Sultry Simic Butts - BFZ Standard (~$10)
SCORE: 162 | 72 COMMENTS | 52755 VIEWS | IN 157 FOLDERS
white_mane_savior says... #2
Took it to Game Day and somehow went 3-1 for 5th place, just barely missing the top 4. No one expected it, and no one knew how to board for it. Tons of fun!
October 26, 2015 2:05 a.m.
+1 To this deck!!!! First of all i was searching a deck to start playing again after 2 years break, and i have to say this deck is fckingggggg amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the way it is!!!!! I never play blue... deck no even control ones... but this deck is amazing just have a question for the maker of the deck... Can you make it for modern format???? i think is perfect for modern just like it is but with you cold change it to modern format what would you do???? any thoughts about that? Cheap or not cheap any kind of help will be greate
October 26, 2015 9:16 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #4
akki007 - Thanks!
white_mane_savior - That's awesome! Glad to see it's working out for you.
M7T3 - There's been enough requests for this that I think I'll start working on a Modern version. It might take me a while since I've been pretty busy lately, but I'll include a link on the description for when it's done. I will keep try to keep it Simic just so I don't break my mind looking at too many cards, unless I find something really interesting in another color.
October 27, 2015 10:08 a.m.
This deck is a lot of fun, thank you.I have a question : - what do you think about introducing Mizzium Meddler it can protect Assault Formation from some removal spells?
October 27, 2015 2:06 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #6
narnar - Unfortunately, Mizzium Meddler would not be able to redirect spells that target Enchatments. From the rules on that card:
Mizzium Meddlers triggered ability can target a spell or ability even if Mizzium Meddler wouldnt be a legal target for that spell or ability. However, the target of that spell or ability will remain unchanged.
It would only be useful to protect creatures, but I would rather run Glint at that point.
October 27, 2015 2:47 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #7
M7T3 - Well, here is what I came up with for Modern:
Sexy Sultai Butts - Modern (~$45) Playtest
October 27, 2015 6:01 p.m.
Thanks for the deck!!It's really a very fun and powerful deck!I'm playing the deck and made this into a three color deck(UGB) Sultai Charm and Kin-Tree Invocation works very well!
I come up with an idea about using Anchor to the ther or Set Adrift or Whisk Away,and then attack with Benthic Infiltrator to remove big threat!
October 28, 2015 7:46 a.m.
Sfactor641 says... #9
I picked up all the cards today. Ill put everything together tonight and give it a shot tomorrow at FMN!
October 29, 2015 11:53 p.m.
Corybantic says... #10
Good thought about the put on top of library option. If you went that way, might suggest clutch of currents to give you awaken options, especially useful if you have a lumbering falls to awaken. Good idea, although you won't always have benthic infiltrator available to combo off.
I've found reality shift to protect against indestructable, death triggers (for the zulaport cutthroat/grim haruspex aristocrats deck) and graveyard recursion (bloodsoaked champion).
Can you tell I've been up against a few black sac decks lately? Reality shift also is great if you can keep the mana open to tempo out the become immense/temur battle rage combo. clutch and set adrift are also sorceries, so can't disrupt as well as reality shift or whisk away
October 30, 2015 1:02 a.m.
It seems to me and that deck only functions well with assault formations on the field. I would probably move out 2 Anticipates and 2 Glints for something that can give counters, since most of your creatures come out before turn 3, 2x Retreat to Kazandu would probably be a good card for the curve, then either 1 more or 1 x Treasure Cruise. Then I would remove 2 Taigam's Scheming and add 3 lands to help stabilize the deck.
November 21, 2015 11:50 a.m.
I would have added some Muddle the Mixture to search for Assault Formation or other 2 mana spells, since almost all the deck costs two.
November 23, 2015 6:50 a.m.
I run this idea in Sultai because Shape the Sands on just about anything, followed by Kin-Tree Invocation, gives people fits. Fairly often, that's an 11/11 on turn 3.
Also, when winning, Shape the Sands on something, then exploit it with Profaner of the Dead, and complete your alpha strike.
December 8, 2015 10:18 p.m.
I know I am talking about different colors, but has anyone looked at playing devoid style U/R/G? You have , Herald of Kozilek,Benthic Infiltrator,Tide Drifter and Vile Aggregate, when adding red you can play radiant flames to wipe the board. Has collected company been used? Ghostfire Blade?
December 18, 2015 10:44 a.m.
UnknownAir says... #15
I really enjoy this deck! A lot of fun to play. Haven't tested it at a FNM yet but if it comes up I might just do so.
One thing I would like some advice on was the sidedeck. This question might be just Sidedeck 101 however. While I know cards to swap in (like Disdainful for those seige rhinos and Plummet obviously for the big fliers) what I don't know is the sort of cards to swap out in those situations. Can you give me some advice? A lot of the cards in the deck seem to play well as is so I'm not too sure on what I should be swapping out.
December 20, 2015 6:07 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #16
UnknownAir - It depends on what you saw Game 1. Think of what tricks wouldn't have been useful based on what you saw and adjust accordingly. Barring that, I usually strip Sidisi's Faithful from the main to put in sides (I'm not a big fan of that card).
January 6, 2016 12:54 a.m.
ShiningWing says... #17
Heh, since this is my main (and only) Standard deck, I'm currently thinking of what will replace the KTK cards once that block rotates out. I'm glad they're attaching DTK to Origins for the new block type, because otherwise this deck would be pretty useless after the rotation. :P
With OGW being a thing now, Slip Through Space is a pretty nice addition. Being a cantrip, it helps with the draws, and it's a cheap way of making one of our powerful creatures unblockable.
March 30, 2016 3:55 p.m.
GW with Wall of Resurgence, Immolating Glare and some other stuff might work. I'm not too sure if blue is a good color for this deck after rotation.
March 30, 2016 4:26 p.m.
white_mane_savior says... #19
You have to go RG with Goldnight Castigator and Crater Elemental. Things get hilarious quickly.
March 31, 2016 12:05 a.m.
I really love this deck... Is there any way to stay standard legal with the same colours?
March 31, 2016 6:16 a.m.
ShiningWing says... #21
abierto: I threw together Slippery Simic Butts - SOI Standard for that purpose, though I'm really questioning some cards (like Just the Wind, that one doesn't really fit at all).
April 5, 2016 2:14 p.m.
UnknownAir says... #22
I feel as though the addition of skulk could lead to some interesting things. Farbog Revenant has really caught my eye even if I think he is a tiny bit overcosted at three in comparison to some of the other three drops in the set.
akki007 says... #1
This is a great deck! props!!
October 25, 2015 11:58 p.m.