I was excited to see the good range of blue-black-green spells in the new Khans set. Who doesnt love a Naga Shaman? so i tried to put as many of these Sultai coloured cards into a single deck. I guess you would describe it as 'graveyard shenanigans with snakes and zombies'. It is a mix of mostly creatures, some graveyard stockers and reanimators, and some creature control spells.
The main inspiration for the deck is Sidisi, Brood Tyrant. When this naga shaman enters the battlefield, you put 3 cards from library to graveyard, and if >1 is a creature, you can have a 2/2 zombie token... too much fun!
Sultai Ascendency is an enchantment that gives you both card-drawing and graveyard-stocking, and is re-usable over and over for free (nice). The Ascendency is really the engine that drives the deck. Further card-drawing and graveyard-filling are given by Sultai Soothsayer and Necromancer's stockpile - the latter also gives you a 2/2 zombie token if you discard a zombie, which does happen sometimes in this deck, since both Liches are zombies.
The complementary reanimator functions to go with all of this graveyard-filling are given by Kheru Lich Lord, Havengul Lich, and the Whip of Erebos. The latter is a noteworthy card from this set. It gives lifelink to all your critters, which is good, but you can also repeatedly reanimate stuff...(which becomes lifelink of course)...which is great!
Control is provided by the Sultai charm, which is a versatile spell, since even if there are no targets to destroy, you can always draw some cards...More control is provided by hero's downfall, dismember, and far/away - i really like this last spell, its versatile, and can remove "untargetables".
The deck works OK, and is fun to play, but is slow. I have made versions with less graveyard functions and less control, but adding in birds of paradise, urborg elf, and/or mox diamond to speed things along.