Storm's Undoing

Modern ABadMagicPlayer100


NoviceMagician says... #1

Pryomancer* not master. The link right now is linking to someone's deck. ;)

July 17, 2015 12:56 p.m.

square711 says... #2

"Step 1: Get Leyline of Anticipation into play. This is crucial because it lets us cast Day's Undoing without ending the turn."

Uh... so you absolutely need to have a specific card in your opening hand, or else this becomes a strictly worse Storm deck?

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but what you did with this deck was basically remove eight cards that are actually good and help with what Storm wants to do, and replace them with playsets of two cards that are absolutely TERRIBLE except under very, very specific conditions. Leyline of Anticipation will be in your opening hand roughly 40% of the time if I'm not mistaken, which is too low a percentage to warrant the 4 spots. And if you don't have a Leyline in your starting 7, what do you do? Mulligan until you get one? An extremely tight 18-land deck that needs to make the most out of every card in your hand can't afford to do that.

When will people just accept that Day's Undoing is a shitty card and move on?

July 17, 2015 8:01 p.m.

square711, let's start one of the site's commenting guidelines: Keep criticisms constructive. Now, let's move on.

Read that last bit of Day's Undoing again: "then draws seven cards." Even if you can't flash in Day's Undoing as a combo piece, you save it for last, then replenish your hand to help set up the combo. Day's Undoing is not a bad card in the slightest.

I'm well aware that the chances of starting with a Leyline is low. However, given the number of rituals and Manamorphoses, it isn't all that hard to cast on it's own. The Leyline does not say you can only play it from your opening hand, therefore, it's completely valid to play the 4 to help you end up with it fairly quickly.

July 17, 2015 8:18 p.m.

square711 says... #4

If you think my criticism wasn't constructive just because it pointed out flaws in your deck, then I'm sorry, but your definition of the word constructive is wrong. Just because I didn't bother to put it softly doesn't mean I was trolling or insulting you - I may have been less friendly than I should have, but I am trying to help you. And the fact remains that my arguments are all valid - whether you want to hear them or not, that's up to you.

Read the part on Day's Undoing's rules text that says "if it's your turn, end the turn". THAT'S the bit that matters. That's what makes it a terrible card. And don't even get me started on how it fills up the opponent's hand just like it does yours. Or how

You say that hardcasting the Leyline is feasible, and that makes me seriously question whether you've ever played with a Storm deck before. Consider the following:

  • Storm runs an incredibly low land count;

  • Manamorphose doesn't actually produce any more mana than it takes to cast it;

  • Rituals only produce red mana, and Leyline requires double blue.

These three factors combined mean it'll be a HUGE pain in the ass to hardcast a Leyline. And even if you manage to do it... you've just spent a good chunk of your hand and an entire turn to cast something that will not have any immediate effect on your strategy. You've likely tapped yourself out, so you can't cast Day's Undoing right away. You could've used that turn, those cards and that mana to combo off, or to play Serum Visions and filter your next draws. Instead, you went through all that hassle just so Day's Undoing will suck a little less. Oh, and once you get a Leyline down, what are you planning to do with the other 3 copies, if you run into them?

I can't stress this enough: the whole reason Storm works is because each and every one of the 60 cards is geared towards the combo. And they are all useable at all times. Day's Undoing, on the other hand, is a card that nonbos with everything Storm runs, is above curve, is a sorcery, helps your opponent more than it helps you and requires a clunky, -intensive 4-drop to make it even remotely useful.

Again, if you want to play this deck, more power to you. I'm just voicing my opinion, based on years of playing with the archetype. One thing is for sure, though: this is not better than regular Storm in any way. It just isn't.

July 17, 2015 8:47 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #5

I'm inclined to agree. Storm might just be the absolute worst place to put Days Undoing.

July 17, 2015 9:06 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #6

Copying Undoing with Ascension does not work the way you want it to.

July 17, 2015 11:05 p.m.

@square711, I will admit that I have very little experience with modern in any sense, and can definitely see where you're coming from. However, there's a few things I'd like to note to explain my reasoning:

  • I've done a fair amount of playtesting with this deck. In a large portion of the tests, I've had little trouble getting a Leyline on the board by turn 3 at worst. To go with this, the card I replaced with the Leyline was Past in Flames, which would not have helped the combo at that point in the game.
  • In a combo deck like Storm, even if you have to end your turn to do it, the ability to replace a bad hand is incredibly important. I understand this may also help the opponent, but it's better than being stuck with a dud hand that will lose you the game anyway. The collecting the graveyard can also help with the flashback aspect of Past in Flames.
  • Day's Undoing isn't intended as normal draw spell. It's only a last resort hand replacement or a combo piece.

