InconspicuousPotato says... #2
Oh yeah... That is a problem lol @GeminiSpartanX.
June 4, 2014 4:08 p.m.
What are people's thoughts about Telling Time ? I know it cost 2 mana, but every time I play this deck I end up with 3-4 floating mana from Manamorphose and Cerulean Wisps , so I don't think a 2 mana card that lets you dig through three cards would be that bad.
June 11, 2014 2:51 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #4
Have you thought about using Shivan Reef to help with the critical turn 1-2 fixing? It could enable you to use more Crimson Wisps and combo off more more often at instant-speed if you know your opponent is holding removal. I also think that Spellskite should be in the maindeck somewhere, since the most common card in modern seems to be Lightning Bolt . It would improve your game 1s I think. Maybe cut an Elixir for one?
June 11, 2014 4:08 p.m.
TheHroth - You can cast all kinds of janky things; mana really isn't a problem while you go off. In fact, I generate enough in my build to safely run Pyromancer Ascension and Past in Flames , among other things.I like that this is more combo oriented than mine; it makes it distinct. I made mine to kinda work without the combo, and then when I have assembled it, it becomes unstoppable! If you think you can swing 'em, an Ascension or two in the deck can really put your opponent in a bind. Plus, if you cast it on T2, you bluff a traditional Storm deck. Even though this is snazzier.
June 11, 2014 4:13 p.m.
Starting from the beginning...
Against Chalice of the Void set to one, I cast Hurkyl's Recall or Boomerang . Sometimes, that means discarding Blistercoil Weird to Ideas Unbound and casting Postmortem Lunge for one, playing Paradise Mantle and equipping, and then having mana left over.
Pyromancer Ascension is a two mana for nothing. It would take me at least four spells, probably around 6 or 7 to draw me that many cards after I need them. Plus, bluffing storm means playing like them: going off turn 4. The only thing I want to bluff is a turn one win. :)
Shivan Reef will probably come in, but I'm on trade or open for those. I get a lot of core set and should get one or two.
Discussion on Telling Time . It's kinda a two mana Serum Visions #5-8, but I'd love to hear otherwise.
June 27, 2014 1:52 p.m.
I like it, a friend of mine runs a simular list except without some of the same tech.personally instead of elixer of immortality I would run twisted image to kill birds + cantrip and instead of artful dodge the black wisps for fear + cantrip
July 21, 2014 1:36 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #8
I made this up on mtgo my budget wouldn't allow me to run your full list so i ran a few cantrips not mentioned and found a spell combo in 1 mana cantraps that acts as a murder spell lower power to 0 swap power and toughness
July 21, 2014 2:22 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #9
So I finally got the cards I needed to build this deck (minus the Disrupting Shoal s from the SB) and tried it out in a few casual games. I was able to beat 2 opponents at once in a 3-for-all with a combination of Grapeshot and Artful Dodge. (they were playing standard decks to be fair though). I also tested against my friend's BW token deck and went 1-1. The first game I had a god-hand with 2 paradise mantles, 1 blistercoil weird, 2 cantrips and Artful Dodge with a Shivan Reef. He had never seen this deck before, so I played the weird and a mantle out on turn 1. Turn 2 I drew into another weird, so I had 2 equipped weirds going at once! Turn 3 I fizzled the combo due to him ripping away 2 cantrips the previous 2 turns with his Tidehollow Sculler s, but I was able to swing for 10, 5 of which was unblockable. I then used the extra mana to crack the Elixer and shuffle Artful Dodge back in which was good since I drew it again on turn 4 and used it + flashback to make both 10/10s at the time unblockable for the game. The next game I mulled to oblivion and he took my weird with an Inquisition of Kozilek which allowed me to do nothing that whole game.
The only changes I made were to go down to 1 Elixer and added the 4th Ideas Unbound and the 3rd Crimson Wisps since I found during goldfishing that going down to just 1-2 cantrips after using your others to find the combo pieces means if you draw into non-cantrips you don't have as much chance to combo out that turn. Plus, I really like Crimson Wisps since it allows you to insta-combo if your opponent taps out during their turn in a clear field if you have 3 lands. Also I switched 3 islands for 3 Shivan Reef. I found that if you draw an Ideas Unbound while comboing, it's extremely hard to whiff the combo, so that's why I bumped the count up to 4.
