darthrevanbeast says... #2
Splinterfright could work if it were standard legal
September 13, 2014 11:30 a.m.
WackyMackie says... #3
lol darth it will be standard legal in weeks thats the idea behind this.........................
September 13, 2014 12:18 p.m.
Splinterfright isnt in khans... it was in innistrad block, it wont be standard
September 14, 2014 4:48 p.m.
Very similar to my thinking for a Sidisi-based deck: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sidisi-graveyard-abuser/
I don't think Villainous Wealth fits into my version of the deck very well, but it's a better card than I initially thought, for sure! I played it at the prerelease and used it to steal two games. Murderous Cut has been working REALLY well, you'll be happy with that. I also think Empty the Pits is a good wincon... I had that as a 1-of in my deck for a while.
This deck playtests stronger than you think! Looking forward to testing it IRL!
September 23, 2014 2:04 p.m.
ABadMagicPlayer100 says... #6
Nice. My deck, Sultai Dredge, takes a very different approach. This is a more aggressive deck then mine, but has enough control to not need the evasion of Herald of Torment , but you could still run 4 (perhaps in place of Bloodsoaked Champion )? I agree with ferretgr; Villainous Wealth doesn't really belong here. If you want to run Empty the Pits , I would go all out - run the full 4. You need lots of redundancy if you want the card you want; Since you don't run Sultai Ascendancy , you're going to mill everything without control of what you hit.
Not bad for a first attempt!
October 1, 2014 12:23 p.m.
Check out my FOR THE SWARM! of zombies... similar theme and in virtual play testing seems to hold its own with more expensive decks. I think we might have similar ideas going on here.
October 15, 2014 9:50 a.m.
I like it, I think I'm just a little weary on running Murderous Cut AND Nighthowler, it seems like a bad interaction to be lowering your graveyard count then holding onto a 4 mana 0/0 in your hand. You could test the Sultai Charm in the main board because GB Constellation and Ascendancy Combo are both on the rise right now and being able to have ultimate price, naturalize, and careful study is pretty relevant especially when both of those decks use a lot of enchantments and mono-colored creatures, also a lot of decks right now have threats that are mono-colored creatures so the first mode is relevant outside of those match-ups. Plus cards that dodge the charm can be removed with Downfall.
November 9, 2014 1:01 p.m.
darthrevanbeast says... #9
Shinkari When playing this deck I am almost always able to get enough noncreature cards in my graveyard for my Murderous Cut to cost only 1 black. If you ever Cut for more than 1 than you're doing something wrong. About the Nighthowler, if you bestow it on a Sidisi, a lot of decks have a hard time dealing with it. Nighthowler is just too good to take out of this deck. I have also thought of mainboarding some Sultai Charms, but right now my local meta has no Jeskai Ascendancy bullshit going on, and as for GB Constellation, Downfalls, Cuts, and post side boarded Bile Blights (to deal with Hornet Queen's insects) are enough to get me through the game.
November 9, 2014 3:34 p.m.
kittycatsupremeoverlord says... #10
So, you don't have very many things that help you to self-mill. You've got Nyx Weaver, which is good but I think that Sultai Ascendancy is a better choice. Both mill two each upkeep, so the same there. However,with the weaver you have to put both of them in the graveyard and with the ascendancy you can choose. sure you can take back one of those cards with the weaver, but then you've exiled you're milling engine. So I'd run 3x Sultai Ascendancy or 2x Sultai Ascendancy and one Nyx Weaver.
Satyr Wayfinder is awesome but it's also not as good as Taigam's Scheming and Commune with the Gods. I'd drop 2x Satyr Wayfinder for 2x Taigam's Scheming
I might also drop a Whip of Erebos or a Murderous Cut for another Sylvan Caryatid.
you could also sideboard Dead Drop for hexproof.
Nice build +1! take a look at my similar deck: I Have More Cards In My Graveyard Than You! HaHa!
December 27, 2014 1:57 p.m.
Hey darthrevanbeast! I also play Sidisi Whip and have put lots of work in my deck and playtested against a lot of archetypes in real life. Your take on it looks more aggro than midrange and I think G/B constellation would be better to run if you want to play this style... but hey, I'll do my best to point out what I think you could do to make your deck better!
