Build I've made that will incorporate already known cards from XLN. Hopefully more cards will come out through XLN which will make this even better.
So it's my 3rd week in magic and here's my 3rd deck that I've built. This deck is still waiting for XLN to come out to get our juicy cards.
The premise of this build is to control the board a little bit, get some energy, and mill their deck in one turn, if not two as well as having insane board presence via multiple combat phases. Either the enemy picks to stall/remove my combat creatures or they stall/remove my Fleet Swallower and Fraying Sanity (AKA Sanity Swallower). If they pick the former, they will get instagibbed by my Sanity Swallower, if they pick the latter they will get beat down by my multiple combat phases creatures.
This build is centered and focused around the new card Fleet Swallower which is a 3UU creature - fish which REMOVES HALF OF YOUR OPPONENT'S DECK WHEN IT ATTACKS. *Edit- Forgot to add in Fraying Sanity which will when the game when it procs one attack of Fleet Swallower
If I attack with Fleet Swallower and have Fraying Sanity on the board you will insta-gib your opponent.
The way I can get this card to mill the opponent for alot of their cards is to combo with Tilonalli's Skinshifter (copies target creature while attacking) which will let me have 2 Fleet swallowers out and attacking. If I don't have Tilonalli's Skinshifter, chances are I have a Samut, the Tested, Saheeli Rai,
Lightning Runner
, Bloodlust Inciter, and/or Combat Celebrant.
The main Reason i have Samut, the Tested is to get Swallower with double strike. I don't know if it's effect will proc when it "is tapped to attack" or when it does damage/successful attack. So maybe I can get some clarification there.Saheeli Rai is to copy target, so an alternate version of Skinshifter.Lightning Runner, IF I have 8 Energy at the time I could pay 8 energy to untap all my creatures and do combat phase a second time (would proc Swallower again).Bloodlust Inciter is to haste the Swallower as soon as I cast it, so less of a chance for it to get removed while waiting for the sickness to go away.Combat Celebrant is an alternate version of Lightning runner and I don't have to pay 8 Energy, just exert it.
I have Negate, for those pesky removals that will be aimed at my precious Fleet Swallower.Heroic Intervention in case of board wipes or if I have Swallower, and or other creatures out. Shock to get some creatures out of the way (to stay alive longer, since I won't be able to cast Fleet Swallower until Turn 5)
I have
arcane adaption
with Kopala, Warden of Waves to make all my creatures Merfolk, in preparation for all the Walk the Plank cards.River's Rebuke and Sweltering Suns for board wipes in case I am going up against heavy aggro decks.
Shipwreck Moray
in case I need a heavy blocker, or if I want to put it in as another threat, pay energy to boost it up.The rest are self explanatory.
I would love any feedback/suggestions. I feel like this deck could be an up and comer, just because of of Fleet Swallower's Potential