

Sultai list, maybe.

Kiora -2 seems pretty good. Gather the Pack isn't Wayfinder, but Elvish Visionary gives me a body. Painful Truths may be a SB Card, may try Silumgar's Command too.


-1 Lumbering Falls

-1 Opulent Palace

+2 Windswept Heath

*Delve Enablers, Finds Turn 2 Forest untapped

-3 Painful Truths

-2 Whisperwood Elemental

+2 Fleshbag Marauder

+2 Merciless Executioner

+1 Tasigur, the Golden Fang

*Taisugr for 1 mana on turn 3 can be nasty, so more Taisgurs.

*Sac outlets for Liliana, diverse in case of Infinite Obliteration, etc.

Sideboard Tweaks

-2 Despise

-2 Ruinous Path

-1 Silumgar's Command

+3 Painful Truths

+1 Minister of Pain

+1 Stratus Danacer

*Minister of Pain for Tokens, Virulent Plague hurts us.

*Painful Truths vs Control for card draw

*Stratus Dancer vs control or decks we want a Negate with a body.

Maybeboard Updated:

Despise: I feel like I need this card, it gets rid of problematic things and turns on Infinite Obliteration in grindy creature match ups.

Silumgar's Command: post-SB my deck takes on a control role, so I want to have this top my curve as a great utility spell.

Negate: Since I want to be more controlling post-SB, Negate seems good. Can also be Stratus Dancer to go with Deathmist Raptor/Den Protector/Sidisi Plan

Evolutionary Leap: May be a 1 of in the Sideboard against grindy match ups (or Esper decks) to secure a sac outlet for Liliana/tutor for the creatures I need.

Ultimate Price: Super cheap removal early game against Landfall or Atarka Red. Fuels Delve spells super well.

Dispel: The spicy 1-of against Control matches?

Ruinous Path: I have a lot of creatures to go after Planeswalkers like Gideon, Ob Nixilis, etc. I have early removal to go after flip walkers like Jace - this would be more of a back up plan for those, and an extra 2 removal spells against "big dudes" when 2 Murderous Cut aren't enough (and Sultai Charm can't hit them)

Whisperwood Elemental: I loved this card's interaction with Raptor/Den Protector/Evo Leap in my G/B Rock list since it did goofy, goofy things and ran away with games. It's also super good against Languish and board wipes, so playing it against Control seems nice.

I would probably have to drop a few spicy additions, like Demonic Pact, if I wanted to add these in. Also probably cut 1 Painful Truths and maybe the SB Ob Nixilis. I really like Complete Disregard as a spell, but it may just be sub-par here.

Another plan would be to remove Elvish Visionary from the list altogether, and replace it's spot in the MD with Complete Disregard or Painful Truths (probably Truths, card draw for card draw.) I am highly considering this move, because my turn 2 play will most likely be Gather the Pack or Ultimate Price (post SB) with an untapped land, or Duress/Despise with a tapped land. Visionary gives me a body, can produce a 2/2 zombie from Sidisi, and provides a body to sac and keep my 3/1 Executioner/Marauder - but that's the only upside really.


Updates Add

Played a few test games with the deck and goldfished around a little bit and it seemed like the deck was trying too hard to go in 2 different directions - Midrange with Delve, or Control. I decided that with a few too many things floating around (and a few not as effective cards for those things) I wanted to utilize the fullest potential of Blue in the deck, rather than go back to the G/B Rock style I had been playing before.

Cards taken out:

-2 Elvish Visionary -1 Liliana, Heretical Healer -1 Gather the Pack -1 Kiora, Master of the Depths

+1 Duress +1 Ultimate Price +1 Complete Disregard +2 Treasure Cruise

I decided to go a slightly more controlling route, so I cut the Visionaries and 1 of the Gather/Kiora fodder for the Delve factor. Instead, I added in 2 removal spells in Ultimate Price & Complete Disregard (both help against Jace AND Landfall/Atarka Red which I'm weak to) and Treasure Cruise. painful Truths was just...too painful, and with Kiora/Gather/Fetchlands/Sidisi/casting spells in general, I often had a graveyard the size of my remaining Library! Treasure Cruise helps me refill on an empty hand and utilize some of those extra cards in my graveyard.

I wanted more than 1 Cruise, 2 or 3 seemed like the sweet spot. However, I needed to cut additional cards to do so. Sadly, I had to choose between one of my two flipping walkers. I chose to cut a Liliana because of how powerful the Nissa/Ob Nixilis were together, often letting me see 3 cards per turn and acting like the 3rd Treasure Cruise. I did keep 1 Liliana to go with the Merciless Executioners - however I vert rarely find myself flipping her, or using anything but the discard ability to great use (Deathmist returns with Den Protector, face up Den Protectors are meh, can't hit Legendaries, and Merciless Executioner is the only other target). She still fits into the "control" feel with her Discard, and lets me get freebee Deathmist Raptors into play with a Morph out, so i may or may not cut her in the long run.

Deathmsit Raptor is great, but there's times where 4 may feel like...too many? I may cut 1 or 2 for something else main deck. Stratus Dancer seems like a good option and helps get them out of the graveyard when he flips. I also like the idea of cutting 1 or 2 Raptors for removal or counterspells in the maindeck, but I'll have to play more to find out!!

The sideboard needs a big overhaul now - with an extra Duress Maindeck I don't know if I want the 4th in the SB.. Painful Truths needs to be removed, and I don't want 2 more Complete Disreagrd (3 seems like too many, 2 sounds right). My overall plan is looking to bring in some of the "maybeboard" cards:

-1 Complete Disregard -1 Duress -3 Painful Truths

+2 Negate +2 Despise +1 Evolutionary Leap

I like the idea of having Leap in the board because Gather often is digging for me to find a Sidisi for turn 4 while binning a bunch of Deathmist Raptors. Leap can do the same thing for me while giving me a reason to keep Liliana around the deck, also lets me do some nifty combat tricks. We'll have to see though, Ruinous Path -should- be in here somewhere too, and an extra Stratus Dancer or the spicy Dispel are tempting.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 2 Mythic Rares

23 - 7 Rares

14 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Morph 2/2 C, Octopus 8/8 U, Zombie 2/2 B
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