The goal of this deck is to play quick prowess creatures, then stack them with enchantments that also trigger prowess, and win quickly with explosive chunks of damage. It wins consistently by turn five, and sometimes on turn four or even three.
Best possible scenario results in turn three kill. Nope, no Become Immense here:
Turn 1: Mountain, tap play Monastery Swiftspear swing for one. Opponent at 19.
Turn 2: Plains, tap two for
Call of the Full Moon
, which triggers prowess, making Monastery Swiftspear a 5/5. Swing for five, opponent at 14.
Turn 3: Mountain, tap two for Temur Battle Rage, making Swiftspear a 5/5 doublestriker. Tap one for
Glaring Aegis
, which again triggers prowess, making Swiftspear a 7/7 doublestrike trampler. Swing for 14. Opponent at 0.
Card Choices
Monastery Swiftspear: The engine of this deck, Taylor is the card that will win you most games. She's just miles ahead of most aggressive creatures in standard right now. Plop a
Call of the Full Moon
on her and you have a 4/4 (or 5/5 the turn you play it) beater.
Seeker of the Way
: The two drop prowess creature of choice, Seeker is another must have. We need another early creature drop, and Seeker is the best one with prowess besides maybe Abbot of Keral Keep, who we can't afford. The lifelink is just an added bonus.
Mage-Ring Bully
: Would be better as Abbot, but Mage-Ring is a good replacement. That extra toughness is pretty huge as well. He rounds out our aura targets.
Call of the Full Moon
: This card is bonkers. +3+2 AND trample? Silly. This is the premier enchantment of the build, you want to be playign it on turn two every game.
Glaring Aegis
: A card that may not look good at first glance, but trust me, it gets the job done. This build badly needs a one drop aura spell, and Aegis does work. Not only does it supply a solid toughness boost to any of your attackers, but it also taps down pesky blockers that want to.....well, block.
Infectious Bloodlust
: Gets my later game creature casts in for damage even quicker, and gives bonus value if they die to a kill spell. But giving haste is what pushes this card into the list.
Sage's Reverie: Our late game "bomb". Restocks our hand with more creatures and auras to enchant them with, as well as being a kind of Etheral Armor. In the right scenario, putting this on one of our creatures on turn four can win the game by itself.
Battle Mastery: Another close out card in the deck, it's a permanent Temur Battle Rage at the cost of one more mana.
Myth Realized
: With testing, Myth shows its worth. It gets big FAST and is a good late game threat. You can even enchant it once it's a creature if you need to.
: As one of's, they do their job of removing blockers to get our creatures through.
Instants & Sorcerys
Temur Battle Rage: The main finisher if your enchantment laden creatures can't finish the game off with only one attack. Temur Battle Rage is what makes the turn three win possible.
Comments and +1's are greatly appreciated!