Stuffy Doll, The Blasphemous Reckoner!

Modern jakeB-88

SCORE: 137 | 136 COMMENTS | 30962 VIEWS | IN 82 FOLDERS

Colgate says... #1

AverageDragon that's not true. If Arcbond targets anything else than Stuffy Doll enchanted with Pariah, and that creature takes damage, it's not going to loop at all, because Arcbonded creature doesn't deal damage to itself. Arcbond on Pariahed Stuffy Doll usually wins you the game. Stuffy doll deals damage to everything expect, you, then arcbond triggers and it deals damage to everything expect you and this loop usually ends as you win the game. However, if opponent has played this turn Angel's Grace or has something like Darksteel Forge with Platinum Emperion out, then game ends in draw, if neither player breaks the loop.

December 2, 2016 9:09 a.m.

AverageDragon says... #2

Colgate - Arcbond deals damage to EACH player. You enchant Stuffy with Pariah, target him with arcbond, and then activate Stuffy's ability to deal 1 damage to itself. Therefore, it deals 1 damage to every other creature and every other player, INCLUDING yourself. However, Pariah says any damage you would take is redirected to the enchanted creature, which happens to be Stuffy. Stuffy takes 1 damage, restarting the loop. Since none of these abilities come with a "You may", the game ends in a draw, because you have made an infinite combo with no end. You are incorrect.

December 3, 2016 2:04 a.m.

AverageDragon says... #3

wait i actually fucked up here sorry

December 3, 2016 2:23 a.m.

legendofa says... #4

AverageDragon I don't claim to be a rules expert, but I believe you missed a step: the checking of state-based actions that occurs whenever a player would gain priority--in this case, whenever an individual effect finishes resolving. Rule 704.1, in part: "State-based action's don't use the stack." Rule 704.5a: "If a player has 0 or less life, he or she loses the game." This is checked after each resolution of Stuffy Doll's ability. When a player hits 0 life, if no effects are actively resolving at that moment, that player loses in the space between trigger and resolution. If I'm wrong about this, please let me know where I messed up.

December 3, 2016 2:31 a.m.

legendofa says... #5

And I give my long-winded explanation too late. Apologies, AverageDragon.

December 3, 2016 2:33 a.m.

n1v_m1zzet says... #6

there is a way to infinite-loop though; target yourself with stuffy doll and enchant with pariah. Just for the lols. It actually wouldn't be such a bad idea if you're in an unwinnable position, but if you're playing stuffy doll and pariah chances are you'd be in a good position.

December 3, 2016 8:44 p.m.

Kyln says... #7

Outrider en-Kor would be great. you could attack with him every turn, and if they block just divert damage to a stuffy, and if they dot they take damage.

September 12, 2017 2:06 p.m.

Jinovas says... #8

Star of Extinction?

September 14, 2017 11:31 p.m.

jakeB-88 says... #9

I think the cmc is just too high for Star of Extinction, even for this deck. Thanks for the suggestion though.

September 14, 2017 11:47 p.m.

CaptainBlaze says... #10

Just made my own version based on this deck:

February 1, 2018 3:25 a.m.

asustek says... #11

Yes it would be an infinite loop, however, the rules state that once an opponent gets to zero or less life, they will lose. So the combo will "auto shutoff" once opponent died. This will even beat the opponent if they have phyrexian unlife on the board, as the damage is 1 damage per round of stacks. However, if they have a way to stop the damage, such as fog, or a solemnity on the board with unlife, then yes, it creates an infinite loop.

Again, the rules do protect players from infinite loops and you just end it and move on.

October 8, 2018 11:19 p.m.

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