Sultai Icebreakers

Unformat miampizza


meatman says... #1

I'd probably drop the delver for more digging/draw such as Ponder, you just seem to have too many lands and creatures for reliable flipping.

May 27, 2016 5:22 p.m.

miampizza says... #2

meatman True, but I feel like my scrying power is already quite efficient and I also plan on replacing Sylvan Scrying with Demonic Tutor for more versatility. Ain't sure yet though. As for Delver, I'd rather replace him with something that fits the deck's theme but I can't find what could take his place.

May 27, 2016 6:22 p.m.

Lionsheart says... #3

I very much like this deck. I've had the thought of making a similar deck for quite some time. I may try and make a deck like yours but try to lower the cost.

Good deck! Upvote!

May 27, 2016 8:37 p.m.

miampizza says... #4

Lionsheart Thanks! I've played it a few games already and it consistently ends the game by turn 3-6 depending on how resilient the opponent is and how lucky your first draw was. If you're looking for a more budget option you can consider Duress instead of Inquisition of Kozilek and pretty much any golgari land instead of Twilight Mire (even if it does such a good job casting Vampire Hexmage) and you'll be saving about a hundred bucks just by doing so.

May 27, 2016 9:16 p.m.

Graveblade says... #5

This seems pretty cool, but I'd go for a slightly larger number of spells- 24 to 26 sounds good to me. With so many spells, you can constantly achieve spell mastery, so I'd add some origins spells- Dark Petition both adds constancy and can help you instantly cast Vampire Hexmage after you search.

May 28, 2016 8:30 a.m.

miampizza says... #6

Graveblade By the time I can cast Dark Petition the game is almost always over or I'm ending it on the spot. Also I don't need the Dark Ritual effect since my mana curve is absurdly low

May 28, 2016 10:40 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #7

Honestly, I feel like you could remove green altogether. Your only green spell is Crop Rotation, which you could simply replace with more copies of Dark Depths (which is what I assume you'd tutor for). This would make your mana much simpler, since it's so imperative you have the right colors early.

Also, this is an odd thing to say, but I think Duress is almost better than IoK here - any creatures they have can be bounced by Awoken Horror  Flip, and Duress allows you to hit non-creature spells of CMC greater than 3. Just a thought, though.

June 1, 2016 12:25 p.m. Edited.

miampizza says... #8

Daedalus19876 Crop Rotation's removal will slow down my deck's earliest possible Marit Lage summon by a whole turn unless I get Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in my opening hand, which is pretty unlikely. I'm also using Abrupt Decay to deal with early threats and 3 sideboarded Golgari Charm to deal with things like goblin rush or Mind Control-like enchantments

It's not at all odd actually, I was heavily considering Duress since I was having a bit of trouble dealing with 4-5 CMC artifacts / spells. I'll try it and see how it goes!

June 1, 2016 3:46 p.m.

jeshwa says... #9

It may be possible to replace delver with Scythe Tiger since your cmc is that low, you lose the flying however; if you'd wanna try it out.

June 2, 2016 12:50 a.m.

Deckologist says... #10

Would Thespian's Stage be too slow for this deck? It's another way to get Marit Lage out faster.

June 2, 2016 10:25 p.m.

miampizza says... #11

Deckologist I don't see how Thespian's Stage would make things faster. Could you explain it to me? I feel like it's a weaker Vesuva in this deck. Also for protection if someone Path to Exile Marit Lage or something like that I have Crucible of Worlds for backup if that's what you meant.

June 3, 2016 11:01 a.m. Edited.

Deckologist says... #12

THis was taken from the Tappedout Rules QandA forum.

If you activate Thespian's Stage 's ability targeting Dark Depths , Thespian's Stage becomes a Dark Depths with the ability "2, T: ~ becomes a copy of target land and gains this ability." The Thespian's Stage copy does not have any ice counters on it.

SBAs then check, and you are forced to put one Dark Depths into its owner's graveyard. You choose which one. You should choose the one that has ice counters on it.

Then, triggered abilities are handled. The state-based trigger of the Thespian's Stage /Dark Depths is put onto the stack because the land has no ice counters on it. The land will be sacrificed, and you will get your token.

essentially it says with both of those lands out "pay 2 mana sacrifice both lands get Marit Lage

June 3, 2016 11:06 a.m.

miampizza says... #13

Deckologist That's pretty good! Thanks for that suggestion I'm definitely going to try it out as soon as I get a copy.

June 3, 2016 11:17 a.m.

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