

Instant (1)

I really wanted to try a Metallurgic Summoning deck as it seems like a really good card (albeit as slow as holy hell). So I've attempted to build a deck that will allow us to stay alive to make use of the card.

The Staying Alive Suite

Authority of the Consuls - such a great early play, ensures life gain to stay through to the late game, slows opponents down, particularly effective vs haste creatures - this has been moved to the sideboard. But is too good to cut completely.

Fumigate - mass removal on a stick and effective vs creature strategies. Also can gain a butt tonne of health to ensure I can stay alive.

Blessed Alliance - one of my favourite cards, so many options but will primarily be used as early game removal or life gain. Good flashback option later with Torrential Gearhulk.

The Counter Suite

Negate - efficient removal to stop PW and other pesky spells.

Void Shatter - another efficient counter spell but can also shut down some graveyard abilities and counters creatures.

Summary Dismissal - excellent for any eldrazi (Emrakul/Deep-Fiend) stops 'cast' effects.

The Additional Card Suite

Torrential Gearhulk - a four of and my only creature main board. Ideally have a Metallurgic Summoning down turn 5 and then Gearhulk next turn to surprise opponent and recast removal, counter or draw spell.

Card: Part the Waterveil - another option post Summoning, gain an extra turn + the 6/6 without making a land vulnerable or paying 9 mana? Yes please.

Skywhaler's Shot - efficient removal for the biggies, expecting Gearhulk and the such like, takes down late game Sylvan Advocates. Plus the scry is incredibly useful.

Glimmer of Genius - yay for instant speed draw. Not even bothered by the energy, just scry 2, draw 2 for me.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets - if I haven't got a Metallurgic Summoning by turn 5 this can protect me for longer by bouncing creatures, or scrying and drawing meaning more likely to find one.

Any ideas suggestions etc would be greatly appreciated, hoping to test this at FNM's in the very near future.


Updates Add

This time went 3-1 and came second at my LGS which I'm pretty happy with. Have so far kept it as the same configuration. I'm considering maybe adding in a 'Descend Upon the Sinful' in the sideboard as a sweeper against graveyard strategies which seem to becoming more popular.

Game 1 - graveyard strategy deck, went 2-0. His deck never really came out of the gates running, which is what it needs to do. And by the time it had picked up any speed I was in full control.

Game 2 - Mardu aggro, went 2-1 fully expected to lose as this is a ridiculously fast build. But I managed to remove a lot of his early threats with my one-for-one removal.

Game 3 - Jund control, went 0-2 getting out maneuvered, had a lot of dead cards and in the post sideboard game hadn't planned correctly and PW still wreck my face.

Game 4 - BG delirium, went 2-0. In game one my opponent was a bit mana flooded and managed to bash down with quite a few constructs. Game two I was facing more aggro from reoccuring Grim Flayers off grapple with the past. But managed to land an on curve Summonings and just essentially 3 for 1'd the rest of the game. You're trying to remove my guy? I'll counter it, keep my board presence and make another dude. Game went super long, managed to spell queller a traversed Liliana and Glimmered for a just in time Summary Dismissal for a traversed Emrakul

Still super pleased with the deck and for now tinkering is at a standstill.


Revision 8 See all

(8 years ago)

+2 Aether Hub main
-1 Dynavolt Tower maybe
-2 Island main
-1 Plains main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #24 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 2 Mythic Rares

14 - 10 Rares

19 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.46
Tokens Construct X/X C, Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Energy Reserve
Folders ones i like, Potential decks, Standard Ideas, lekker, Summon metal, Ideas for Decks, Decks others have made, control, Other, Standard AF
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