I agree with you on one point, however: Day's Undoing isn't a very good card. I think a combo deck like Storm may be the only place it has a chance.

Even if this isn't better than a usual Storm deck, I think that it isn't worse either, and it's just an attempt at something different. Whether or not you want to comment further, thanks for putting in time to attempt to improve my feeble attempts at a modern brew.

July 17, 2015 11:27 p.m.

GlistenerAgent, why not? It only exiles the stack if it's your turn. Therefore, you can flash it in at your opponent's end step, copy it, resolve the copy, and with the original still on the stack, you can flash in the rest of your stuff.

July 17, 2015 11:28 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #9

Wow, calm down guys! That's probably the most interesting use of this Leyline I've seen up until now. Being able to go off on your opponent's third turn is not something bad, far from it. Day's Undoing has many advantages here: at the end of your opponent's turn, you can go off with almost a 100% chances not to fizzle thanks to all these cantrips. And ABadMagicPlayer100 is right! It isn't tier 1 material for sure (basic storm isn't), but it isn't a bad idea either.

And square711, as a fellow storm player I don't feel the urge to spit on this deck because I do not like Day's Undoing. Please try to be nicer towards other T/O users.

By the way, I like the addition of Epic Experiment in the sideboard, although I do not know how Day's Undoing will interact with the other spells you'll play with it. :)

Uhm... Quicken maybe?

July 18, 2015 5:35 a.m.

Yeah, why not play Quicken over Leyline? You don't need to do everything at instant speed , just Undoing. You don't have to Ritual out a Quicken, either.

July 18, 2015 8:30 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #11

Yeah, I'll third the idea of Quicken over leyline.

July 18, 2015 8:37 a.m.

elpokitolama says... #12

Well, being able to use DU as a cantrip while going off seems pretty nice to me, so I wouldn't remove the leylines for these... It would only help to cast a turn 4 Day's Undoing so it doesn't seem really strong (even if it's quite Johnny indeed because it would act somehow like a Sundial of the Infinite).

July 18, 2015 8:37 a.m.

My opinion is in favor of the leyline. If you do quicken instead, you won't be able to cast it until turn 5, and just that one turn difference is usually the difference in winning and losing.

July 18, 2015 1:19 p.m.

GlistenerAgent, quesobueno123, and elpokitolama, I wouldn't pull the Leylines, but I like the idea of Quicken. I was thinking about putting in a pair replacing a Gitaxian Probe and a Sleight of Hand. Thoughts?

July 18, 2015 2:12 p.m.

LordOfDispair says... #15

@ABadMagicPlayer100I still think pulling the leylines for quickens is a better idea than dropping cantrips. You only need 1 to get Day's Undoing played, and Quicken cantrips as well, and costs 3 mana less in most cases. If you were playing a deck where you needed to cast lots of cards at instant speed, I could see where you are coming from, but in this case, it's a better idea to just drop all the leylines imo.

July 18, 2015 3:08 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #16

I believe that the main advantage of the addition of Day's Undoing here is the potential to go off on your opponent's turn while being sure to be able to keep the combo for lethal damages! I just got another idea, that might surprise you: if we're playing too much dangerous spells for storm, why wouldn't we play as 1 or 2 of Selective Memory to get rid of those? We've got some good material to do a super original -and new- deck! :D

July 18, 2015 3:20 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #17

I"ve been trying DU in delver.. I love it! Don't listen to the midrange zombies, if you can dump your hand faster than your opponents, you play DU.

July 18, 2015 3:35 p.m.

B33nie says... #18

Step 8 it the best xD +1 from me.

July 18, 2015 8:19 p.m.

theClokkwork says... #19

Doesn't Day's Undoing make it hard to get quest counters on Pyromancer Ascension? It shuffles in your graveyard as well, so I just don't see why you'd want that over Past in Flames or something... Although I do like the idea of changing up storm, I just wonder if the graveyard shuffle rule makes it not as useful.

July 19, 2015 2:21 p.m.

@Clokkwork, well, that's kind of a tricky question. The answer is, you'd think that, but it doesn't usually work out that way. It can sometimes be a bit challenging, but the reality is you're usually only casting Day's Undoing once you're comboing off anyway, and at that point it hardly matters if you have counters on the Ascension. Somewhere in the combo process, you might get the counters, or you'll have the counters before you cast Day's Undoing because it will often be the last non-land in your hand, meaning that you can easily get your counters because you are cantripping so much.

