STT 001 (GW Modular Mimic)

Standard* MangaVentFreak13


Malbrecht says... #1

I like your style and your deck. Only suggestion I have is switching out Duskwatch since his abilities don't contribute much with so few creatures. Oviya Pashiri gives you a 1 drop that is a huge mana sink generating beefy artifact creatures for 5 mana every turn. Hanweir militia captain would give you a 2 drop that flips into something much bigger with all your servos and creates human tokens (sacrifice to Westvale). It also looks like you can hit delirium with all the card types you're running so a couple obsessive skinners kicking out counters may provide great value and fuel the module as well. Just a few thoughts i had. Good luck with it and have fun.

January 13, 2017 2:41 p.m.

Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip allows you to pull a creature from the top 3 cards and put it in your hand, which is technically more useful than Oviya when you are needing a Master Trinketeer or a Metallic Mimic, or just helpful when being used with Lifecrafter's Bestiary when you see that you are going to draw into land. I've tried playing with Oviya, but her effects are really low impact and are really expensive. As for Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip, I just really like my current 2 drop creatures better. Yes, he can get stupidly fat, but I rather have Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip which gives me card advantage, Metallic Mimic, (a combo piece), or Cryptolith Rite (another combo piece).

As for Obsessive Skinner, just no. Way too slow, doesn't add any sort of pressure on the opponent. I would rather Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip.

I'm glad you like the deck though. If you want to build a deck using those cards, make it and send me a link. And I'll playtest it against mine and see how it does.

January 13, 2017 3:10 p.m.

Quarrell says... #3

Looks like it could be fun. I personally don't like Cogworker's Puzzleknot, 4 mana for two servos doesn't seem like a good trade off, plus that card seems more suited to a revolt deck. (it does work with Narnam Renegade though).

If you still want to keep it for that revolt trigger I would suggest Implement of Ferocity, it will also help with Rishkar, Peema Renegade for mana. (and get you some card draw)

January 18, 2017 6:26 p.m.

My deck is a bit more combo orientated, and the puzzleknot helps with that. Especially since it's 1 servo I can interact with immediately and then another when I need it. I only need one servo to make a ton more.

January 19, 2017 4:06 a.m.

Malbrecht says... #5

Sorry to hear game day was rough for you. I still like your deck but if you want to go more on the tribal servos I think,you should ditch the long tusk cubs for servo exhibition, swap Bristling Hydras for 2 more lands. If you want some mana ramp switch servant of the conduit for druid of the cowl, which blocks better or drop the ramp entirely for fabricate creatures. I think Rishkar could be a 2 of and add a Oviya Pashira to put big constructs out each turn with your mana. Sweepers are tough on a deck like this though... Maybe another copy or two of Westvale Abbey so when they tap, out for a sweeper you can sac everything for the demon? Good luck with it!

February 12, 2017 10:20 a.m.

See, what you're saying is what the deck was built like for game day XD Oviya gets removed before I can ever activate any of her effects, Hydras were the only things keeping me alive half of the time so taking them out for more lands is suicide, Longtusk Cub gets counters which I can use with Animation Module to make Servos and is a threat on its own, not to mention it gives energy that can be used with Bristling Hydra my seems to be filled with creatures that I'm going to need to chump block so I don't think having one more toughness would help. Basically the majority of your recommendations just take me back to what wasn't working. Thanks, but no thanks. I'll keep thinking on how I can make it work though.

February 12, 2017 11:59 a.m.

Malbrecht says... #7

Ok, sorry. I had not rea d all of your deck details and after doing so I understand better what you are trying to do. Now I believe you may want to swap the two chief of the foundry for two more Hydra's. You have a bunch of other ways to boost your servos and the Hydra sounds like your all star here. Since you are going wide I wonder if main boarding the heroic interventions in place of blossoming defense and moving blossoming to the sideboard would be helpful, protecting more creatures from more stuff sounds better for this deck to me. Other than that, I still think your deck rocks! Better luck next time with it.

February 12, 2017 12:26 p.m.

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