Storming Legends - The Ur-Dragon
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 230 | 68 COMMENTS | 69811 VIEWS | IN 154 FOLDERS
Hi, i recomand Defense of the Heart , strong Cheat-Out. :)
Burgeoning , Exploration more Ramp :-b.
And Fist of Suns or alternatives like this.
Greez Vimozahr
October 25, 2019 8:24 p.m. Edited.
What about Dragonlord's Servant or Dragonspeaker Shaman to help reduce the dragon casting cost
February 21, 2020 6:44 p.m.
IGOTURPACKAGE to free some slots I'd say. With The Ur-Dragon, dragon spell already cost less to cast, I've had game where I had too many less to cast and it was redundant. I'd rather focus on coloured ramp.
February 21, 2020 8:31 p.m.
HorseTribalLord says... #5
A nice card I have in my dragon tribal deck is Fist of Suns, which can reduce the mana cost of some of the more expensive dragons. And if you have it out with Morophon, the Boundless then all your dragons are free...
May 27, 2020 9:01 p.m.
HorseTribalLord I used to run the Fist before Morophon, the Boundless was printed. It's good, especially to cast The Ur-Dragon for free but it didn't make that much of an impact. The combo with Morophon does sound great but I'm on the fence. I guess I'd prefer more ramp consistency or something.
May 28, 2020 9:47 a.m.
May I suggest Beast Within to replace Mortify? Just hits more things and is the same cmc. I also am curious how 36 lands are treating you, I find 37 are needed for high average CMC decks.
May 28, 2020 3:55 p.m.
Draknoz I'm actually considering swapping Beast with Swords to Plowshares. To be honest the 36 lands is quite literally a mistake on my part. I added a card and forgot to remove one by mistake, so in the meantime removed a land which I'm supposed to slot back in. I'm also considering adding Footfall Crater and given the cycling I feel like cutting a 37th land for it should not be a big deal.
May 28, 2020 7:22 p.m.
Draknoz not a fan of pumping effect with Dragons. They're big enough, I'd rather cast them more efficiently/reliably than pump them. Skithiryx is rather a deckbuilding choice. I could put it in instead of, let's say, Dromoka but I just like Dromoka as a character/card. Plus, I find Infect boring, especially in this deck. Drop Skithiryx and take a player out with Atarka or Xenagos before the whole table turns against you ? Might work some time but not my thing.
June 14, 2020 noon
Sorry about that.
Stumpy123 not a fan of pumping effect with Dragons. They're big enough, I'd rather cast them more efficiently/reliably than pump them. Skithiryx is rather a deckbuilding choice. I could put it in instead of, let's say, Dromoka but I just like Dromoka as a character/card. Plus, I find Infect boring, especially in this deck. Drop Skithiryx and take a player out with Atarka or Xenagos before the whole table turns against you ? Might work some time but not my thing.
June 15, 2020 10:53 a.m.
HorseTribalLord says... #13
Maybe you could consider adding Mirror of the Forebears, it’s a neat card that can give so much value if you copied something like Utvara Hellkite or Savage Ventmaw. Also might I suggest Sarkhan, Fireblood, it’s not a crazy card, but he’s really cheap and can ramp you a bit and allow you to sift through your deck some... his ultimate is not to terrible either.
June 18, 2020 3:16 p.m.
HorseTribalLord I used to run the Mirror since it was in the precon but most of my dragons are legendary which makes it useless. Also I'm looking to add/cut some dragons with the next update and I think I'll have even less non-legendary dragons. But with a more non-legendary deck it's a fine addition indeed. I've had my eyes on Sarkhan for a while but he was too expensive while he was Standard legal. I checked the prices recently and it's in a nice enough spot so I do plan on getting one in the next update!
June 18, 2020 4:22 p.m.
BLK-Swordsman says... #15
Hello! Love reading all that you wrote and enjoy seeing this. I am getting into commander and someone asked me which Ur dragon I was thinking about and when I explained the UR he explained to me the power in scion but the more I thought about it it didn't feel like dragons and more dragons. After reading your words it felt like you were speaking so I wanted to write and learn even more. Putting cost of cards aside hypothetically what cards would you run and drop if you could? From creatures to lands. Looking for the whole 9 lol. What would be the go to starts or things to really look for early-mid-late game? I enjoy the fact you value ramp with all these great cards out which i agree with whole heartedly. Really looking forward to your response :)
June 20, 2020 9:26 a.m.
BLK-Swordsman loving your enthusiasm ! If that's what you're going for, I wouldn't suggest you buy the deck as it stands right now. I have around 10 cards to swap, mostly upgrades. If I understood correctly you're asking which cards are essential to run to build a first version of the deck, correct ? If so, hit me with a private message because that would be too long.
June 20, 2020 7:24 p.m.
BLK-Swordsman says... #17
Narrash sent you a request and look forward to theory-o-ing!
