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Sultry Simic Butts - BFZ Standard (~$10)

Standard Aggro Budget GU (Simic) Theme/Gimmick




  • Assault Formation (AF): The signature card of this deck. It makes creatures attack with their butts. The pump for 2G provides a nice mana dump for late game.


  • Sidisi's Faithful : Early game, this can be either a good blocker or a large attacker if you can cast AF on Turn 2. Late game, it can serve as a bounce for troublesome or expensive creatures.

  • Elusive Spellfist : These will be triggering often from casting digging spells. They are the main source of damage while looking for AF.

  • Dragon's Eye Savants : Huge butt on this one at a very low cost. It can also be cast as a Morph to help do some damage until AF arrives. It's Morph ability also gives you information on what your opponent has available, so you can have a better idea on what to pick or keep with Anticipate or Taigam's, respectively.

  • Benthic Infiltrator : With AF out, it becomes a 4/4 that can't be blocked. Ingest is a nice little bonus. Also helps sneak a few pings or act as a nice blocker while looking for AF.

  • Profaner of the Dead : Usually, this can be played as a one-sided board wipe. Also works as mass token (Thopter) removal. Otherwise, it can be a decent attacker or blocker in a pinch.


  • Taigam's Scheming : A very useful card when digging for AF or thinning out lands from your draws. Also provides a good source of cards for Delve. Just be careful if your opponent has creatures with Ingest.


  • Anticipate: Another card to dig for AF or fix draws. Use these after you run out of Taigam's and be careful they don't overlap.

  • Glint : Glint can be used as a damage boost or as creature protection in this deck. A nice, flexible card.

  • Negate: Mainly here to counter board wipes. Useful against enchantment removal like Erase or Dromoka's Command. It can also counter Bring to Light.

  • Reality Shift: Removal for creatures with dying effects (Hangarback Walker) or that are Indestructible (Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger).

  • Become Immense: Provides a nice damage boost even if AF is not on the board. Thanks to Taigam's, this will often be cast for only G.


  • Disdainful Stroke: Counters Siege Rhino, Bring to Light, and dragon lords to deny ETB effects.

  • Dispel: Counters burn spells and enchantment removal. You can replace the Negates in the mainboard with these if you're not concerned about board wipes.

  • Encase in Ice : Locks down rhinos and other aggressive threats without putting them in the graveyard where they can be revived. Also gives another option for sacrifice if your opponent casts Dromoka's Command.

  • Glint : Extra protection against decks with lots of removal.

  • Horribly Awry: Mainly here to deal with Felidar Cub and Caustic Caterpillar, but can also counter a smaller creatures that could be key elements of an opponent's deck. Also counters rhinos.

  • Naturalize: It's always good to have some enchantment or artifact removal available. Good for mirror matches.

  • Plummet : Shoots down dragon lords or other large Flying threats.

  • Embodiment of Spring: A one drop with a nicely sized butt. It's especially useful if you decide to splash an additional color to this deck.

  • Tide Drifter , Void Attendant , and Mist Intruder : All of these could be put in the deck to give it a Colorless or Eldrazi theme. Void Attendant has a fairly nice mana dump ability. Mist Intruder has Flying and more Ingest. Tide Drifter pumps all other Colorless butts.

  • Updraft Elemental : A nice, big Flying creature can help ping while looking for AF, block other Flying creatures, and has some evasion for attacking once AF hits the board. A better choice, in my opinion, than Monastery Flock .

  • Shape the Sands : A nice, cheap buff that increases damage when paired with AF. Reach could be useful if you need to deal with a Flying creature.

  • Lumbering Falls: Can replace Thornwood Falls as the tap land in this deck. Having an extra creature, especially with Hexproof, usually beats gaining 1 Life.

The final price is actually lower than the estimate TappedOut gives, as it includes the higher priced BFZ lands. Here's my cart after running it through TCGPlayer on 10/12/2015, minus the basic lands: $10.03. (Note: This cart is for the initial version of this deck; I'm keeping it for those who are looking to spend about $10. The updated version costs around $15 and its cart, taken on 10/17/2015, can be seen here: $15.30)

If you use the button on TappedOut to make your purchase on TCGPlayer, make sure to remove the basic lands. Also, after you are in the cart, run the Optimizer and turn off "TCGPlayer Direct". You can also go into "Advanced settings" and set it so you only get Near Mint cards. This got the price down to about $10 and then you can move cards around so you have at least $1 per seller.

Quite a few requested a Modern version of this deck. Below is what I came up with. I tried to keep the cost fairly low to keep in the original goal of this deck, so there is room for improvement. Note that this is a pretty casual deck compared to the competitive Modern scene.

Sexy Sultai Butts - Modern (~$45)

Modern ProgenitorX


Something to remember: creatures with Exploit can exploit themselves (i.e. they can sacrifice themselves instead of another creature).

I'm currently considering replacing the 4 Sidisi's Faithful with 3 Updraft Elemental s and 1 Island to have all creatures be relevant (damage-wise) without Assault Formation and add even more evasion to the deck. Thoughts on this welcome!

If you like this deck, please give it a thumbs up! I really appreciate it!


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I've been wanting to lower this deck's reliance on playing and keeping Assault Formation on the board. To do so, I've made two changes:

  1. I dropped Shape the Sands in favor of Become Immense. I'm usually sitting with a huge graveyard thanks to Taigam's Scheming and Become Immense pumps damage by 6 whether Assault Formation is out or not. I lose Reach but that never really was the point of the card. I'm not too worried about being unable to cast it for just . Titanic Growth is another option if you don't want to rely on Delve.

  2. Swapped Tide Drifter for Elusive Spellfist. Tide Drifter was a big butt that made other copies of himself and Benthic Infiltrator bigger. However, w/o Assault Formation, he's usually just sitting there looking pretty. Why didn't I replace Dragon's Eye Savants instead? At least he can be cast for Morph and act as a 2/2 until Assault Formation shows up. I might experiment with Mist Intruders and Tide Drifter, but Elusive Spellfist will be triggering so often, that I believe it will end up being a better deal.

I'm still messing around with this deck, looking for ways to improve it. I always appreciate any and all suggestions and feedback. Thanks for all your support and I hope you've enjoyed this deck!

The price has changed a bit and came up around $15. Here's an updated cart after these changes and a few more in the sideboard taken on 10/17/2015: $15.30

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Rares

9 - 7 Uncommons

25 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.35
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Budget Standard, Decks to look at, Enemy Decks, BFZ Standard, BFZ, Standard, Budget Decks, Standard, Standard, budget
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