Narset, Master of Chain Reaction

Commander / EDH* markszncd

SCORE: 489 | 291 COMMENTS | 136401 VIEWS | IN 205 FOLDERS

Deckologist says... #1

Shu Yun is an infinite storm engine that kills the table in about turns. I didn't realize you were basing its competitiveness off of your local group, my bad dude.

June 2, 2016 1 p.m.

K34 says... #2

Nice to see a fellow user of Long-Term Plans. That card doesn't get enough love.

Very nice deck.

June 11, 2016 4:33 p.m.

I don't have any friends anymore... they all hate me now... this deck just wins...

June 21, 2016 9:02 p.m.

markszncd says... #4

That's why I always bring several decks with me to avoid boring them...

June 21, 2016 9:55 p.m.

Whoever said Arid Mesa was $10 USD, I'll buy all your copies.

June 23, 2016 11:02 a.m.

ChrisCP says... #6

You have Tolaria West listed under Mana Ramp and Land Tutor?

June 25, 2016 3:04 a.m.

markszncd says... #7

Yup, it's a land tutor and also a tutor for Mana Crypt and Lion's Eye Diamond

June 25, 2016 4:35 a.m.

RivenEsq says... #8

Hey, I've enjoyed your list and have used it to make adjustments to my own, within reason (budget is somewhat a concern so I can't buy the ABU duals or the expensive counterspells that you've chosen).

One thing that I find myself uncomfortable with is the lack of evasion that Narset seems to have in your list. How does she survive in combat consistently? Especially with no real auras or evasion aside from Aqueous Form(which I love) and maybe Rogue's Passage if you can pay to activate it. Is there a place for cards like Steel of the Godhead or Angelic Destiny that provide both combat stats and reliable evasion to make sure she survives combat 99% of the time and connects?

I understand the emphasis on getting her out very early with haste, but what do you do when you encounter a creature that you can't attack through without Narset dying when you don't run removal in the list? Just off the top of my head, she would even lose in Combat to a 2/4 like Gray Merchant of Asphodel and pretty much auto loses to any 4 toughness creature, for that matter. While her First Strike and Hexproof really make her more resilient, I can't get past the fact that her 3/2 body makes her very fragile and she is an expensive combo piece if you have to replay her. What are your thoughts and how do you deal with it?

July 2, 2016 4:07 a.m.

RivenEsq says... #9

Also, what do you think about Command Beacon? Paying 8 isn't bad, but I don't really want to pay 10 and paying 12 is incredibly difficult.

How do you deal with edict effects? Without token producers, I thought that running a couple man-lands would help get around it. I have a player in my meta that runs Thraximundar and tends to single me out a lot no matter what deck I am playing. Without other creatures and nothing in our colors that stops sacrifices, Narset loses to him pretty hard if he gets to swing. He also runs stuff like Fleshbag Marauder that comes down about the same time I'm playing Narset. If you whiff extra turns/combats on your first swing and he drops that turn 3, what do you do?

July 2, 2016 5:41 a.m.

markszncd says... #10

This decklist is designed for a 4-player match as if in tournaments. And because this deck is extremely fast, you can usually attack for the first time on as early as turn 3 or 4. Usually you can find at least one player open for a swing on turn 3 or 4. Once entered the infinite, you can kill the rest of the player with Rogue's Passage or Aqueous Form. I've only encountered ONCE the situation which all opponents control creatures big enough to kill narset if I swang it. I attacked anyway, and luckily that trigger revealed Enter the Infinite and I won.

July 2, 2016 6:07 a.m.

markszncd says... #11

If you know that your opponents are likely to make you sacrifice creatures, play narset only if you can give her haste OR you can be fast enough for example like a turn two narset and a turn three attack.

July 2, 2016 6:10 a.m.

markszncd says... #12

I've just dropped Command Beacon like 2 weeks ago! I thought that it could have worked in my deck but after testing, it just didn't meet my expectation. I rarely had to cast narset for 10, and even if I did, there's great chance that I didn't even have a command beacon in hand or on the battlefield. That's why i finally dropped it.

July 2, 2016 6:16 a.m.

