


This version of reanimator has no turn one combo. Most sideboard games turn into attrition battles. With this in mind, the deck becomes more interactive favoring resiliency instead of faster combo.


Opening with Verdant Catacombs, fetching Underground Sea, and playing Deathrite Shaman puts this deck on Sultai Delver. Turn two there will be two-three mana available for Entomb + Exhume or Entomb + Reanimate (or the other combos of course including Show and Tell) with Daze protection.

Deathrite Shaman

  • Eats opposing creatures and gains life to makes Exhume better.
  • Gives a leg up in the mirror to control their graveyard at instant speed.
  • Eats dredge spells and creatures.
  • Removes flashback targets and causes loss of life. Helpful to just kill the opponent as well as sneak passed damage prevention.
  • Ramps and provides mana fixing.
  • Provides protection from Liliana of the Veil when a reanimation target enters the battlefield without haste.
  • Keeps Knight of the Reliquary in check by eating opponent's lands.
  • Slows down Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise.

Many times my opponents have asked why Deathrite Shaman, then I beat them to death with it.


  • Comes out against Lands.
  • Usually comes out on the draw. Gets worse as the game goes on.
  • Allows more aggressive combo attempts


Carpet of Flowers



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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is not Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

27 - 8 Rares

9 - 6 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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