Interesting deck, so +1, here are my suggestions:
Although the payoff is there, Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Captain of the Watch are simply too expensive for what they do, as you aren't going to be casting 6-drops consistently with a manabase lower then 24-25.
Do you really need Red? I could see this list doing better with cards like Brave the Elements and Honor of the Pure in mono-white in order to be more aggressive, which is what this deck wants to be.
Since almost every soldier you are playing is a human, I'd recommend playing Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant.
If you do drop your walkers, I'd consider cutting the land count to around 18-20, you don't want to be flooding out.
As a side-note, Elspeth's -3 does not kill Gods, because they have indestructible.
This is my version of Boros aggro, if you'd like any other suggestions you can look there.
April 11, 2017 7:39 p.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #5
the problem with those humans is that they don't help with my 1/1 soldier tokens, which is what precinct captain is for; a steady stream of tokens, and elspeth sun's champion serves as a boardwipe in most games, able to attract the attention of my opponent's creatures, removal, and whatever answers they have. also, creating 1/1 soldiers helps me have ways to trigger Mentor of the Meek which helps me draw cards.
red so far has been only legion loyalist and lightning bolt, the red is mainly there as a part of the deck i can build upon in the future, especially when i have time to upgrade this deck ( by adding lightning helix, boros charm, etc)
thanks for the help anyway, i'll have to take a look at your deck!
April 11, 2017 8:23 p.m.
shaistyone says... #6
I think what's really missing here is the ability to go over the top. You seem to have great potential for board stalls with no way to punch through the final damage.
Brave the Elements - I'll second this recommendation, as this does exactly what you need in this. You can stop removal if need be as well.
Boros Charm - super effective in all modes here for you. You haven't lived until you've countered a Damnation..
I would try to normalize your numbers as well. In a deck that doesn't have a ton of draw tech, having 1-ofs just makes so little sense. I would probably go with 2 as a minimum quantity, but consider boosting the totals for useful tech.
Other than that, you mentioned that you've been losing with this. How did you lose? What would have won the games for you, if it was possible? That is key to finding a solid path for upgrades.
My relevant modern deck - Modern Mono-W Beats
April 12, 2017 11:45 a.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #7
my only mainboard 1 ofs are elspeth knight errant, ghost quarters, and inspiring vantage, because elspeth and dual lands are expensive, and ghost quarters is more of a sideboard
i've been losing mainly because i run out of steam, and then i have to spend mana on Mentor of the Meek to try to topdeck an elspeth or soldier lord
yeah i'll add 2 boros charm, one of the biggest reasons why i don't have cards like boros charm or Lightning Helix is because budget, elspeth's and the sideboard don't count because they're cards i previously owned
thanks for the help!
April 12, 2017 12:18 p.m.
This is not-quite-burn, not-quite-tokens, and not-quite-tribal. I've drawn something like 10 hands with it or so, and it seems like you most often get a 1-drop, and mostly a 2-drop to follow, and they are mostly aggressive... but then it changes at the 3-drop. Mentor of the Meek doesn't like attacking, Preeminent Captain doesn't have the size to be an actual turn 4 attacker, Field Marshal seems ok (why only 3 of that? it's a lord, you want 4). How about adding Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip - soldier, can become a planeswalker, cheap?
Compare to merfolk (the beatdown-tribal I know how to play), you have some really slow turns in turn 4 and 5. Your creatures don't have evasion (where merfolk have islandwalk), and they are smaller. You might have a few more, but there aren't really all the lords to buff your 1/1 tokens. since you have a bit fewer creatures than merfolk or elves, discard like Inquisition of Kozilek or Thoughtseize is pretty good against you, probably mostly capable of making your early- and late-game lose connection by picking a mid-cost card. Perhaps Aegis of the Gods could solve this (not on turn 1 though).
Perhaps you should just make up your mind - is it a go-wide creatures and tokens deck (add more tokens, and Honor of the Pure, is it pseudo-burn (maybe you could add Goblin Bushwhacker and Reckless Bushwhacker and drop anything costing 3 or more), or is it tribal-soldier (Aether Vial is good then, even if it's a bit hard on the budget, and you should have more creatures on 2 and 3 drop)?
April 12, 2017 5:23 p.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #9
i only have 6 lords in this deck, which is small compared to elves (over half the creatures are elf lords), but to make up for it, i use Ballyrush Banneret for cost reduction, Mentor of the Meek for card draw (mentor and ballyrush together basically says whenever you cast a soldier spell draw a card), and thraben inspector for card draw as well. the elspeth's are there mainly because i have them already, and they fit the soldier theme (knight errant is just powerful, and suns champion can flood the board). theyre basically 4~6 mana to make opponents spend time to get rid of them. actually, i do have some evasion, the legion loyalists give trample and first strike if it attacks with at least 2 other creatures much like kytheon
the reason why i don't use kytheon is because once it becomes a planeswalker, it becomes more fragile. sure, on my turn, its a 4/4 indestructible soldier, but when i pass, its a planeswalker. although the +1 to give indestructible is nice, kytheon himself has a fragile body, easily dying before i have 3 mana open. kytheon just ends up becoming a removal magnet, when i could just add more of the cards that i didnt want my opponent to remove.
aegis of the gods looks nice, that can definitely go into my sideboard! i would add aethervial, but that would make the deck cost me over 100 dollars, and thats over this decks budget...
