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Super Aggro Rakdos Pauper

Pauper Aggro BR (Rakdos) Pauper




Creature (4)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (4)

My attempt at pauper Rakdos super aggro. The premise of this deck is pretty straight foward, you get low costing creatures out and play low costing buffs to smash your opponents face in. Since the MM3 spoils, I thought Spike Jester would fit well being a 3/1 with haste for BR along with sideboarding Magma Jet , also a recent addition to the pauper family. The sideboard is still a working progress but I am thinking of replacing a few cards for Thunderous Wrath for a touch of burn with Magma Jet . I'm not sure if I want more creature hate spells like Tragic Slip or more burn spells in the sideboard.

The ideal hand is to have at least one Mountain and one Swamp along with one of the many one-drop creatures.

Suggestions encouraged!


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After a few matches with a variety of other pauper decks, I've decided to main Magma Jet and Lightning Bolt and removed Deviant Glee and Weapon Surge. Due to the price of bolt, I only put two in. I also added Looming Spires for that small +1/+1 buff. As for sideboard, I added Thunderous Wrath.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.73
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Pauper
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