June 20, 2020 10:12 p.m.
BLK-Swordsman ok, as far as I understand, PMs are an upgraded feature, so I'll try to reply here in the most efficient way. I'm going to assume you've bought the 2017 Dragon precon like I did, which is a good start. Scion decks play combo. You put dragons in the graveyard to one-shot your opponent. The Ur-Dragon is spawning dragons, as a result it's a casual deck. First things first would be upgrading the mana base. If your budget allows you to, grab 5 fetches (10 really isn't necessary). I guess the enemy fetches are better but I run the allied for budget reasons. Play the 5 triomes. Even without fetches I'm sure they're good enough but since I run the triomes with fetches I find them spectacular. I used to run 10 shock lands but someone did the math for me and if you play the triomes, 5 allied check lands + 5 enemy shocks are just as good. The only dragon which is also budget that is mandatory is Atarka. Scourge of the Throne is incredible too. You can do pretty much what you want when it comes to the rest. I recommend Lathliss, Utvara Hellkite, Silumgar. Terror of the Peaks is the new M21 dragon and it's huge. Ones I do run for personal affiliation but don't recommend playing are Dromoka, Kolaghan and Ojutai. I think the dragon package is where your personality shines so do what you want with it! I'd recommend having around 25 dragons, not 30+. Ramping is a priority, consider that with The Ur-Dragon ability, dragons start coming at 4CMC, potentially turn 3 with some ramp. Instead of mana rock, prioritize spells between 2 and 4CMC that lets you fetch a specific land type (to grab triomes or shocks). Mirari's Wake is incredible. I'm not a fan of ramp on bodies except for some exceptions like Faeburrow Elder (2 mana at worst),Goreclaw and obviously Morophon which makes our commander 4 mana. For a first version of the deck, Dragonlord's Servant and Dragonspeaker Shaman are good alternatives. Fill the slots with cheap mana rocks, around 2-3CMC, no more (except for Prismatic Geoscope which is incredible with the right mana base). All star artifacts are Herald's Horn, Chromatic Lantern, Dragon's Hoard for obvious reason and The Great Henge, the latter which can enter on turn 4 at the earliest thanks to our beefy dragons. Since they're heavy on CMC, haste-enablers are great. Check out the ones I run, they're all cheap I'm pretty sure, like the two boots (Dragon Tempest is the best card). You mustn't run out of gas so drawing cards is good, especially attached on ramp spells like Kiora. Again, most of my draw spells are cheap and either ramp or grant haste so take those too (like Temur Ascendancy). Rhystic Study is going to be reprinted, better that than Painful Truths for example. Depending on your meta you can choose the number of removals to run. Since we play big spells and rarely have open mana I'd recommend using pseudo-removals with synergy instead of hard removal like Utter End. As in removal on bodies, like Glorybringer, Sarkhan's Unsealing, Silumgar, Atarka. I run very few board wipes but they're one-sided and cheap (Crux of Fate and Earthquake). That should be it. In short, choose your dragon package. Play A LOT of ramp. Fill the rest with haste-enablers and card draws, even better when a card fulfill two roles.
June 21, 2020 8:56 a.m.
BLK-Swordsman says... #19
Narrash I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write so much and be patient with me. It will be the first deck for me and definitely the last and only for myself. I was fortunate to sell my collection and was able to get the 10 shocks, 10 Fetches, and 5 triomes. Your list and words have provided so much and I hope to grow with them both and make an awesome deck sooner than ever. Will be going to my card shop and sitting in the back room looking lol. Goal is to have the deck crafted in one shot without needed upgrades and I can imagine its difficult with how many cards are in this game but we can think of something. Thank you again for your help and if it would be possible (for sure easier) if you wouldnt mind adding me on discord just so we can talk some more about Ur and friends :) Blk-Swordsman#9970
June 21, 2020 9:25 a.m.
Ever thought of Dragon Arch
Can prevent counter or trouble in mana cost if can enter early in a game
July 12, 2020 3:54 p.m.
Dinad22 honestly it's a good card, I don't have any argument against it, it's just a question of preference, I don't really like that card.
JRaynor thanks a lot !!
Stumpy123 surely it would help the deck feel more consistent but it's not a cheap card right now and honestly I like to keep this deck dumb and random.
August 27, 2020 8:12 a.m.
ExtraSleep says... #25
Pure, sweeping death! This is a philosophy I can get behind. I've been looking for a home for my Spanish foil Dragonstorm-- this looks like a great place to start!
Narrash says... #1
bushido_man96 I don't know, I'm not really of fan of this one. I do have to add some board wipes in there and I'll consider the blast but I'm not really a fan.
DraknozI do like the tithe but I have a few things to tweak first before finding some place for it. Dragon Broodmother on the other hand I have ordered and waiting to receive!
September 15, 2019 5:51 p.m.