I'm thinking you need a little card draw over the Hidden Strings. Divination Perhaps?
October 23, 2013 2:41 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #3
I actually had Divination in here earlier! I might find a way to put it back in, but the Hidden Strings allows me to throw out more creatures faster. Depending on the matchup, I might put them in. In fact, I'll move the Fog to sideboard and throw in Divination
October 23, 2013 2:45 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #4
scratch that, I moved Hidden Strings to the side in favor of Divination
October 23, 2013 2:56 p.m.
hochmaster says... #5
You made some mistakes in playing that I would never make... Let me give some examples:
-Starting with a hand with no basics
-Chaining an Experiment One
-Attacking with an Omenspeaker
-Det Sphere an Elusive Krasis over a corpsejack
-Play a shock and do nothing on my turn, clearly indicating my intentions
-Counter an Elusive Krasis
-Attack with a stormbreath with a corpsejack on the field
These are just some. I could probably give you more things I would have done if I knew what the hands were. I playtested your Superbug against mine and here's what happened:
First game you got mana screwed, so that was really easy. You did manage to eke out a Prophet of Kruphix, but it got chained immediately and I just stormbreathed you to death.
Second game was closer, but you still lost, because you had experiments and masters of waves coming out with no way to attack because magma jet and omenspeaker shut down your early game. Then I got out a heliod and a sphere of safety (4 enchants currently on the battlefield, chained 2 corpsejacks and a biomancer) and you attacked with your strongest dude at the time, experiment one. Took the damage. For the next few turns until I got 8 mana out, I just kept pumping out enchantment tokens, keeping you from attacking with more than one guy. Once I got 8 mana, I tapped out, got two tokens, and you couldn't attack at all. After this point, you had the opportunity to flash in kalonian (because you had a prophet on the field) but it was irrelevant, you didn't have enough mana to attack with anyone. Then I played assemble, waited, and won. Also, I never once shocked myself because I used my basics intelligently, playing shocks when I didn't need extra mana, so no, I don't need lifegain; Sphinx's is just fine. Also, I never once got a verdict and I never needed one either.
October 23, 2013 9:14 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #6
I like that fact that this decks creatures are constantly changing and becoming more threatening. However of it were me I would probably run Read the Bones or Underworld Connections for my draw power here or split it two and two with the Divination s during play tests with Underworld Connections I have decided I like it better. But it is really personal preference. If your happy with the flow leave it. As the old saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it.
October 23, 2013 9:17 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #7
I guess when it boils down to it, everyone can play a deck differently. I don't suppose you could help me to understand why you wouldn't have done some of the things you stated? I guess for me an unblockable creature is bigger threat. Also, why not attack with a creature when you have no opposition and they are tapped out? After playtesting mine, did you come up with any suggestions?
@quadI might switch out Divination for Read the Bones , it is inherently better. Thank you for that suggestion!
October 23, 2013 9:25 p.m.
Vindemiatrixx says... #8
I think overall it is a nice deck, I just think you could benefit from a tad more lower cost creatures, from my view, you are wide open for 3 turns, yeah you have Experiment One which could help, but idk about not having 2 drops. +1 from me, Like I said, I like the direction of the deck, but it doesn't exactly fit my style of play, which doesn't matter overall since its not my deck :D +1 from me
October 23, 2013 9:40 p.m.
hochmaster says... #9
I wouldn't have chained an experiment so I could save it for something bigger or something pivotal to your game, like corpsejack. So, if I don't chain the experiment, I don't attack with the omenspeaker, which means you don't attack with the experiment. It also doesn't make sense to shock yourself to play an omenspeaker and take two, when I could have waited a turn and took one from the experiment. Little things like that can define a game. As for elusive krasis, I would rather have some unblockable damage than let a prophet resolve and wreck me later.
October 23, 2013 10:02 p.m.
hochmaster says... #10
For this deck, I would suggest some powerful removal, preferably at instant speed, such as Putrefy or Far / Away . Other than that, pretty solid against aggro since your combos destroy if you can make them happen.
October 23, 2013 10:06 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #11
Well, I have 8 cards to play with (4x Fog and 4x Divination ) that I mightcould change to somethin else.
I may go the removal path and see how that works, or I mightcould go the earlycreature route. If I go the creature route, what would you suggest? I would go Putrefy and Far / Away if I go removal.
October 23, 2013 11:41 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #12
and/or Cyclonic Rift if I go removal. That card wins games.
