WUR Twins!

Modern kmcree


kadonian says... #1

Cool, I have always loved american control. +1 from me!

May 27, 2014 12:19 a.m.

aptjack says... #2

why no delvers?

May 27, 2014 12:25 a.m.

kmcree says... #3

Hadn't really thought about them, I guess they could fit, although the deck is designed to be mainly creatureless except for Snappy, who's basically just 4 more burns/counters. I like the flexibility of a deck with so many instants, and adding Delver would hinder that a little. I may play around with it.

May 27, 2014 1:01 a.m.

aptjack says... #4

Delver would solve alot of problems, you could block big creatures you cant burn away, and save the burn for the opponent.

You considered Pyromancer's Ascension?

May 27, 2014 2:27 a.m.

kmcree says... #5

Yeah I think I'll play around with Delver. What would you suggest I drop for it? I don't really want to lose the burn or counters, I'm thinking of moving Supreme Verdict to the side, since most decks I face only have 1 or 2 creatures out at a time and I have plenty of spot removal available.

May 27, 2014 1:37 p.m.

aptjack says... #6

replace 1xSupreme Verdict , 1xCounterflux and both Incinerate for 4 Delvers.

May 28, 2014 2:16 a.m.

kussen says... #7

How about Electrolyze , not 3 dmg, but still a little burning and the card advantage is quite good.

May 29, 2014 1:23 a.m.

OpenFire says... #8

You considered Geist of Saint Traft or the Restoration Angel and Augur of Bolas package? Or Spell Snare ?

June 1, 2014 3:30 p.m.

kmcree says... #9

I'm trying to go more for control and burn, rather than a midrange game with the creatures you suggested. I have looked at Spell Snare , but I think I like Spell Pierce better for now at least.

June 1, 2014 3:36 p.m.

zerowner says... #10

I'd maybe add a Geist of Saint Traft to the deck, as with your burn control he's probably going to be swinging for 6 the next turn anyway. I'd also take Flame Slash over your Incinerate s, as something like a Loxodon Smiter is going to require you to burn at least two spells on it in your deck right now if you don't draw a Path to Exile , and it costs one less as well. You can sideboard in Incinerate s when you hit things with regen if you really want them.

July 8, 2014 6:16 p.m.

kmcree says... #11

I've definitely thought about Geist, I'll probably throw him in once I acquire one. I actually have seen any Smiters in my meta. It's predominantly Twin and Affinity, with a little Pod. But none of the Pod decks I've seen run him, and I haven't had any issues. The reason I don't like something like Flame Slash is that it can't be used on players, and since burn is my primary win con that can really hurt. It's a dead card against quite a few decks, and against others like Affinity, it doesn't do it's job any better than something like Incinerate .

July 8, 2014 6:35 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #12

Take out the Delver of Secrets  Flip . It doesn't fit in the deck, and Delver should only be put into decks centered around it.

I'd replace it with Vendilion Clique or Restoration Angel .

If you take out the Keranos, God of Storms , the 2 Serum Visions , 2 Delver of Secrets  Flip and a Counterflux , you could add 4 Restoration Angel and 2 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker , providing an alternate way to win. Kiki also synergises with Snapcaster Mage .

Replace the Spell Pierce with 1 Spell Snare , as it's generally better, and take out the 2 Incinerate for another Mana Leak .Use the 2 remaining slots for land. Celestial Colonnade should be a 4 of, and add in a Desolate Lighthouse to fix your draws.

July 13, 2014 11 p.m.

kmcree says... #13

I'm going for more of a straight burn/control, not really looking for the Kiki and Resto combo. I'm just testing the Delver currently, not sure if he'll stay. I may end up replacing him with Vendilion Clique . I like Celestial Colonnade as a 3 of, because you don't really want duplicates. And with all the card draw I have, you can find a second pretty easily if you need it. I like the Incinerate because it gives me more burn, and Keranos is still in testing as well. I like him so far, but we'll see. I've played with both Spell Pierce and Spell Snare , and I generally prefer Spell Pierce . I don't really want any more land, as my curve is pretty low. With all of my card draw, I don't have any problems hitting land drops as is. I may try to squeeze in Desolate Lighthouse , but I think I generally have better things to do with my mana late game.

July 14, 2014 1:40 a.m.

TheGamer says... #14

I feel 24 lands is a little light. Even though this is UWR Delver I think it would really hurt to miss land drops. You have to constantly play lands so you can cast huge Sphinx's Revelation 's and always be able to activate Celestial Colonnade .

August 12, 2014 11:35 p.m.

Slycne says... #15

Actually if you like the burn, you might want to consider Burst Lightning over Incinerate . It's a little more versatile in the early game and you can kick it to the face for more damage.

From personal experience Keranos, God of Storms is a house in some match-ups. I'd highly recommend keeping it around. It basically never leaves the board in Modern, since you're never going to flip it to a creature. And it just sits there generating a ton of advantage. In grindy match-ups like the increasingly popular BGx match-up landing it on a stable board is very hard for them to win against.

24 lands strikes me as being a little on the low side with only 2 Serum Visions , 2 Remand and 2 Electrolyze as early cantrips. I'd also try to get at least 1 plains in there. Loosing a game because you couldn't fetch a white source on low life while not super likely to happen is going to happen a non-zero amount of the time, and you know Blood Moon hasn't stopped being a card.

