Summoner Mimic

Standard* JelloPiranha


plastic says... #1

What do you think about the scry lands?

October 1, 2013 5:06 p.m.

JelloPiranha says... #2

I mean... I could see them slightly useful with the Flamespeaker Adept , but they're still just guild Gates. : I actually saw some math a while ago that said if you're only playing two colors, it's actually better to use basic lands over the scry lands, heh.

October 1, 2013 6:12 p.m.

plastic says... #3

what about Anax and Cymede and Arrows of Justice , Aurelia's Fury Bomber Corps Boros Charm Brave the Elements Celestial Flare Ethereal Armor Legion's Initiative Martial Glory Warleader's Helix .Mostly I'm loading up the multicolors for the soldier. I know some of these are kind of pricey (money and mana)... which I now realize it says only opponents? I personally LOVE the idea of copying heroic abilities with the resonator. So, but then again copying the battalion ability is sweet also.

October 3, 2013 12:05 a.m.

JelloPiranha says... #4

I looked at Heroic a lot in the beginning. The deck started out with Akroan Crusader and Phalanx Leader in it, with Coordinated Assault , Swift Justice , Ordeal of Purphoros , and Ordeal of Heliod to activate them, back when I noticed I had so many enchantments that I may as well run Ethereal Armor , yeah. But as I started tuning, I needed more and more room for creatures, so enchantments started getting cut, then I didn't have enough Heroic activators, so I scrapped the whole theme. And I really do like Anax and Cymede , but I feel like Legion Loyalist usually does that job so much better, y'know? I'll definitely make a Heroic Resonator deck sometime, but I think it'll be in different colors. Probably something with black. :D

October 3, 2013 12:02 p.m.

plastic says... #5

OMG you typed this out with you're phone?? I'm so impressed! I see what you're saying about heroic, you definitely have to focus on one or the other. I dig both though. And yes, I agree that the Legion Loyalist is a good add instead of cyanide ;p. Just because I like poking you, I'm still not a huge fan of Soldier of the Pantheon mostly because I only see him working well with ravnica decks. And, he's really only there for Path of Bravery from what I can see? I'm just interested in your thinking on this. :]

October 3, 2013 7:07 p.m.

plastic says... #6

actually, I lied, I see all the other life gains. haha, just kidding! Do the enchantments count as triggers?

October 3, 2013 7:12 p.m.

plastic says... #7

Also, I was thinking about this. If you think about the scry lands again (;P) using the resonator you could technically scry 2. :/ Would that make them worth it?

October 3, 2013 7:21 p.m.

JelloPiranha says... #8

Well, Soldier of the Pantheon is kind of there for the life gain, yeah, but I was honestly just looking for another 1- or 2-drop, and he fit the bill best. He's pretty big for one mana, and his Gatherer discussion page was joking about "Protection from the previous block." :p

Yeah, all the enchantments here actually have triggered abilities. So I'm looking to exile two creatures, gain double life, make two Angel tokens, and put two muster counters on Assemble the Legion , hehe.

As for the scry lands, <3 you absolutely could scry 2 by copying the ability, but then you'd have a tapped land and two less mana for the turn. All just for scrying 2. I still don't think it's worth it, sorry, lol.

October 3, 2013 9:16 p.m.

plastic says... #9

hmmmm. I like it. okokok I'll give up trying to convince the scry lands. ;P EVEN THOUGH I LOVE THEM SOOOO MUCH.I think part of the reason I'm not a huge fan of Soldier of the Pantheon is because I dont really like playing a reactive game unless I'm playing counterspells. Would you consider Banisher Priest ? He seems good in this situation. Dunno, JUST TRYING TO MAKE YOU SMILE. :D

October 4, 2013 5:29 p.m.

JelloPiranha says... #10

Banisher Priest would actually be really good for the same reason that Chained to the Rocks is good. Also it would help activate Battalion. Not a bad call. :) Oh, and... since we're reading the stupid book now, I guess I might have to make some concessions for the scry lands. I don't think the mana I need here is that color-intensive, but I'll take another look at it. I wanna redesign this into a semi-Heroic deck again, so we'll see what happens. :p

October 7, 2013 12:09 p.m.

plastic says... #11

OMG YOU CHANGED IT!!!! Lemmeee lookkkk.

October 8, 2013 12:22 a.m.

plastic says... #12

omg... the book has converted you to ONE OFS! :D

October 8, 2013 12:24 a.m.

JelloPiranha says... #13

Nah, these are just placeholder kinda things until I can sort out how many of each I want. But I will be including one-ofs, haha. I never thought about how huge the difference between 0 and 1 is. Between never being able to use an ability and being able to use it occasionally without getting swamped by it.

October 9, 2013 2:13 p.m.

plastic says... #14

I really like how you've changed this up. I also like that you included cyanide XD I love that card... Even just as a one of. I also like how you sprinkled some heroic in there also, I'm assuming thats what the Massive Raid and Coordinated Assault (which I like how Coordinated Assault works nicely with battalion. XD).

October 10, 2013 2:31 p.m.

JelloPiranha says... #15

I'm thinking maybe I wanna splash blue... Triton Tactics is one of my favorite of the "Up to two target creatures" cycle, and Daxos of Meletis is a pretty neat guy. Not sure I'd have room for much else. ...I might end up having to drop the lifelink too. It's defs my style, but I'm not sure it necessarily has a place in this deck. I'll explore the benefits of not dying somewhere else, lol.

October 13, 2013 4:28 p.m.

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