This deck has a lot to offer my local meta.Early aggresion:Cathedral of war - Strangle root - RancorParadise bird - AjaniParadise bird Cathedral of war - rancor
Cathedral of war and rancor together on any 1/1 body can still produce a threatening early game life gap.
Medium Game brings the pain no need to really break that down pretty self explanatory
Combos:The flickering in this deck can be pretty devastating with thragtusk and the tracker.
It is also used on early game creatures such as visionary for a cycle, or on strangle root to get him reset with rancor. Never has a cloudshift not been playable in this deck.
Tracker Fetches: Sigarda ( pretty much my game winner, plenty of combos, rancor-ajani, cathedral of war-rancor-garruk draw. ) The tracker fetches utility such as acidic slime and silklash ( silklash eats spirits, delver, bloodlinekeeper, and can block thundermaw.)
Greensun is another fetch for sigarda and also pulls utility
Thragtusk is great for large life gain and for board sweeps.
Plenty of tools to clone with metamorph ( also kills opponents legendary's )
Im actually pretty proud of my sideboard, this decks only problem tends to be creature control decks with tons of board wipes.Sideboard:Divine deflection Vs bonfire
Melira Vs blacksun
Corrosive gale Vs heavy spirits/hexproof spirits on top of silklash
Gutshot is for a bunch of different shenanigans, as we all know. ( could be replaced with mental misstep for ponder and gitaxian counter )
Metamoph for extra legendary creature protection plus extra shenanigans for thragtusk, strange roots undying, Sun titan. boarded in when I know an opponents deck just can deal with it.
Ratchet bomb for deck versatility I could do Day of Judgment but i think ratchet bomb is better so i can detonate when i control 5CC perms on turn 3-4
Restoration angel gives me another flyer, great target for rancor, more tracker/acidicslime/visionary/strangleroot shenanigans.
Sun titans are great against field wipers and just all around great for this deck, too many combos to really conciser. If board gets wiped its not hard to play sun titian, drop a strangle root and swing exhalted . Sun titan also great to re establish threat by grabbing a tracker and throwing him on the field...grab another Sigarda or a utility such as ratchet bomb or acidic slime.
Entreat in the maybe board for another win state, i think the visionary's kinda mess with miracles but it could be something to consider if 2 are sided out for ratchet bomb and 1 sided out for this miracle.
I have seen a few of these decks with the tracker, not to sound arrogant but so far I like mine the best, Very aggressive and versatile. I believe with R2R coming in and G/W being a color this deck will only get better. It will loose some sideboard and a few mainboard cards when M12 and down leaves. But nothing truly significant to the play style of this deck.
I do run 22 lands 2 of which are evolving wilds so once I sack a wilds my ratio essentially is altered.Prob not too necessary but I do love consistency and I hardly fuel out between the fetching and Garruks draw.
Questions and comments please!