Kronosity says... #13

Have you thought of final fortune sunforger and angels grace? I friend of mine started using it in his casual play group and it has me very intrigued as red white is never expected to take multiple extra turns with out a downside

July 15, 2016 4:07 a.m.

markszncd says... #15

It actually is a very interesting idea. If I had a sunforger in my decklist, i'd play this combo for sure!

July 15, 2016 11:31 a.m.

Emzed says... #16

Have you considered lands like Remote Farm and Ruins of Trokair (and their red and blue counterparts)? They are very all-in, but that's what this deck is anyway, right?

July 31, 2016 8:35 a.m.

markszncd says... #17

My friend who's also playing narset uses those land and I personal don't like to use too many tapped lands. With so many rocks in my deck, I sometimes land to tap for mana and cast those rocks as early as possible.

July 31, 2016 10:01 a.m.

Emzed says... #18

I didn't mean to suggest playing all of these lands, but maybe 1-2? You will often have the chance to play them tapped on a turn when you don't need the mana anyway, and currently you don't have a single tapped land.

July 31, 2016 12:45 p.m.

markszncd says... #19

There is one, which is hall of the bandit lord. I know what you mean, the problem is that maybe one tapped land is enough for me. I need mana to cast rocks, haste enchantments, tutors on early turns and that's why I avoid using too many tapped lands. Maybe next time I'll try to include one of those lands you mentioned above and see how it works.

August 1, 2016 10:46 a.m.

Lvka says... #20

Hi, I think you have one minor mistake in decklist. You have 2 Beacon of Tomorrows. Under Extra Turn (9) and Combo Component (4)

August 6, 2016 7:40 a.m.

Emzed says... #21

The formatting allows you to list a card in multiple categories, it's just one copy though.

August 6, 2016 8:02 a.m.

CaptSillva says... #22

You should try out these cards Cataclysm, Steel of the Godhead, and Cryptic Command.

August 7, 2016 12:24 p.m.

markszncd says... #23

I used to have cataclysm and it's dropped for including ravages of war. I have aqueous form already and one unblockable aura is more than enough. Cryptic command is a good card but its just not necessary for this deck.

August 7, 2016 7:50 p.m.

RivenEsq says... #24

So I have managed to budget enough that I could buy the rest of the expensive mana rocks that I was missing in Mox Opal and Mox Diamond. I will also be getting the filter lands (to replace my man-lands that ETB Tapped). One thing I am struggling with is the viability of the Proteus Staff creatureless combo in this deck compared to running the creature package of Grand Abolisher, Simian Spirit Guide, and Generator Servant. I'm also looking for a spot to put in Tolaria West (the man-lands are going to become their respective filter lands later this month).

Would you mind giving me some feedback on what you would swap for the 3 creatures I mentioned if I were to decide to cut the Staff combo for them, as well as what you would swap for Tolaria West? (Mystic Monastery is my likely pick) Obviously one of the cuts would be Proteus Staff, but I'm not sure what I'd for the others. Here is my list:

Another question I had was I noticed that you don't run Mox Opal nor Mox Diamond, the two rocks I just added to the list. What led to that decision for you? The Diamond seems like a perfect fit in here, while I can see how Opal would be marginal, though probably not a huge issue with all the rocks we run. They'll be sticking in my list for the time being as I'm not really willing to buy a LED, but I was curious as to what your thoughts were. If you've addressed it before, I apologize. Thanks!

August 9, 2016 10:01 p.m.

markszncd says... #25

I don't know if running Staff is the best idea. With the current decklist I have now, each attack gives me about 50% chance of winning. Maybe the effort of tutoring for the staff and to activate it by sacrificing a creature land before attacking is much more than just attack and finish the game immediately.

Tolaria west is really versatile and I think you should leave it there. It can be transmuted into a mana crypt, lion's eye diamond, caverns, hall of bandit lord....

I used to have mox diamond. And I finally cut it because I have only 35 lands and it sometimes became useless with only one or no land in hand. I don't think I have enough artifact to be able to run mox opal. Maybe if I include all three colored artifact lands and more ramping artifacts to my list, I'd use it.

There are several cards which you could consider: Rising waters, Static orb, Winter orb, and Lightning Mauler...

August 10, 2016 4:18 a.m.

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