lordkilljoy that's my problem i'm not sure what direction to take this deck yet. I like all of the aspects of Sultai (so far) so I guess ill just play with it some more to see what I don't like.
I'm thinking about maybe cutting the Horizon Chimera AEtherspouts should be in the board but I main boarded them over Sagu Mauler and Liliana Vess .Once I get the carayatids I might throw in hornet queen.
October 7, 2014 8:42 p.m.
kanswercity says... #3
You've got kind of a high mana curve and you need to decide which ~nine cards you definitely want 4 of. What do you plan to have as your win condition?
Not that you will do all of this, but personally, I would cut all of the Planeswalkers, Mystic of the Hidden Way, Hornet Queen, Force Away, Clever Impersonator, and Icefeather Aven for 4x Elvish Mystic to power your Deathdealer, 4x Sultai Charm because it's awesome and scries with Reaper, 4x Villainous Wealth, and 4x Sagu Mauler.
December 3, 2014 11:50 p.m.
TheFanatic says... #4
Rakshasa's Secret is much better than Mind Rot if you need that sort of effect, but I'd run neither and replace them with Commune with the Gods to help find your key cards and to get more cards into the 'yard for delve.
Torrent Elemental is very powerful in whip/delve strategies, and I'd recommend running 2 instead of your Sultai Charms.
lordkilljoy says... #1
The only suggestion I would like to make is that you should find a center. I feel like this deck is a combination of too many different ideas. That's not bad except that it loses a lot of consistency. I think you should figure out what direction you want to take this deck and cut anything that doesn't lead you toward that. I don't mean to be arrogant but I also have a sultai standard deck and if you take a look at mine I think it'll give you a better idea of what I mean by concentrated. Sultai Midrange
October 7, 2014 1:58 p.m.