I like Dictate of Erebos, but at the same time I believe that Archfiend of Depravity would work much faster, so long as it stays alive. Because at their endstep they have a manageable number of creatures allowing for the exploit mechanic to do its job to clear the field.
I like Bloodsoaked Champion, and that's why I threw in palace siege because Khans works in a similar way. This way I can bring the exploit minions to my hand and continue to reap the rewards. Sultai Emissary is another good exploit target, the only reason I chose Qarsi Sadist over it was because of that three toughness can make it a bit of a wall against tokens. Furthermore, it makes a good exploit target for Profaner of the Dead
Also...part of me wants to put Dutiful Attendant back in while taking out some other cards. I like Dutiful Attendant I just thought that palace siege might do a bit better.
MenacingBunny says... #1
Dictate of Erebos maybe? Bloodsoaked Champion would be a nice exploit target as well as Sultai Emissary.
August 27, 2015 1:06 a.m.