July 19, 2015 2:37 p.m.

theClokkwork says... #21

Right, so essentially you're using it as a Timetwister either after you get the counters or are ready to combo off. Alright, +1 from me then!

July 19, 2015 3:31 p.m.

I think the instinct to use Day's Undoing in a Storm deck, or in Modern generally, isn't necessarily wrong. In that archetype, and the format generally, card advantage (or even pseudo-advantage) is a big deal, obviously. But I don't think UR Storm is the right fit for DU, at least not as a straight swap for Past in Flames. Consider how UR Storm works. You basically cast a bunch of spells, building value in your graveyard and finding combo pieces, until you find a wincon to utilize that graveyard value, i.e. Pyromancer Ascension or PoF. This is also what helps the deck get greater return from stuff like Thought Scour and Desperate Ravings. So overall, you get amazing card advantage and general synergy through graveyard shenanigans - and DU clashes with that pretty directly. It clashes because instants and sorceries have little value once they've been cast, unless you've got a PoF laying around, and all their value disappears when you cast DU - which is why you need the somewhat awkward combo with Leyline. So I think the way to use DU is to deploy it in a deck where everything you do with your original hand maintains its value after you've cast DU, be it on your turn or the opponent's. So in that case, rather than looking to slot it into UR Storm, I would try and build something from the ground up, or slot it into a different Storm archetype. One thought might be to try and make it work in Cheerios/Puresteel Storm, where many of your plays are permanents that stay on the board when DU resolves, and can still be useful on a subsequent turn. Another idea might be to do a UR Storm-ish token deck, where Young Pyromancer and Empty the Warrens would allow you to hang on to the value of dumping your hand of instants and sorceries at any given time by turning them into creatures on the board. Just my impressions of the matter. Good luck in any case.

July 22, 2015 3:30 a.m.

Yes! Modern Storm will take over the world! Haha! Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ahem--I mean. . .

Cool deck, I, too, love storm and am trying to make it a tier-1 deck. Personally, I think Day's Undoing is still good without the Leyline of Anticipations, but that's just me.

I think you could cut a Grapeshot or 2 to put in either 1 or 2 more Goblin Electromancers and/or Pyromancer Ascension.

+1, Storm is the best archetype in the history of MTG ever. EVER.

July 27, 2015 3:01 p.m.

As a storm player, here are my two cents:

1) there is zero reason not to run 4 electromancers

2) you should always be running at least one Past in flames

Now, onto the deck's innovation.

Quicken is much better than Leyline, that is true, as it is a much more like-for-like swap with Thought Scour. I have goldfished your deck several times and have come to the following conclusions:

1) Pyromancer Ascension is harder to activate - between the loss of Thought Scour and Day's Undoing, the ascension is often no longer active by your turn 4.

2) The deck becomes less consistent and slower - I found that the deck is no faster when you have an opening leyline, and fully a turn or two slower without it. The EV of this is, as any statistician would tell you, negative.

3) Why are there 4 Grapeshots in the deck? - there are two accpeted builds of storm - Finkels, and the other one (SCG can't remember the name). Both run less that 4 Grapeshot (2 or three), and I was drawing too many of them too. The land count seems high to me as well (I run 16) as generally almost every land draw is bad.

4) The sideboard is a mess. 3 Empty, 2 Blood Moon, 2-3 Shatterstorm, 4 Bolt, 1-2 Echoing Truth 3-5 flex slots is the general sideboard, for good reason.

Personally I put in a mass draw (BSZ) to good effect to blunt strength draw cards in situations where you are big on red but low on blue.

Although Day's Undoing is a cool card, and I'm a sucker for a good Timetwister, this is not a good card for the deck, making it both slower and less consistent. It doesn't stack well, is often stuck in your hand, replaces an important part of the deck, benefits the opponent as well, especially post board when they have devastating anti-storm hate that youre helping them find.

July 30, 2015 6:33 a.m.

Rob_the_Taavi says... #25

Commune with Lava is really fun in a build like this and I highly recommend you try it out. It essentially gives you an additional hand of cards to play with except that particular hand doesn't get shuffled when you resolve additional Day's Undoing.

I have been playtesting a similar strategy since they spoiled Day's Undoing and I can tell you that 4x Faithless Looting and 2x Commune with Lava would make great replacements for some of the pesky lands that don't add to the storm count or interact with your Leyline of Anticipation.

Also, Past in Flames is really good magic card....

December 7, 2015 2:51 a.m.

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