I'm going to be putting the results of my testing up here as they come in.
Versus RWB Control: This was an interesting brew. The deck had a few copies of Liliana of the Veil, as well as probably 1 Chandra, Firebrand. The main creatures in the deck came from Lingering Souls and Obzedat, Ghost Council.
He also stuffed a few odd spells, the most interesting was four main decked Blind Obedience. Although that card didn't really do much for me, as I have no hasty creatures, two of them added up for 8 life lost to extort triggers.
I went 2-0; not much in his deck hurt me too much. From what I saw he only made one major misplay. I had a spirit token to his fresh Liliana, with me sitting with 1 card in hand. He chose to edict with Liliana, which allowed me to play my Jace and search up a second Lingering Souls.
I had several lucky top decks in the first game, drawing a spell rupture the turn before he found his Chandra, and the turn before he found a Ghost Council. I have to say, that card is a force. Not a lot of people expect a counter spell when you have two lands untapped.
Mostly, though, it came down to me having more and better late game creatures. Thragtusk did a lot of work, netting me 10 life and two beasts before it got Oblivion Ringed; turns out it works pretty well when you draw an unsummon. Besides Thragtusk, my Archangel performed well. GoST was, of course dead against Liliana, instead becoming discard bait.
All in all, a good two games, not really a t1 match up, but still a reasonable deck.