Ah yes the creatures. The bread and butter of every aggro deck. This is the part where you put such a beat down on the opponent that they'll think Superman went to work on their head with a Louisville Slugger.
Gnarlwood Dryad
: deathtouch makes him a great blocker and also lets him chip in for damage a bit longer than the average one drop. Once/if you get delirium, he gets a bit bigger and better 1st attacking. Yay.
Sylvan Advocate: Hey, remember when every good deck in Standard played this card? I wonder why no one plays it now. Even though those scrubs known as pro players don't seem to love this guy, I certainly do. Efficiently costed, synergy with Lumbering Falls, attacks and blocks in the same turn, and is great early and great late. Of course, great as he is, he still dies to Fatal Push. Feels bad man.
Servant of the Conduit: Get some energy, accelerate out fat beat sticks, and power up Woodland Wanderer and Skyrider Elf like an Ana going nuts with nanoboost on a Reinhardt (I feel bad for you non-Overwatch players who don't get it).
Rogue Refiner: 3 power for 3 mana isn't the best rate, but it's fine. It has good synergy with Servant of the Conduit and draws a card so you aren't left gasping for top decks like a drowning man gasping for air.
Skyrider Elf: A 3/3 with flying for 3 is fine until you realize Heart of Kiran exists. Because of that, having Servant of the Conduit to set this up as a 4/4 is basically essential. If you have multiple Servant of the Conduits and/or Aether Hubs out, he can be a 5/5 which is pretty good.
Mindwrack Demon
: He's a great sump for your Gearhulk counters and a undercosted, evasive threat on his own. He helps you get delirium for the few cards besides himself that care about it.
Woodland Wanderer: Raise your hand if you like 6/6s with trample and vigilance on turn three. If I'm the only one who does, you're all crazy. Granted, this is the best case scenario, but it's not too difficult to set up. Besides, even being a 5/5 trample vigilance creature on turn four is pretty good. Making this guy a 6/6 to block Gideon is very important.
Verdurous Gearhulk: You're probably tired of seeing this guy in green decks, but he's the best and what he does, and what he does is break your opponent's will to live (and their life total). He needs no explanation.
First of all, don't be a smart aleck and tell me that creatures are spells too. I get it, but it's easier for me to remember it this way. And second of all, there is no second of all. Just read the card explanations.
Fatal Push: Basic black removal spell. Kill what they play early so you can kill them with your face smashing, creature-shaped, damage dealing sacks of meat.
Negate: This is only here to answer Gideon. No really, that's it.
Traverse the Ulvenwald: Fixes mana, thins your deck, finds threats late. Seems good to me.
Blossoming Defense: Opponent: removal spell.
Sorry for that huge spoiler, I'm not good at TappedOut formatting and I don't know how to put a spoiler in a spoiler.