I really like this deck, although I don't see it winning a Grand Prix anytime soon. It's definitely fun to use as long as you can keep track of all the triggers and not spend 10mins doing your turn. I'd take it to an unsuspecting modern night for fun.
July 22, 2014 10:01 a.m.
Aphotic Wisps . Since Paradise Mantle taps for any color, this is easily castable. Most of the time, this makes your dude unblockable, and if it doesn't, you can use it as a cantrip.
August 13, 2014 9:52 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #12
Building a varient of this deck with all the 1 mana cantrips in blue no red other than Grapeshot but i use Aphotic Wisps in it as well as dodge
August 14, 2014 9:01 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #14
I was able to build your deck irl, and I've made a few changes that you might want to consider. BlisterStorm <- for reference. What do you think? My reasons for changes are the last post before you cleared the comments. I don't think Aphotic Wisps is worth a slot in the MD, since you can't cycle it to look for combo pieces in the early game before going off and it becomes a dead card in hand.
August 14, 2014 9:33 a.m.
@Matsi883: Ok. However, Aphotic Wisps is a cantrip, which is crucial for my blistercoil deck.
August 14, 2014 12:23 p.m.
Triton Tactics doesn't draw a card, unlike Cerulean Wisps which accomplishes the same task of untapping and getting an extra mana, as well as drawing to keep the cycle going.
August 24, 2014 10:58 p.m.
treeman258 says... #18
Sorry yeah, you're totally right. I felt dumb right after I made that comment.
So I'm very intrigued by the idea of storm and I'm looking for a cheap deck to get into modern with. I made a deck on my account, Hasty Weirdstorm. It doesn't have many of the egg cards you have in your deck, but that probably also makes it pretty vulnerable to removal. I'm not sure whether yours is better or not, but I definitely want your opinion on it. Why did you decide to go with eggs rather than a straight strategy like mine? What would you suggest for my sideboard?
I'd really appreciate it if you could find time to look at my deck.
As always, thanks for your time, and I look forward to your response!
August 25, 2014 1:19 a.m.
treeman258 says... #19
Wait, no... your deck is INCREDIBLY similar to mine, I don't know what I was going on about in reference to the eggs thing.
I guess I only have two questions remaining:
Why did you put Artful dodge in? I prefer just taking out whatever creatures your opponent may have with grapeshot, and I feel like it's not worth having even one more non-cantrip spell to be able to direct whatever few damage it takes to your opponent rather than his creatures.
Secondly, what would you think of splashing green for Karametra's Favor and more consistency? Lord knows the card isn't half as good as Paradise Mantle, but it does draw a card when you're comboing off (at just one more mana than you would've spent otherwise), and it seems like it would improve your combo's consistency by creating another combo outlet to put on Blistercoil Weird.
Anyway, I hope I'm not getting too annoying or anything; I just keep thinking things and immediately saying them. Again, thanks for your time.
August 25, 2014 1:28 a.m.
@treeman258: In answer to question 1, Artful Dodge is usually Grapeshot number three, with the added bonus of being able to be discarded.
For number two, you expect me to go three colors on eleven lands with a "budget" deck. You lose consistency while you gain it.
August 25, 2014 11:06 a.m.
Question, what do you do when you do not draw all three cards you need - wierd, mantle and a land? Cause this deck has 0 forms of redundancy and if you do not combo out, on the first few 3 turns, you are dead. You also cannot spend too much of your cantrip, as they are the fuel of your deck. I just do not see the reason to play this over regular storm.
After testing it out on the playtester here, it took me about 20 7-card hands to get those three cards in my starting hand.
August 27, 2014 10:14 a.m.
@Boza: You use all the cantrips you have available to you to get them, or you go on Blistercoil Beats, where you cast 4 cantrips a turn and attack for 5.
August 27, 2014 10:43 a.m.
tyforthevenom says... #23
Ancestral Vision ? gives you 2 turns to set up and give you 3 cards
August 27, 2014 11:16 a.m.
tyforthevenom says... #25
I filtered "modern" under my search settings and it came up, why would it do that if it was banned?
GeminiSpartanX says... #1
@InconspicuousPotato- Ancient Grudge would be good, but Chalice on one would counter Shattering Spree ....but I guess since I have a few Hurkyl's Recall s and would run those anway against robots I could just use those as double duty against chalice.
June 4, 2014 8:42 a.m.