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Suicide is occasionally the answer

Pauper Aggro Mono-Black Suicide Black Tribal Zombie




[DISCLAIMER:] Despite the connotations of the title of this deck, suicide is NOT, in fact, a viable answer for most problems. I don't condone it in any way; if you or someone you know has those types of tendencies or otherwise exhibits zombie-like behavior please get help ASAP.

Now, you may be wondering, "Why would anyone think suicide is a good idea in the first place?" Well, let me tell you: the ultimate goal of a suicide deck is to make your opponent commit suicide faster than you can.

By killing them.

Before you kill yourself.

Pretty simple, right? This iteration of zombies looks to accomplish that task in two ways:

  1. By flooding the board with aggressive 1-2 drops and finishing off the opponent's life total in chunks with Shepherd of Rot and Gempalm Polluter or

  2. By beating down with large undercosted creatures such as Carnophage and Sangrophage (these are the ones that help you suicid).

For best results, use both of these strategies at the same time!


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After extensive testing, 2 Dark Rituals have found a home in the main deck. This card helps us power out creatures in the early turns which helps in matchups where winning quickly is necessary. However, this deck is capable of grinding out games with Ghoulcaller's Chant and Ghoulraiser and we don't want to draw Rituals after turn 3, so we don't need 4 copies of the card either. For now, 2 copies is what I'm going with, but 3 is a good number as well so I will be testing both in the future.

Tyrant's Choice has taken the place of Geth's Verdict in the main deck. This card is good reach, but is unreliable as a removal spell, so we'll see how it performs.

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #51 position overall 5 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Pauper 6 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Zombie Army 0/0 B
Folders Likes, Possibly, Pauper BOX, Future deck's, Saved Decks, Hobo Decks, Pour Les Pauvres, Pauper: ideas, My Brews, Noice
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