Summoned in Blood

Standard* Ghost2014


Pre-FNM change up —June 3, 2012

Decided to take out the Thunderous Wrath for 4x Vexing Devil. and may also drop Warstorm Surge

Abbner says... #1

I like the direction you are going. I would say to make the casting cost a lot cheaper. Currently its at 3 Avg. CMC. That is really high without having a pump up type card like Fireball or card:Red Sun's Zenith . I would try to cut out the land destruction or make that the highest cost. I would replace Warstorm Surge with Curse of Stalked Prey . They are cheap to buy, i think they are around common price and its only a 2 cast. Goes well with Bloodthirst creatures too. If you can splash black you can replace Gorehorn Minotaurs with Duskhunter Bat and it gives you a flyer that will help hitting your opponent. If you splash black you can add some cheap hand destruction instead of the land destruction. The M12 Dual lands have gotten cheaper or if you want just run 10 of each and you should be fine with low casting cards. If you can Stromkirk Noble has really come down in price and not a bad idea or Tormented Soul for an unblockable creature or Goblin Tunneler to give unblockable ability to a creature. Both of those are cheap to buy and low casting cost and gives you that punch to help trigger your Bloodthirst. The metagame is a lot quicker now so a lot of your high casting cost stuff doesnt get casted or sits in your hand for a long time unless you are running ramp. Hope that helps.

May 28, 2012 7:43 p.m.

Ghost2014 says... #2

Abbner Thanks for the tips, i like them a lot. I plan to revisit this deck once i get a few games down with it and understand it better. Thank you for your input. The goal is to eventually replace the Warstorm Surge for Bonfire of the Damned . I also want to keep the land destruction because without land people can't do much.

May 30, 2012 10:20 p.m.

Abbner says... #3

Not a Problem. Keep us up to date on your progress.

May 31, 2012 5:47 p.m.