Sultai: A color wedge that is often unexplored same for other wedges, except Jeskai....
The topic of Sultai begins with three of the most power colors in magic. The only issue is the format is solved. Most players never "delve" deeper into the color wedges, even some shards are left unexplored. But with the help of MTG Modern BUG. I plan to make sultai a deck worth playing and a deck worth fearing.
Turns out fatal push isnt as strong as we would prefer it to be but it made the deck way more playable in multiple other shells other than control.
Match up exploration:
Eldrazi tron
Hand disruption and early interaction is key to game one. (AKA) blow up their maps if they are leaning on it.
Post sideboard ceremonious rejection is your friend as well as disdainful stroke.
We don't get access to stony silence and we lose to almost every threat. maelstrom pulse is a dream and so is go for the throat.
Disruption and removal are key we aren't playing bob and we don't get access to bolt, push is our answer, we have to blow up plating and need to kill just about every threat or we get killed by 1/1's for 1....
Post sideboard we have access to flaying tendrils and hurkyl's recalls, Please kill me this match is hard either way because they can convert into multiple different ways to cripple us.
4/5 color Humans
We have removal and their fast hands are what kills us. Sitting there with fatal push with little to no revolt enablers due to playing a well rounded mana base is hard when you are being killed by mantis riders, but never fear abrupt decay kills it and maelstrom pulse cleans up their linear greed. vial is obnoxious but bearable, and Tarmogoyf is a roadblock and a half. I feel like this deck is kind of a flavor of the month and it wont be here forever.
Post sideboard we care about more interactive removal if you have it in the board but we are more concerned with affinity.
playing against Jund is like the top deck war of the century and they are afraid of each of our threats just as much as we are of theirs, there best card in the match up is their oozes and their 4 drops, beat those and the game is over.
Post game go bigger lose the disruption bring in your fulminators, we are like the stepchild of a tempo deck and Jund so pick up a game or two against them isn't hard just be a good mid-range player and evaluate each threat. that is why we play hand disruption.
Lingering souls hurts.. goyfs and flayers are bearable and again their oozes are a house against good ole fashioned snapcaster mages, they can go bigger post board and I feel like disdainful stroke isnt bad in the match up. if you can get your flayer into the ring vs their souls it feels super strong to pick off a creature and begin winning the top deck war especially when you can serum visions into the card you just left on top.