August 12, 2014 11:46 p.m.

kmcree says... #16

Thanks for the feedback! I actually think I'm going to drop the Delvers. Its not that they aren't good, its just that I'd rather focus more heavily on burn/control. I will probably add a 25th land, most likely a Desolate Lighthouse . I'll be sure to try to fit a Plains in too, as that's a really good point about fetching white. I think I'm going to use the 2 Delver slots to add a 3rd Serum Visions and a 3rd Cryptic Command (I have 3 promos so I might as well use them all). Any other thoughts or ideas?

August 13, 2014 12:30 a.m.

Slycne says... #17

I'd chalk it up to at least a little personal preference, but I do really like at least a few quick closers like Restoration Angel , Geist of Saint Traft , Baneslayer Angel , Thundermaw Hellkite , etc right now.

With BGx and pod on the rise, a lot of folks are turning back to Tron and Scapeshift to one up them. And these are very bad match-ups for UWR since they eventually just go over the top, so you need something to put pressure on them.

August 13, 2014 12:39 a.m.

TheGamer says... #18

My last thought is omg I'm jealous of your promo cryptics!

August 13, 2014 12:39 a.m.

kmcree says... #19

Yeah, I've been strongly considering adding in a Geist. I really love the card, and I think being able to add a little more pressure could be hugely helpful.

The Promos are very sexy. I actually am sort of obsessed with full art promos, and have versions of almost all the cards in here that have them (Bolts, Incinerate, Mana Leak, Helix, and Cryptic).

August 13, 2014 12:45 a.m.

xlebec says... #20

Nice RUW control deck. Have you considered Pyroclasm , Anger of the Gods , and / or Wrath of God as sideboard options against creature based strategies like aggro, zoo, tokens, etc.? Wear / Tear also makes for great sideboard material since it covers so many bases so efficiently.

August 13, 2014 1:30 a.m.

kmcree says... #21

I haven't built the sideboard yet, once I do, Wear / Tear will definitely be in it. If I had to pick a sweeper, I'd actually probably take Supreme Verdict . My meta runs quite of bit of control, so the uncounterable aspect is huge. Wrath of God is nice against regenerate tho.

August 13, 2014 1:37 a.m.

kmcree says... #22

Alright guys, I built a tentative sideboard, and tweaked the numbers in the mainboard a little bit. I'm half tempted to drop the 2 Incinerate for a 4th Serum Visions and a 25th land, but I own full art promo Incinerate s, and its really hard for me to drop them, haha. Any thoughts?

August 17, 2014 9:42 p.m.

k1rbz says... #23

drop the Supreme Verdict s and use Wrath of God instead - i used to think that the "can't be countered" thingy is good, but honestly the decks you need it against are pretty much all non-blue and thus don't even counter - Thrun, the Last Troll will make you cry if you don't play with Wrath of God trust me bro.
Sphinx's Revelation is a bit overrated i guess, it is a bomb in standard but it's not even half as good in modern - first off it's way too slow and it's not safe, you know, this is one of those cards where x equals all your mana and most of the times you dont feel like saving mana for counterspells at this point... very high risk and kinda meh reward, instead i'd run a 4th copy of cryptic command and/or any other draw spell my suggestions here are Think Twice and Shadow of Doubt both are much better and safer in modern.
Speaking of drawpower, you play Serum Visions ... seriously bro? It's a good card don't get me wrong, but not in a pure controll shell - You should play serum visions to set up your next turns and fix your draws (eg. delver, twin, storm) but not in controll... controll means disruption while generating card advantage (eg. think twice - one card that draws you 2 cards, cryptic command - counter 1 + draw 1, remand your own spell + draw and fizzle your opponents counterspell,...)
You said you are more into the burn and counterplay - in other words "Pure Controll" - speaking of pure controll you should run atleast 26 lands... 4x Celestial Colonnade is a must, same applies for Tectonic Edge (where are those?!) atleast 2 of them.

September 15, 2014 3:12 p.m.

k1rbz says... #24

Also Batterskull , Ajani Vengeant ... where are you?

September 15, 2014 3:13 p.m.

kmcree says... #25

So, I think some of what you're suggesting makes a lot of sense, but I also disagree with a few things:

First, I think Wrath of God is a good suggestion. I'll probably make that switch as soon as I can get a hold of one (currently only own 1 copy). I also think fitting Tectonic Edge in somewhere is something I overlooked, and I'll try to find a spot for it.

As far as Batterskull , I just made the decision to play Geist of Saint Traft in the side for matchups where I want to apply more pressure, and personally I prefer Geist. I've played Ajani Vengeant in the past, and I don't really like him. I just don't think he generates that much on his own. He's great if you can ult him, but those opportunities are few and far between.

Serum Visions is possibly the best t1 play available in blue. Its a fantastic card that replaces itself, and smoothes out your draws. I strongly disagree with your notion that control doesn't need to fix its draws. Serum Visions is definitely staying.

Think Twice is hugely overcosted for what it does. Its 5 mana for 2 cards if I flash back. I'd rather Rev for 2 and gain the life with it. Shadow of Doubt is meh. It can be a nice trick against decks that run tons of fetches and/or tutors, but I still prefer Serum Visions as my primary cantrip.

I used to run 4 Celestial Colonnade , but I don't really want too many multiples. They come in tapped, and can really slow me down if I'm trying to stay ahead on mana. I haven't had any issues since switching to 3.

September 16, 2014 9:41 p.m.

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