
Standard Drfrozenfire


thewyzman says... #1

I love BUG (see mine: We're Gonna Need A Bigger Die), but you appear to be lacking the two things I have the biggest trouble with:

((1)) Flying, both ((1.a)) as an offensive weapon to deal player damage, and ((1.b)) defensively, you've got very little (just three Putrefy ) to defend against it.

I would consider adding in a few Cloudfin Raptor , and sideboard in a couple more removal cards like Doom Blade , Abrupt Decay , or Ultimate Price (maybe even mainboard), or even a definite sideboard Plummet if you know you're going to be facing a flying-heavy opponent.

((2)) Trample. A big creature isn't scary if it can be chump blocked. If you're going to forego flying attack, trample would be the only other surefire way to deal player damage, outside of Get-Outta-My-Way pre-combat insta-removal like Far / Away .

November 1, 2013 1:04 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #2

I have the lack of trample there simple because a Nylea, God of the Hunt takes up a slot that can be filled with control spells. I also elected to add Glaring Spotlight to make sure I can make my side more dangerous than theirs. I will certainly try to figure out how to take out the flyers. Like I said though, I want to find a way to add in more control spells in lieu of the removal of one creature, but I cannot figure out which one to take out.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this and give me feedback! :)

I will be working on it today and getting it all finished up. Thanks for the input and check it out throughout the day and see the changes!

November 1, 2013 1:13 p.m.

thewyzman says... #3

Check my deck out if you like. I also keep a small list of maybeboard items, just so I can remember all the possibilities for a BUG counters deck. It may spawn ideas for you. I want a couple Nylea's in my deck, but my budget just can't afford her right now at $9 per. I might replace my Elusive Krasis with a couple Bident of Thassa since it helps my other creatures get through unblocked.

November 1, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #4

I did for sure mate. Thanks for that, by the way!

November 1, 2013 1:47 p.m.

thewyzman says... #5

Instead of re-hashing the deck above, I reconstructed another very similar BUG deck: Dice Madness with a little bit more of a control angle. I feel like Time Ebb is an underrated card since it removes their creature and makes them waste their next turn draw to get it back, then pay the mana if they want to put it back on the field... essentially costing them a turn. Of course, using it on things like the old Thragtusk or the new Abhorrent Overlord , or anything else that has an entrance effect could be very bad.Other typical bounce (non-counter) control spells are Disperse , AEtherize .

I've never played with Glaring Spotlight , nor against it. It has its strengths, but it's not a mainboard item in my mind because it's solely dependent on your opponent having hexproof creatures. Sure, the 3-mana pop is nice, and certainly has its use, but maybe you could try more control in its place and keep it on the SB.

November 3, 2013 8:53 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #6

I am a big fan of Time Ebb , for sure. I went 3-2 at this weekend's tournament with this deck, and I plan to make some massive changes. The decks that beat me were mono-black devotion and R/W tokens with a sideboard transformation into control. I would have beat the R/W tokens but I made two extremely stupid moves at crucial times (one was paying for a spell without leaving the right colors to be able to cast a removal spell).

This deck will be undergoing a large amount of change. Mono-color seems to be a huge thing right now and I am going to make sure I can handle that and any other threats that come my way. Look forward to updates in the coming days.

November 3, 2013 11:23 a.m.

Ya those Devotion decks can be tough to stop since they don't even need to hit you much with creatures with ETB guys like Fanatic of Mogis and Gray Merchant of Asphodel doing the heavy lifting. For BUG, one idea for dealing with that is Gaze of Granite since it hits mono-Black's Underworld Connections , Whip of Erebos , etc. Likewise, an Overloaded Cyclonic Rift can be used in response to those creatures, or their triggers if you can't afford the 2 life hit and/or are ready to win next turn.

November 3, 2013 12:40 p.m.

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