Some of my favorite cards in Magic are, unfortunately, unavailable in the formats I play in the most (Modern and Standard). To compensate, I've decided to make this deck!
I used New Phyrexia's mono-white Equipment event deck back in the day, which included two - yes, two - Stoneforge Mystics in the deck, making it arguably one of the best event decks on record. Sadly, she was banned from Modern due to the ease of playing it, then grabbing artifacts you needed.
Good thing she's not banned in Legacy! Here, you can use equipment like the also-banned-in-Modern Umezawa's Jitte
, cards from supplemental sets like
Sanctum Prelate
, and powerful lands like
Rishadan Port
, Wasteland, and Karakas.
One of the strategies of this deck is to cheat out equipment cards and attach them to creatures ASAP. To do so, We have the previously mentioned Stoneforge Mystic, which gives me any equipment I need when it ETBs, then puts them onto the battlefield for 2.
Stuff we want includes:
Batterskull: A fantastic piece of equipment, as it ETBs by making a creature token to attach itself to, which gives you more time to do damage and set up for next turn.
Umezawa's Jitte
: The ultimate in utility cards, this weapon can do so much for very little at instant speed. Pumping creatures, weakening others, and even gaining life are all available.
Sword of Fire and Ice
: Pings creatures and gets you a card! Nothing's better than that.
Another strategy is the use of protection from colors. Mother of Runes helps to protect creatures from otherwise harmful removal, and provides evasion.
To effectively shut down certain decks, we have
Sanctum Prelate
, which can turn off cards like Lightning Bolt, Swords to Plowshares, and
Tendrils of Agony
, just to name a few.
Finally, Recruiter of the Guard allows us to tutor up anything we need! It's a powerful card that lets us set up with Aether Vial
for an effective strike.
Other cards include:
Mother of Runes: A great T1 drop, next to AEther Vial. Granting protection from certain colors can get damage in easily, as well as evading a Dismember or Abrupt Decay.
Karakas Bounces our Thalia back to evade removal, and gets rid of Marit Lage tokens or Emrakul.
Wasteland and
Rishadan Port
both prevent opponents from having enough mana to make any headway in the midgame.
In the sideboard, I have stuff that cripples popular Legacy strategies.
Ethersworn Canonist slows down most decks in Legacy, most importantly Storm.
Containment Priest shuts down Show and Tell.
Sword of War and Peace works well against decks that run white or red removal, especially Burn.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar creates a 2/2 creature that can be loaded up with Batterskull or chump an attacker. Gideon himself can also attack. Finally, his emblem can be made immediately, making everything on the your side of the field much harder to kill.
Rest in Peace shuts down Dredge and Reanimator decks.
Both Path to Exile and
Council's Judgement
act as alternative removal in case Swords to Plowshares isn't effective.
Finally, Pithing Needle can turn off anything with an activated ability, including lands.