Use the commander and Blasting Station, Marauding Raptor, Evolutionary Leap, or Phyrexian Altar to cheat out Shivan Dragon buy cracking eggs. Do this until every creature is out. If you do it after you just reveal your deck, then shuffle.

Abundance is a good way of getting the Dragon as well, but it also makes you immune to mill decks.

After you get Shivan Dragon out, put every equipment and enchantment on him and get one of the two infinite mana engines out. Mana Geyser + Reiterate is ideal for quick kills since it gives red mana anyway but Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth if you have Chromatic Orrery out is better for a more epic TTK (Total Table Kill).

Once you have Shivan Dragon with enough power (or infinite if the fates are kind to you), cast Chandra's Ignition, you win if there are no responses.

If you don't have Chandra's Ignition, use Aggravated Assault + Trailblazer's Boots to at least kill 2 players.

Deck Potential: If you have the Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth and Chromatic Orrery mana engine out, you can do Chandra's Ignition + Reiterate to do infinite damage to all other creatures and opponents an infinite amount of times. As long as Chromatic Orrery is out the Salt Rings engine can pay for everything with infinite mana to spare, letting you pay Reiterate's buyback cost an infinite amount of times to copy Chandra's Ignition an infinite amount of times.


Updates Add

The deck won for the first time tonight. I drew the boy turn 2 and rode out the board state until I got out Gauntlet of Power.

I cast the boy on turn 7ish and enchanted him with Burrowing on the same turn and Ancestral Mask the next.

I killed one player by flashing in Embercleave (the boy was at 14/14 from GoP and AM) and another player the next since they had a Mountain out.

(player 4 scooped before the pop-off)

I swapped 1 Forest out for Gamble, I would have done it earlier, but I misplaced my copy of it.


Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens Egg 0/1 G, Food, Treasure
Folders Meme Decks, intersting decks
Ignored suggestions
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