Sultry Simic Butts - BFZ Standard (~$10)
SCORE: 162 | 72 COMMENTS | 52755 VIEWS | IN 157 FOLDERS
ProgenitorX says... #3
shepherdofire - Assault Formation only affects combat damage and it doesn't replace a creature's Power, so Epic Confrontation wouldn't deal much damage. Grim Contest would work but then you'd have to splash Black and there's better removal in that color.
October 17, 2015 1:18 p.m.
I'm considering Cancel/Scatter to the Winds (though certainly not for Awaken costs) over Negate and maybe something else.
I didn't have great experiences with Profaner of the Dead. Might have been me, but usually he only delayed my death by a turn. I'm thinking about replacing (maybe SB) him, but I'm not sure with what.
October 17, 2015 3:38 p.m.
I recommend Clash of Wills or Spell Shrivel as a counterspell instead of Cancel/Scatter since the mana is easier.
October 17, 2015 6:32 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #7
But you can use it to attack a low toughness blocker pre combat while pumping your creature +2.
October 17, 2015 7:38 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #8
thechusenone - I moved recently and have yet to find a new location in the area to play, but I have been playing online and with some local friends, and it does pretty well. The Elusive Spellfists were definitely a good idea, since I've found they are consistently unblockable. One thing that shuts down this deck pretty hard are creatures that have sac abilities to remove enchantments (Felidar Cub and Caustic Caterpillar). I added Horribly Awry in the sideboard for this, will see how it helps.
Button_ - Consider Dispel. Negate is there to counter enchantment removal or board wipes. If board wipes are not a concern, Dispel will probably be better. You have big creatures, bounces, and Reality Shift for any troublesome creatures. Profaner of the Dead could be lowered to two-of if you find it's not helping. I might do this myself or move one of them to the sideboard.
Kroto - Thanks for the suggestions! I might look into Spell Shrivel for the sideboard instead of Horribly Awry and Disdainful Stroke. That'd free up some slots for other answers.
shepherdofire - That's a good way to look at it. I'll usually use Profaner of the Dead for clearing low toughness creatures, but this might be another good option.
October 17, 2015 9:35 p.m.
Encountered someone playing this on xmage and was disgusted by it. So it's pretty good.
October 20, 2015 8:15 p.m.
Roisterous says... #10
I've played a few games with this deck, it's a cool concept. I've found the 20 manna slowing the deck down a little though.
October 21, 2015 3:47 a.m.
Alright I think that you trying to run very little green but(http://shape the sands) is worth it and makes it so you can kill your opponent much faster or take down big creatures
October 21, 2015 12:06 p.m.
or it could still not work... just look up the card
October 21, 2015 12:09 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #14
Kroto - Awesome! I've tried it a few times online and it has performed pretty well. Nice to know people are actually playing this.
Roisterous - Thanks! Maybe you could remove a Sidisi's Faithful (I kinda don't like this card though it's nice dropping it turn 1 and a turn 2 Assault Formation) or a Profaner of the Dead for an extra Island or two.
will9969 - Thanks for the suggestion! I originally had Shape the Sands instead of Become Immense. I replaced it with that because I wanted to give the deck more leeway when Assault Formation isn't showing up or gets destroyed.
October 21, 2015 2:21 p.m.
Hey so I run a version of this deck too. Mine is a little bigger/slower/more expensive. I run:4x benthic4x tide drifter3x sigiled starfish1x languish4x kin-tree invocation2x endless one2x oblivion sower1x liliana4x scatter to the winds22 mana
I find its a slow starter if you dont get assault formation in your opening hand, but if you can lock the board down for a few turns, it helps. Kin-tree and endless one are there for some power early on or late game without assault formation, starfish helps with the drawing and can attack later, and oblivion sower is an alternative late game either 5/8 or 8/8. I do run some profaner as well, although I feel like languish is better overall for the deck if you can get the two black out. I was running missium meddler for an alternative counterspell, although it doesnt work against felidar cub so think i may take it out
October 22, 2015 3:29 a.m.
Sorry first comment didnt come out too well formatting-wise. I kind of like your cheaper agro deck a bit more. I still need to test my deck out, but may take your route and drop black in favor of cheaper and more counter spells. Also, not sure cost, but maybe consider Lumbering Falls as your tap land if you can get them cheaply
October 22, 2015 4:09 a.m.
Hey i like your deck alot so i made my own version and have been testing it online and it seems to work. I do have 4x dark petition in mine along with 2 sidisi, undead vizier which gives me the chance to search for Assault Formation 90% of the time by turn 5.
October 22, 2015 5:09 a.m.
Roisterous says... #20
ProgenitorX Thanks - I took out Elusive Spellfist and added 2 Sigiled Starfish to help me Scry while waiting. I also had a Sword of the Animist which I added in to help thin then deck of manna (& also get manna out quickly). I then added a coupe of Monastery Flock in for the flying (after taking out one or two Profaner of the Dead).
The other thing I found was to not be afraid of using a mulligan or two - because of the decks low manna requirement I can be a bit more choosy and take the risk of redrawing a couple of times.
I've found it to be a fairly competitive deck.
October 22, 2015 6:37 a.m.
ProgenitorX says... #21
ldbean - No problem! That card was in my deck at first, but didn't want to depend on Assault Formation so much. Replaced it with Become Immense.
drummerc - Thanks for the suggestion! I forgot to add Lumbering Falls to the Other Cards to Consider section. Like you mentioned, the reason they aren't included is for the price, but I would definitely recommend anyone to upgrade the Thornwood Falls for them if they have the money to spare.
I would recommend dropping black unless you have some fetches or faster lands to get access to all three colors quickly. I found Sigiled Starfish to be a little slow at drawing me Assault Formation compared to Anticipate and Taigam's Scheming, but it does give an extra body to swing/block with.
noxal - Cool! I'll leave some recommendations I can think of on your deck's page.
Roisterous - I forgot Sword of the Animist was a thing and it also helps in thinning out lands for late game. I found Sigiled Starfish to be a little slow in helping draw Assault Formation and replaced it with Taigam's Scheming. Still, the extra body is always welcome. Unless you picked Monastery Flock for some other reason besides Flying, I'd recommend Updraft Elemental instead. It does have 1 less Toughness, but comes with 1 Power and no Defender, so it can be useful while Assault Formation is MIA. It also doesn't require you to spend a to attack with it.
October 22, 2015 8:34 a.m.
I played this with 2 Treasure Cruise instead of 2 Anticipate which works quite well with Taigam's Scheming. Dig Through Time would probably be nice too, but more expensive.
I feel this deck is very similar to Ensoul pre rotation in that it is very reliant on Assault Formation to perform well and mulligans being a frequent thing.
October 22, 2015 9:56 a.m.
Roisterous says... #23
You're right Updraft Elemental is a much better choice for flying. I took your advice and swapped out Sigiled Starfish.
October 22, 2015 5:02 p.m.
Also, have you considered replacing some of your Glint with Tread Upon? Trample could probably help in some situations
October 23, 2015 11:45 a.m.
ProgenitorX says... #25
drummerc - Thought about putting some Tread Upons in before, but figured having evasive creatures would be better. I'd probably replace the Faithful with 3 Updraft Elementals and 1 more Island if I wanted to get more damage through (this is what I've been testing recently).
ProgenitorX says... #1
yornom - Thanks for the suggestion! I considered him when making this deck but I think I'm good on card draw with Anticipate. He doesn't really do much else; I wish he was a cheaper costed enchantment instead.
October 17, 2015 1:08 a.m.