First, 22 lands is not enough, you should definitely run 24. Some Whip decks run 23, but they also play Courser of Kruphix x4 in addition to Sylvan Caryatid and Satyr Wayfinder. Now... the rest of my advice is kinda biased after that, I'll still point out ''creature vs creature'' changes you could make, but your priority here is to go up to 24 lands.
As a first thing, I would cut the Nyx Weaver. Contrarily to what you may think on paper, you've got plenty of mill without it. It's very slow, and its card draw ability makes you sacrifice your board state aka wrecks your tempo. I would replace it with 2 Doomwake Giant and add 1 final Sylvan Caryatid. Running only 3 Sylvan Caryatid is a really weird deck building choice. It's like if you were saying ''I want to ramp my creatures, but not everygame''. The giants are a MUST against heavy aggro strategies and token decks. As a sidenote they a lot of times negate your opponent from blocking.
Archetype of Imagination... Hummm, I get what you're thinking but...it's not that it's a bad strategy, it's just that the competition for the 5-6 CMC slot is fierce. My first thought is that Torrent Elemental would do the same trick you're trying to do, plus it's reusable after the whip back. Soul of Innistrad also competes heavily for this spot...
So in conclusion, I think you're priority should be this : Take out Nyx Weaver, go up to 24 lands, go up to 4 Sylvan Caryatid, fit 2 Doomwake Giant.
The rest of your deck I think is great. Your Nighthowler and Nemesis of Mortals take on it is different and looks strong!
If you wanna have a look at my take on Sidisi Whip click here !
January 29, 2015 2:51 p.m.
You are missing the new diamond for Sultai Decks: Torrent Elemental .
Put it in and enjoy.
February 2, 2015 3:12 p.m.
I tested Torrent Elemental last week and it was so situational that I decided to completely leave it out.
Here are the conditions :1, You've got a whip on board. 2, You've got board presence. 3, The opponent has board presence as well. 4. You have more board presence than him and racing is a viable option.
1, You exiled Torrent Elemental with Murderous Cut. 2, You have nothing best to play than a tapped permanent... In that case, your board is usually empty and you'd want to do much better things than cast a 3/5 ETB tapped flyer...
I hurried to sell it back before people realise how bad the card is!
February 2, 2015 3:26 p.m.
I love Strength from the Fallen in a deck like this, and Herald of Torment is a great addition and finisher to a deck with constellation enablers like Nighthowler, Nyx Weaver, and Whip. I played a deck like this in RTR and THR standard and had lots of success and fun.
February 26, 2015 3:04 p.m.
MrCheeseOnToast says... #15
While I have never played a Sultai deck in my life I believe Taigam's Scheming and Commune with the Gods are superior to Satyr Wayfinder.
April 17, 2015 11:36 a.m.
You're definitely wrong about Taigam's scheming, and you're sort of wrong about Commune IMHO because the Wayfinder gives you a body, but I'd accept that as a difference of opinion :)
April 17, 2015 3:23 p.m.
DeathSparxx says... #17
Here is the Sultai graveyard deck I have been running for a bit with pretty good success. It is amazing how soon you can cast Empty the Pits. Even after game one you can still play around counters and such from your opponent because of everything else for them to worry about. There have been many times where I have won the round and never had to cast a card costing more than 3CMC. Den Protector and Deathmist Raptors are legit and recycling removal is just insane!!!
May 11, 2015 8:43 p.m.
In decks like this, Nyx Weaver is a must. It mills for you and gives you some degree of control over which cards you want to keep.
May 29, 2015 3:01 p.m.
How about Sagu Mauler to be Nighthowlered? Also, Rattleclaw Mystic for the caryatid.
May 29, 2015 5:45 p.m.
Darkmelody12 says... #20
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip is amazing in dredge style decks. With Sidisi, Brood Tyrant he makes for a very easy flip.
July 30, 2015 10:04 a.m.
darthrevanbeast says... #21
It is true that Jace flips very easily in this deck, but once he flips he does't really do anything significant for this deck. I considered him in the past but settled on Nissa who is both easy to flip and is a powerful influence on the board immediatley as it flips.
squarelles says... #1
Splinterfright could work. anyway i like the deck.
September 13, 2014 11:28 a.m.