April 12, 2017 5:58 p.m.
scarredwolf9 says... #10
man this deck is something i tried to build as well but you sir made vast improvement
April 13, 2017 9:20 a.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #11
scarredwolf9 thank you! (: I'd like to know why your build didn't work, so I can avoid the same issue
April 13, 2017 1:02 p.m.
scarredwolf9 says... #12
just couldn't seem to make the value stick and i also was trying to make it super damage racy
April 15, 2017 2:41 a.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #14
raise sucks and tirel was in sideboard a few days ago and still is there
April 17, 2017 11:46 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #15
As someone who is moderately familiar with burn (it's one of my more competitive modern decks), I think I can give you some pointers. Firstly, if you want to reliably cast 4 drops in this deck, you need to run more than 20 lands. You currently have 19, which is enough to guarantee 2 lands on time in most games, but getting 3+ won't be as consistent. This is normally good, since you want as many draw steps as possible to be cheap burn spells. Burn really likes winning the game on turn 4, so if Hazoret can't be reliably cast by then, I'd cut it for more burn spells (the 4th Lava Spike and Lightning Helix would be the first cards to put back this list).
The second big issue is your sideboard, which is understandable considering you say you're new to the deck so wouldn't know what the good/bad matchups are. Fracturing Gust is a good card, but you'll never cast a 5+cmc spell in this deck unless it's something like Bedlam Reveler. Most burn decks splash a single Stomping Ground in order to use Destructive Revelry. You can also use Smash to Smithereens if artifacts are giving you trouble. Guttural Response is never good in a burn deck, because instead of taking up a card in the deck you can just use another burn spell if one of them gets countered, so you don't want to dilute your consistency by adding them. 8.5 tails uses too much mana to be useful in any matchup I can think of. If you're worried about big creatures (something that burn doesn't like to see), Path to Exile and Deflecting Palm are your best bet for the SB. Also I like Flamebreak more than Slagstorm, but I wouldn't want to use either over the few Searing Bloods you already have. It never hurts to have Grave-hate in your SB, so either Relic of Progenitus or Rest in Peace will help in those matches where they're needed.
Third, always use red fetchlands only. Arid Mesas are the best if you want to use a SINGLE basic plains, and I wouldn't run more than 1 plains in a burn deck ever. 8-11 red fetches are good at thinning the deck and filling your GY for Lavamancer. Add 3 Inspiring Vantage, 3 Sacred Foundry, 1 Stomping Ground, and enough Mountains and you're set.
Hope some of that helps. Let me know if you need any further explaining on the card choices. Good Luck!
August 1, 2017 3:42 p.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #16
My card choices are not based on ignorance, they are actually based on reasoning. Using Windswept Heath lets me spend less money on this deck, as I rather spend money getting a deck I trust, over I deck I recently put together. Arid Mesa is definitely better, which is why I use those on xMage and other such programs. Windswept Heath only has 4 possible targets, but if I ever topdeck a windswept heath with all possible target already on board, that means I shouldn't need more lands.
My sideboard has no issues for my meta. A few of the card choices may be wrong, such as accidentally including a fracturing gust (was supposed to go into a different deck), but the general idea of what I'm using works better for me than Path to Exile, Deflecting Palm, and any graveyard hate. is just a card I'm testing out, if it doesn't work I'll cut it. However, not using it won't help me that much, as using mana to keep your creatures from dying is better than having the mana to do nothing and getting your creatures dead.
Guttural Response has multiple uses.
August 2, 2017 12:17 a.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #17
Thanks for your input though, I appreciate it.
August 2, 2017 12:51 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #18
It's your deck, so of course you can do what you want with it, and only you know your meta as far as SB options go. If you'd like to take a look at my paper list that I use, check it out here.
August 2, 2017 6:11 a.m.
shaistyone says... #19
This is looking pretty good. Here are my thoughts:
1. Is the white splash really worth it? You don't have a ton of white cards anyway except in the sideboard, so I'm not sure it actually does a lot for the win%.
2. I worry about reach when it comes to later games especially. Once they sideboard their anti-red tech, it seems like you'll have a tough time closing games out. Shrine of Burning Rage is my favorite, as if not removed it has a ton of inevitability.
3. I definitely would trim your sideboard choices. I may be a broken record here, but having 1-ofs in your sideboard seems mathematically suspect in a deck that is trying to be this fast. I would pick 4-5 cards for different scenarios and pack as many as you can in there to give yourself at least a decent chance of drawing what you need.
My somewhat relevant deck (mono-red combo really) Modern Goblin Bombardment
August 2, 2017 8:34 a.m.
I... I don't know how I landed here, but I like it.
August 23, 2017 10:47 a.m.
emrakulinsmugglers says... #21
Looks like someone knows what they're talking about ;)
tlhunter07 says... #1
How do you make an Upvote button
April 11, 2017 7:02 p.m.