with the Basilisk Collar might wanna add a Skirk Fire Marshal just think of all the life you'll can and the destruction you'll cause.

February 19, 2015 5:45 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #6

Wow, thank you for the impressive feedback! The only reason Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker isn't in here is because I don't have access to a copy at the moment, but certainly once I can, him, Mogg Fanatic, Lightning Crafter, Zealous Conscripts and Tuktuk Scrapper are going in. Ruby Medallion is to get Krenko, Mob Boss out on turn 3 for maximum access to the combo, and since that is what the whole deck is based around, I would prefer to keep in as much acceleration as possible. I will definitely check out Altar of the Brood, and Breath of Fury + Break Through the Line/Goblin Tunneler as before, I just had Breath of Fury, and it was too fragile but this seems much more reliable. Also, I will see what I can do with Basilisk Collar + Skirk Fire Marshal as that seems like too much fun to pass up!

Thank you so much for you feedback, it means so much to me!

February 19, 2015 9:02 p.m.

isaelis says... #7

No problem!

February 19, 2015 9:07 p.m.

Chancellor of the Forge for that big bang.

February 26, 2015 9:10 p.m.

lizardwarrior says... #9

it looks like your missing some anti-air maybe consider adding goblin sky raider

February 26, 2015 11:25 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #10

DaitokujiAmnael I have tried Chancellor of the Forge but it seemed too slow for what I needed given the fact that this goes infinite more often than not.

lizardwarrior I haven't actually had too much trouble with too many fliers overrunning me, so I disagree with adding Goblin Sky Raider. Also, Goblin Sky Raider is fairly underwhelming when compared to other cards, say Eldrazi Monument when trying to deal with enemy fliers as he is a singular squishy flier whereas I could give my whole team flying.

Thank you for the suggestions though, understanding why certain things aren't in the deck helps me just as much as why I do have things in the deck!

February 27, 2015 2:59 p.m.

What about Moggcatcher? Allows you to get your key goblins out quicker.

February 27, 2015 3:20 p.m.


February 27, 2015 3:20 p.m.

zeddkraft says... #13

Voracious Dragon is a good sac outlet just don't put all you goblins in one basket... if you can give haste this dragon becomes the real deal.

March 8, 2015 3:14 p.m.

zeddkraft says... #14

By the way if you can add Brightstone Ritual, Battle Hymn, or Koth of the Hammer. to correct any mana issues to combo off.

March 8, 2015 3:34 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #15

zeddkraft I originally had Voracious Dragon in here, but I cut it for space reasons, I'll see if it is better after this deck has undergone many revisions. I also had Brightstone Ritual and Battle Hymn, but were cut for similar space reasons. Playing more with this deck though, those seem like just the right fit to add the extra speed needed to catch my opponents off guard!

Koth of the Hammer, as nice as he looks, actually seems a little slow as he would come down when I would want Krenko to come down, ultimately hurting more than he would probably help with what he can provide. I'll see how he looks though in a few tests with the added reach he can provide.

Thank you very much for your suggestions to help make this the best it can be!

March 8, 2015 5:35 p.m.

I think that you need a Goblinslide.

March 9, 2015 9:19 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #17

keen_the_crazy I'll look at Goblinslide but I do not believe that it will be too effective in this build as it is too large of a mana investment for too little a yield, and realistically cannot go infinite as I have no way to infinitely cast noncreature spells. Thanks for the suggestion though!

March 9, 2015 9:23 p.m.

gnizz00 says... #18

March 11, 2015 6:41 a.m.

gnizz00 says... #19

March 11, 2015 6:42 a.m.

Minjahamster says... #20

@gnizz00 Goblin Guide is simply too expensive for me, and he is focused on aggro rather than progressing my combo, which is more of the focus of this deck rather than sheer beat down.

Hall of Triumph is a boring anthem, which I really don't need unless it does a ton of neat things (Unblockability, Protection, Evasion, etc.)

Cavern of Souls has already been addressed in the "Notable Exceptions" section.

Urza's Incubator is a card that I seem to have completely ignored, but that looks like something that would be actually be extremely helpful in this deck. The only thing about it is that it comes down on turn 3, meaning Krenko comes down on turn 4, and the whole point of the ramp artifacts is to allow for Krenko to come down earlier than turn 4 in order to start pumping out tokens before people get to the point where they can deal with him.

Thank you so much for your suggestions! They really help a lot!

March 11, 2015 3:07 p.m.

Mana Geyser is just insane one-time mana ramp.

March 19, 2015 6:33 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #22

canterlotguardian I'll look at Mana Geyser as a nice way to make a lot of mana for a turn, but because of its 5CMC, it looks like it won't be too useful except for in very certain scenarios, where the slot could possibly be better utilized. Of course, I will test it out and see if I have a change of heart, which is completely possible, so thank you so much for your suggestion as I try to improve this deck as much as possible!

March 19, 2015 8:50 p.m.

zen_fishy says... #23

You already have a lot of effects for the infinite damage part of your combo, but have you considered Outpost Siege? It can double as a card advantage engine in the instance that you already have that part of your combo (with the amount of redundancy in your deck, I imagine that happens occasionally). Also, since the creatures don't have to die (it only has to leave play) it opens up new combo avenues. (Not sure what to be honest. Something along the lines of Cloudstone Curio maybe...)

March 28, 2015 6 p.m.

Minjahamster says... #24

zen_fishy Hm, I haven't considered Outpost Siege but it does seem like something that would be helpful as either another combo piece (thinking about Kiki utility combos now become kill combos) or as an extra draw each turn. My only problem with it is that it has 4CMC, meaning that it is coming down later than when I would ideally like my combo pieces come down but of course not every game goes how I want it to go, so I will seriously think about it. I have been feeling tight on space in this deck though, do you have any suggestions for what I could replace? Thank you though for your feedback, as every step helps!

March 28, 2015 7:22 p.m.

zen_fishy says... #25

If it were me, I'd cut Roar of the Crowd. You already have Mob Rule and Massive Raid, which are just flat out better (and cheaper). If play more multiplayer then 1v1, I'd advocate this cut even more.

If you're really fond of that kind of effect, maybe you could cut Skirk Fire Marshal. He feels really weak in this shell, considering (A) he can't win the game for you unless you're already ahead of everyone else, which probably isn't happening when you're playing red combo; (B) He's not great as removal for you, especially since all of your combo's involve at least one creature and (C) he's expensive. (If you really want to kill everything, Chain Reaction or even a simple Starstorm will probably do the trick. Starstorm is doubly nice because you can cycle it away if you want to go looking for more combo pieces.

Since I gave you two suggestions to cut (and because I thought of another card that would be phenomenal in this deck) you should take a look at Treasonous Ogre. His ability seems expensive, even for commander, until you realize that he can give you'll have access to up to 13 mana the turn you play him, or 18 mana the turn following. (That's turn 3 and 4 respectively if you dropped a mana rock on turn 2) That's more than enough to play most, if not all, the combos in your deck (and then some). If you're comboing out and winning the game, how much life you'll have at the end is irrelevant. Just make sure you're going to win before you start getting too frisky with him. Three life for a mana is pretty painful.

March 28, 2015 7:59 p.m.

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