October 23, 2013 11:42 p.m.
hochmaster says... #13
I would say toast Fog altogether and run 2 of putrefy and far/away, if you want removal. However, if you want early creature, try Omenspeaker for scry, or Sylvan Caryatid for ramp. I would suggest removal though.
October 24, 2013 12:02 a.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #14
I'll try going the removal route. Thanks for the feedback and I'll update her right away!
October 24, 2013 12:57 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #15
Sweet deck man, I love Corpsejack with the Simic stuff. I will say from my experience with my Simic deck My Prophet, Your Loss that 4 Prophets is a bit heavy. i'd go with 3 tops. There's a definite gap in your creature curve here, so replacing some of the bigger drops with 2- and 3-drops would help smooth things out. I really like Renegade Krasis here since Evolving it seems quite likely, and having a Corpsejack out when that happens would be insane. Sylvan Caryatid is always a good idea too for ramping and early defending, and fixing your mana is important in a 3 color deck.
Also, I've never been a huge fan of Vraska in general since rarely is she any better than a 5-drop kill spell (and by the looks of this deck, there are a lot of other things you would rather do on turn 5). Jace, Architect of Thought or the more budget-friendly Jace, Memory Adept would be good planeswalkers here for card advantage and Blue Devotion for your Master of Waves.
You could replace the Fogs with cheap kill spells like Abrupt Decay to get back some of Vraska's kills and go with Hero's Downfall instead of Putrefy to deal with Planeswalkers. Golgari Charm is actually a really solid mainboard right now as it squashes mono White and other weenie decks, gives you an out v. Supreme Verdict , and the enchantment destruction is more relevant than ever. I've never liked having Fog mainboard since it's a dead draw in many matchups, and 4 seems especially hit-or-miss, so there are definitely some good things you can do with those slots.
Good job with the deck! +1
October 26, 2013 6:39 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #16
Thanks for those ideas! I will consider each of them heavily. I do insist on having the 4 Prophet of Kruphix though simply as that is one of my win conditions, and having it as a 5-drop allows me to do a 5-drop on their turn as well. As for Renegade Krasis , I pulled him out simply due to the double green requirement and the low toughness that makes him weak for burn spells and the likes of them.
I only have Vraska the Unseen in for her -7 ability, honestly. With a Master Biomancer , that is a pretty solid scoop from the opponents most of the time. I may sideboard her though in favor of more control. The Jace idea though is intriguing, I had never considered him but after looking at it, he could be quite useful. The Fog was in here simply for keeping me alive the first few turns until I had the mana for the big drops, but you could be right about adding in some cheap control spells in their stead.
Again, thank you for taking the time to look at this and give me the advice. Check it out in a day or two and see if you like the changes I make after playtesting!
October 26, 2013 7:58 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #17
I have a problem! I can't get my hands on any Hero's Downfall , so I need some suggestions for my sideboard to help me deal with planeswalkers!
October 28, 2013 2:58 p.m.
Abrupt Decay gets rid of all three mana planeswalkers (Domri Rade, Ashiok, Ajani).
Negate counters planeswalkers for two mana.
Ratchet Bomb could be an option if you dropped one early and set it off before your first big drop.
Other than, that, I'm not sure aside from, counters and making your creatures unblockable (Aqueous Form ).
October 28, 2013 3:05 p.m.
hochmaster says... #19
Pithing needle. Just name a planeswalker and you're good.
October 28, 2013 3:05 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #20
Ooh that's a tough one to replace in these colors. Abrupt Decay
can still handle Domri Rade
and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
, and don't forget about Vraska the Unseen
, but the only other option that immediately comes to mind is Bramblecrush
Also, this is kind of out there, but since you already have some of the Blue Devotion stuff here, Thassa, God of the Sea
could be used to give a fatty unblockable while providing a plethora of other benefits.
October 28, 2013 3:13 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #21
Oh yeah, Pithing Needle is always solid.
October 28, 2013 3:14 p.m.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this to you yet, but Corpsejack Menace does not interact with the +1/+1 from Master of Waves just as it does not work with Spear of Heliod . It is not a counter being placed on a creature.
October 28, 2013 3:50 p.m.
NM you didn't mention it that way, so you probably already know.
October 28, 2013 3:53 p.m.
Drfrozenfire says... #24
Correct! But he will work with a Master Biomancer when a Master of Waves comes out to make an elemental army of epic proportions
October 28, 2013 5:20 p.m.
I'd be playing 6-8 Temple of Mystery /Temple of Deceit . Without any card-draw, the Scry would really help you out.
Drfrozenfire says... #1
By jove, I think I've got it.
October 23, 2013 2:13 a.m.