I never thought about Duress to help out Vampire Nighthawk . Appetite for Brains is MB because of how likely it is I'll play Junk Rites. I think I'll take out the Gift of Orzhova s for Duress , what you said does make sense. So -3 Orzhova+3 Duress-2 Appetite for Brains I suppose. +4 to SB.+2 Nighthawk
Now I really need some more swamps. Playtesting I get an average of 2 swamps. Occasionally 3 or 1 but usually 2 swamps. 22 is the highest I'd go, so maybe take out 2 beaters, a Diregraf and a Gravecrawler?
June 29, 2013 7:04 p.m.
You are welcome, and I really like the deck, but you only need three swamps and your deck can function very well for the rest of a game. I love mono black btw.
June 29, 2013 7:25 p.m.
miracleHat says... #5
for a sideboard, i would add Pithing Needle Grafdigger's Cage Appetite for Brains Staff of Nin /Underworld Connections , more Mutilate , Knight of Infamy
neloht says... #1
You need a four of Vampire Nighthawk , it is anti-aggro because it can deal with any 2/2 they thorough out. Gift of Orzhova should be taken out because gaining life isn't your thing and the good creatures you don't want to die already have evasion and more lands wouldn't hurt. Why not have Duress instead of Appetite for Brains and have brains sideboard because Vampire Nighthawk needs the protection from Searing Spear . Cremate for a sideboard card to deal with Junk rites.
June 29, 2013 6:41 p.m.