

I've got an itchy trigger finger. This pauper EDH deck perfectly blends deathtouch with direct damage to gun down creatures faster than a mono-black deck could dream. With an abundant number of token-makers and support cards to help close out games, this pauper cEDH deck makes can wreak havoc on a creature-heavy meta like pauper EDH for only $20! Plus there are plenty of politics involved with "Don't attack me or your creatures die!"

Gun 'em down!

The basic strategy is to pump out token creatures and artifacts, then use Street Urchin to let Erinis, Gloom Stalker deal deathtouch damage to any creature on the battlefield. As such, we need lots of efficient token makers and ways to keep our deck running smoothly.

These cards are highly-efficient token producers. Many only cost but give us two permanents to sacrifice, and the rest others create 3+ permanents with just one card! These also produce ample amounts of creature tokens that the supports cards and utilize to help us close out games. These cards mass-produce permanents that allow us to attack, defend, and sacrifice multiple permanents per turn. Once we build up a good number of permanents, we can full swing and sac the ones that get blocked!

With all these permanents entering and leaving the battlefield, cards like Impact Tremors can deal significant damage if not removed promptly! These cards along with Wildfire Elemental and Wildfire Elemental can help drop opponents' life totals to close out games. We have all these creatures lying around, why not attack with them!? Additionally is a small amount of artifact and enchantment removal to deal with pesky Vanishings/Oubliettes, etc. as well as a whole host of annoying permanents.

These cards make sure our strategy runs smoothly and we can close out games. We have plenty of cards that replace themselves, but also that make more permanents while cycling out unneeded lands; Unexpected Windfall. Just discard a land and get it back with Erinis! Speaking of recycling lands, we get to play Arcane Spyglass! Because this deck, like many pauper EDH decks, rely so heavily on their commander, we need protection: Whispersilk Cloak and the like ensure that she sticks around to gun 'em down! Unfortunately, Street Urchin is still vulnerable to removal. I've included Reclaim, Rofellos's Gift, Season of Renewal, and Salvage to get it back from the graveyard and reduce paying the commander tax.

Turns out, we don't actually need her ability to bring back lands from the graveyard. While plenty powerful in normal EDH with cards like Strip Mine, that ability isn't as useful as a main strategy in pauper EDH. However, it is still useful. It means that we don't need ramp in our deck. The low mana curve in the deck means that ramp isn't necessary from the get-go, but cards like Evolving Wilds can be brought back every turn later in the game to keep ramping us! The ability triggers on attack, not combat damage, so if we attack with Erinis, we can simply use Street Urchin to kill anything that blocks her!

All input is welcome! Pauper EDH is probably the least played format (aside from that disaster Tiny Leaders), so please let me know what you think! +1 Upvote!


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97% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 7 months

This deck is not Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.83
Tokens Boar 1/1 G, Clown Robot 1/1 W, Construct 1/1 C, Copy Clone, Dwarf 1/1 R, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Food, Goblin 1/1 R, Insect 1/1 G, On an Adventure, Plant 0/1 G, Samurai 2/2 W, Saproling 1/1 G, Squirrel 1/1 G, Treasure
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